Welcome to the 2023 Category Challenge!

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Welcome to the 2023 Category Challenge!

Bewerkt: dec 15, 2022, 7:23 am

Here's a longer explanation of what goes on in the group.

What are the categories?

Anything you want them to be! Each member’s challenge is going to be different.

You can set as many categories as you like, in whatever genres you like.
You can set minimum numbers of books to read in each category, or you can fill them up as the whim takes you.
You can structure your reading year around a theme if you like.
You can focus on prize winners, certain geographical areas, topics that are of particular interest to you, series you want to finish, authors with an extensive backlist… the possibilities are endless.

What if I set up my challenge and then get tired of my categories later in the year?

If your challenge ends up not working for you for any reason, at any point during the year, change it up! There is no Category Challenge police. We’re here to read and have fun.

It's a zoo in here! What are these CATs and KITs and DOGs?

The CATs are the "official" year-long challenges voted on by the members, with different topics each month.

This year’s CATS are:
ClassicsCat: works considered « classics » in a variety of genres.
KiddyCat: focuses on children’s, middle grade, and young adult literature.
SeriesCat: in which we attack our backlog of series reads.
GeoCat: reading books set in or about various places around the world.

The KITs are similar in structure to CATs, but they are informal challenges run by whichever member is willing to do so.

This year we have the following Kits:
RandomKit: a perennial favourite, where the host picks a surprise topic each month.
AlphaKit: another perennial favourite, where two letters of the alphabet are chosen each month and your goal is to find a book that fits those letters in some way.
ScaredyKit: horror and other scary books.
SFFFKit: sci-fi, fantasy, and speculative fiction.
MysteryKit: as it says on the tin, this is for reading mystery books.

The BingoDOG (so named because it is not a CAT or a KIT) is a bingo card put together by the group members. One member will gather suggestions for squares and weed out duplicate suggestions, and the finalists are put on a bingo card. For several years our bingo cards have been constructed by the wonderful LShelby.

Do I have to be a member of this group to join the group challenges?

Not at all! If you have a home base in another group and just want to swing by for one of our group challenges, or a regular group read, you're most welcome to join us.

When do we get started?

The challenge officially starts January 1, 2023, but you can start earlier or later!

okt 10, 2022, 9:32 am

Hurrah! Thank you for setting us up for 2023. Although that does beg the question where the **** has 2022 gone!

Assuming no-one else has a burning desire to do it, I'll set up a thread to start discussing BingoDog later.

okt 10, 2022, 11:43 am

YAY! The Year of the Rabbit! 😃

okt 10, 2022, 1:26 pm

Thank you for setting up the new group! I just love this year's picture - great choice!

okt 10, 2022, 3:47 pm

Now to start thinking of what we want for CATs and KITs! (Although many of the KITs happen every year, so less thinking there.)

okt 10, 2022, 4:09 pm

Thanks for posting this, RP. Now I have to get my thinking cap on and plan my next year's challenge!

okt 10, 2022, 4:11 pm

I'm sheepishly admitting that I've already randomized my TBR list and pulled the 23 titles that will for the core of next year's reading!

I'm interested to see what CATs/KITS we come up with this year as well. I'll probably be even quieter overall in 2023; but hopefully more engaged with the CAT/KIT challenges I do opt in on! I've been terribly lazy about writing more than "I finished this and I'm starting that" sort of thing. Maybe that should be my personal challenge: Posting at least 23 substantial messages across the board in various CAT/KITS... Once the year is set and we see what's-what, I'll see if I can structure that.

okt 10, 2022, 5:51 pm

Thank you for administering for another year, RP! Now to come up with my theme for 2023 . . .

okt 10, 2022, 6:41 pm

Happy Thanksgiving RP

okt 10, 2022, 9:32 pm

>1 rabbitprincess: Thanks for setting this group up!

okt 11, 2022, 3:13 am

Yay, it's that time of the year again! Love the group picture, RP! And thanks for getting us set up.

okt 11, 2022, 8:16 am

I love October. This is just one more reason to like it!

Bewerkt: okt 11, 2022, 11:06 am

Thanks for setting this up again. Great excitement!

