Margaret Atwood

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Margaret Atwood

mei 24, 2022, 11:44 am

Atwood responds to book bans with 'unburnable' edition of Handmaid’s Tale
Amid political firestorms over books deemed by rightwingers to be unsuitable for school libraries, the author Margaret Atwood has announced an "unburnable" edition of her most famous novel, The Handmaid's Tale. The Canadian author, 82, appeared in a short YouTube video to announce the project, attempting to flambé the one-off tome with a flame-thrower. ...

Her "unburnable" book is being auctioned by Sotheby's in New York until 7 June. By mid-morning on Tuesday, the price stood at $40,000. All proceeds will go to support Pen America in its "work in support of free expression". ...

mei 24, 2022, 12:18 pm

Reminds me of the famous asbestos edition of Fahrenheit 451!