Found: childrens book- modern retelling of fairy tales?

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Found: childrens book- modern retelling of fairy tales?

sep 15, 2022, 11:19 pm

i am suddenly finding several works not in my library, of which i was certain had been entered years ago.

i read a book to grandchildren 2-3 years ago. a retelling of fairytale themes. i feel as though main character is non magical human? she may be visiting grandparents. three pigs or one of them might be an officer of the law. the grandparents home has books everywhere, floor, counters etc. possibly, newspaper clippings? some of the chapters are presented as newspaper headlines?

MC's family might be helping to keep fairytales hidden? Prince charming is mentioned, and possibly an upcoming wedding.

there is a thing about the locks on the grandparents house. a special sequence? lots of them? not just anybody can get in.


Bewerkt: sep 16, 2022, 12:01 am

FOUND: Sisters Grimm: The Fairy Tale Detectives