I would love to see RandomKit grow up to become a CAT again. If that doesn’t work, I am happy to host RandomKIT again.

okt 11, 2022, 1:26 pm

Thank you for what I know will be another great reading year with lots of ideas!

okt 11, 2022, 1:35 pm

>1 rabbitprincess: Suggestion for a CAT—
KiddyCAT (children and YA books, pun intended!)

okt 11, 2022, 5:52 pm

Thank you, rabbitprincess!

okt 11, 2022, 9:34 pm

>15 LadyoftheLodge: I love what you've called it!

okt 12, 2022, 1:38 am

>15 LadyoftheLodge: 100%! I would love this one as I read tons of middle grade.

okt 12, 2022, 1:41 am

>1 rabbitprincess: Thank you so much for setting up the group for us all to have another fun year of reading!

Will I now spend an inordinate amount of time planning for next year instead of finishing this year's reading!

okt 12, 2022, 7:08 am

Thank you for taking this up and getting us ready for next year. Now to start planning. Like Jayne, I'll spend much time looking at books and themes.

Bewerkt: okt 12, 2022, 12:45 pm

>17 LibraryCin: >18 JayneCM: I am glad to see some interest! The title just came to me in a flash! If not a CAT, it can become a KIT. As a retired teacher of middle grade kids, I am still a reader of kids' stuff. My students would often recommend titles for me, and another teacher and I hosted a middle grade reading group.

okt 12, 2022, 12:43 pm

>19 JayneCM: I get that and have already started thinking about my reading for 2023.

okt 12, 2022, 4:58 pm

>21 LadyoftheLodge: I've suggested the "YoungCAT" (or YACAT or whatever else we've called it) a few times now, so I'd love to do it, even if it ends up being a KIT.

okt 14, 2022, 7:35 pm

>1 rabbitprincess: Thank you RP for starting things rolling. Love the very appropriate graphic!

>15 LadyoftheLodge: >17 LibraryCin: >18 JayneCM: I love children's books so I'd enjoy a KiddyCAT or KIT (or YoungCAT, YAcat, or whatever it might be called)

okt 15, 2022, 8:34 pm

Hmm...how about a BigCAT for long books? (To me long=500+ pages, but I'm open to persuasion for a lower or higher number.)

okt 15, 2022, 11:11 pm

This one may be a little out there, but how about WildCAT and DomestiCAT? I had trouble thinking of twelve different categories for either of these, but I think we could do six apiece and maybe alternate months:

WildCAT - All things adventurous, dangerous, and edgy. Some possibilities:
- Books about wildlife
- Books about exploration/frontiers/survival stories
- Books about war
- Books with explicit sex and/or violence
- Books outside of your comfort zone as a reader
- Post-apocalyptic settings

DomestiCAT - All things comforting, homelike, and cozy. Some possibilities:
- Cozy mysteries
- Books about food or cooking
- Whatever you consider a comfort read
- Books about domestic animals or plants
- Comedies of manners

okt 16, 2022, 2:53 pm

>26 susanna.fraser: I love this idea!

Bewerkt: okt 16, 2022, 4:49 pm

As usual, I'd like to dredge up a few possibilities from previous years:

NewsCAT. This was someone else's idea (Jackie K), and these are some of the suggestions she had:
"...thinking some more I wondered if it would be possible to theme a challenge around categories found within newspapers. For example, politics, foreign affairs, finance, sport, celebrity/entertainment, cooking, cartoons, etc. I'm sure we could come up with 12 categories that would work."

AnimalCAT. I'm not sure this one was completely fleshed out, but lowelibrary suggested it in 2020 and said this:
"How about an animalCAT. We would read fiction or nonfiction about animals, or with animals as the main character."

I'm thinking we could have a month for fiction and one for non-fiction, a month for domestic (incl farm) animals, and one for wildlife. We could do ones for popular individual animals (cats, dogs), but it's nice if we can come up with broader categories, I think. Maybe African animals (can include books on safaris), Just some ideas there.
ETA: a month for extinct and/or threatened animals?

SeriesCAT. I think this was an idea originally put forth by me, and I keep suggesting it. I think it came close in voting last year? this year? but still hasn't made it. Different months could includes series in different genres (fantasy, sci-fi, dystopia, historical fiction, mysteries) and/or things like "first in series" or "last in series". Maybe a series written by different authors. Or a series based in a certain location? I'm sure there are other topics others can come up with, too. I will look further back to see if I can find other possible month ideas for this one.

ETA: We did do the SeriesCAT in 2019! Oops! We can leave it here if we want to consider it again, anyway. Here is the link to the planning thread that lists the topics we came up with then: https://www.librarything.com/topic/298613

okt 16, 2022, 4:09 pm

>28 LibraryCin: Thank you! Actually I'm pretty sure the idea was RidgewayGirl's originally, although I did run with it a bit and got carried away with possibilities :) But I'd be totally up for that one!

okt 16, 2022, 4:48 pm

>29 Jackie_K: It very well might have began with RidgewayGirl (or someone else), but I found your comment from a couple of years back so went with that. :-) Anyway, I've liked the idea ever since someone first mentioned it!

Bewerkt: okt 17, 2022, 9:57 am

I love Wild/Domsticated Cat idea!

I would like to propose a CriminalCat. There could be such categories as true crime, white collar crime, infamous crimes/crimes of the century, international crimes, crimes against humanity, crimes in fiction ,legal thrillers, court room drama, police procedural, military thriller, PI's, spy, Tartan noir, perhaps justice or injustice, thieves, famous art/jewel heists, etc. I'm sure there are plenty more sub-genres that we could come up with.

okt 17, 2022, 12:44 pm

Some interesting ideas here for our 2023 Cats. I love the idea of 'CriminalCat' and would certainly be up for a revisit to 'SeriesCat'.

okt 17, 2022, 7:52 pm

>32 DeltaQueen50: So far, these two appeal the most to me as well.

There are so many CATs and KITs that there's always something that appeals. I wouldn't do a KiddyCAT, but there are a lot of fans here of children's and YA fiction, so it would be good if it got up.

okt 17, 2022, 10:45 pm

>31 Tess_W: I love love love this!

okt 18, 2022, 7:39 pm

>26 susanna.fraser: I like the DomestiCat idea but would pass on the WildCat.

Bewerkt: okt 18, 2022, 7:47 pm

>24 VivienneR: I have a bunch of ideas for KiddyCAT or KIT but would also like to see monthly hosts suggest their own ideas. Here are my thoughts:
Kids’ series
Picture book
About animals
Classic children’s book
Other nonfiction
Reader’s choice
Contemporary issues
Alphabet book
High school/YA/Teen
Middle grades

okt 18, 2022, 9:24 pm

Since the pandemic had really curtailed my travelling the past few years, I'd love to do another geography-based CAT. It could be based on countries, regions, cities, or other criteria, as long as it lets me explore different parts of the world!

okt 19, 2022, 3:40 am

>37 mathgirl40: I wouldn't mind another GeoCAT (was it 2020?), and also liked Tess's All Year GeoKIT in 2021.

okt 19, 2022, 4:09 am

>37 mathgirl40: >38 pamelad: I'd like to do some armchair travelling again, too.

okt 19, 2022, 8:23 am

<37 >38 pamelad: >39 MissWatson:
Add me to the list. I like that idea.

okt 19, 2022, 9:58 am

I'm going to add RandomCAT to the list. I don't mind if it is a CAT or a KIT (if someone would take it on as a KIT), but it's my favourite every year. I love the unpredictability of it.

okt 19, 2022, 1:17 pm

>41 Helenliz: Yeah, everything else is known well ahead of time. RandomCAT is the only wild card.

So maybe WildCardCAT - where we draw a number every month. (TBR placement, letter, genre, something just so it's unpredictable like RandomCAT.

Bewerkt: okt 19, 2022, 5:12 pm

>37 mathgirl40: I like travel/geo kit, also!

Bewerkt: okt 19, 2022, 6:48 pm

>41 Helenliz: If it’s not a CAT, I am willing to host RandomKit again. See >13 LadyoftheLodge:.

okt 20, 2022, 9:54 am

As always, I am willing to host ScaredyKIT, if people want to join. We are a small but regular group of horror/thriller readers and would always welcome new participants.

okt 20, 2022, 12:35 pm

>45 sturlington: I am in for the ScaredyKit!

okt 20, 2022, 12:42 pm

>44 LadyoftheLodge: Good. I must have missed the earlier post. I'm in if its a Cat or Kit.

Bewerkt: okt 20, 2022, 3:35 pm

>47 Helenliz: Thanks, yay! We had fun with it in 2022, and I am looking forward to RandomCAT/KIT again in 2023.

okt 20, 2022, 3:41 pm

>28 LibraryCin: I like all three suggestions: NewsCAT, AnimalCAT, SeriesCAT.

>31 Tess_W: Love the CriminalCAT idea and the categories you suggested.

>42 majkia: We've never had a WildcardCAT before. That sounds like it could be fun!

>44 LadyoftheLodge: Thank you, glad to hear you will host RandomKIT again. It's my favourite. Did you also host MysteryKIT this year? I'd like to see that one continued. I like that they are both KITs because then they are certain and don't have to compete with CAT topics.

okt 20, 2022, 6:14 pm

>49 VivienneR: I did host MysteryKit and would gladly do so again if there is enough interest.

okt 20, 2022, 7:27 pm

I would certainly be interested in another MysteryKIT and also an SFFKIT if anyone wants to host it.

Bewerkt: okt 20, 2022, 10:46 pm

>45 sturlington: I'll be doing ScaredyKIT again!

And RandomCAT/KIT.

Most likely I'll do the MysteryKIT, as well. It's gone on a long time and I do like variety, but that being said, I still have many mysteries on the tbr, so am likely to pretty much always find something to fit. :-)

okt 21, 2022, 11:06 am

I hosted SFFKIT last year, but I don't think I can commit to doing it this year... I just can't be on LT enough right now. I'd be willing to do a month next year though, if someone else wants to host the KIT.

okt 21, 2022, 4:15 pm

>52 LibraryCin: Once we get the CATs decided, I can get the MysteryKit planning thread up and running, unless there is interest in starting to plan now.

okt 21, 2022, 5:35 pm

>54 LadyoftheLodge: Same for AlphaKIT

okt 21, 2022, 5:36 pm

>53 antqueen: I hope someone will step up for running the SFFKIT. If not, I could do it....

Bewerkt: okt 24, 2022, 11:46 pm

A summary of the KITs & CATs that have been suggested so far.

Suggested CATs and the nominating post. I've added some from last year that didn't make the cut.

KiddyCAT >15 LadyoftheLodge:
BigCAT >25 susanna.fraser:
WildCAT >26 susanna.fraser:
DomestiCAT >26 susanna.fraser:
NewsCAT >28 LibraryCin:
AnimalCAT >28 LibraryCin:
SeriesCAT >28 LibraryCin:
CriminalCAT >31 Tess_W:
GeoCAT >37 mathgirl40:
WildCardCAT >42 majkia:
ClassicsCAT >62 pamelad:

KITs and their volunteer hosts:

AlphaKIT - host majkia
MysteryKIT - host LadyoftheLodge
RandomKIT - host LadyoftheLodge
ScaredyKIT - host sturlington
SFFKIT - host majkia

okt 24, 2022, 4:13 pm

>57 VivienneR: Thank you! It helps to see them all listed out.

okt 24, 2022, 4:36 pm

>57 VivienneR: Thank you Vivienne!

okt 24, 2022, 5:56 pm

When suggestions are over we can start voting. I can handle voting.

okt 24, 2022, 9:46 pm

>57 VivienneR: Can you take out my Young/YACAT? I think the KiddyCAT will cover it nicely and I'm happy to have children's stuff included with the YA.


okt 24, 2022, 10:18 pm

>57 VivienneR: I'd like to see a ClassicsCAT. We could do a mixture of time periods and genres e.g. Crime classics; Adventure classics; Nineteenth century.

okt 24, 2022, 11:47 pm

>61 LibraryCin: Done!

>62 pamelad: ClassicsCAT was already on the list because it was suggested last year and didn't make it. I've added your post number.

okt 24, 2022, 11:51 pm

>63 VivienneR: Saw it on the list and was adding some support. Thank you!

Bewerkt: okt 25, 2022, 11:32 am

I can be ready to vote. We have a decent list.

Bewerkt: okt 25, 2022, 11:32 am

>62 pamelad: Thanks for your clarification on that. I was a little uncertain about how ClassicsCAT would look.

okt 25, 2022, 3:27 pm

Doesn't look like we will have any more suggestions so I'll post a voting thread today.

Be prepared for discussion or quesions about what format the CAT might take.

okt 25, 2022, 3:37 pm

CAT voting is now open at https://www.librarything.com/topic/345396

okt 25, 2022, 9:50 pm

>57 VivienneR: Is there any discussion anywhere on these three:


I'd just like to get a better idea of what they might entail. Thanks!

okt 26, 2022, 7:03 am

>69 LibraryCin: Not sure about the others, but I think the African/Asian cats were a couple that "lost" last year being either authors from those countries or a book set in those countries, if I remember correctly.

okt 26, 2022, 8:42 am

I would prefer the African and Asian one be separated as there are so many in each category and I don’t see them actually fitting together.

okt 26, 2022, 8:45 am

>71 Kristelh: If I remember rightly, they were originally proposed separately but then amalgamated because they did not look like they would get enough votes individually but might do so together.

okt 26, 2022, 3:09 pm

>69 LibraryCin: That was a CAT suggestion that didn't make it through last year. There was some discussion of it then. You might have to delve into old threads.

>71 Kristelh: As Robert says in >72 Robertgreaves: there were separate proposals originally that were later amalgamated. If the CAT is chosen this year it could be formatted by the host as either African or Asian for each month. That would accommodate everyone.

okt 26, 2022, 3:21 pm

I'd imagine that CityCat would be a mixture of "read a book set in city X" with read a book set in a fictional city, a historical city, one book set in two cities and so on.

But it wasn't my idea, so that's just a suggestion.

okt 26, 2022, 10:32 pm

Thanks, everyone!

okt 28, 2022, 7:19 am

I started a ScaredyKIT planning thread where we are calling for volunteer hosts and topic ideas: https://www.librarything.com/topic/345447

okt 28, 2022, 9:05 am

And I've started the SFFKIT planning thread. Also looking for volunteers.


okt 28, 2022, 11:55 am

MysteryKIT planning thread is up, despite the quirky typo in the title!

okt 28, 2022, 12:01 pm

RandomKIT planning thread here:

okt 28, 2022, 4:28 pm

>78 LadyoftheLodge: Fixed the quirky typo :)

okt 28, 2022, 8:02 pm

>80 rabbitprincess: Thanks! Laughing here!

okt 29, 2022, 10:59 pm

>78 LadyoftheLodge: >80 rabbitprincess: Oh rats! I was too late to see what the type was! :)

okt 30, 2022, 10:06 am

>82 JayneCM: The title I typed was MysterKIT. Maybe a good title for romance novel KIT?

okt 30, 2022, 3:08 pm

>83 LadyoftheLodge: LOL! I had missed it, too!

okt 31, 2022, 2:24 pm

>83 LadyoftheLodge: We could have added a MyssisKIT

okt 31, 2022, 5:13 pm

>85 VivienneR: Oh that is cute! Maybe we need Myster and Myssis Kit.

nov 1, 2022, 10:39 am

nov 2, 2022, 12:12 pm

Now that the categories are decided, and maybe reading plans take shape—we still need some monthly hosts for MysteryKit. Please post on the MysteryKit planning thread to volunteer. Thanks!

nov 2, 2022, 2:33 pm

Waiting for an official announcement!

nov 2, 2022, 2:54 pm

CAT voting is now closed. We have four clear winners for 2023. A great mix of CAT breeds.

KiddyCAT with 22 votes - nominated by LadyoftheLodge
SeriesCAT with 24 votes - nominated by LibraryCin
GeoCAT with 25 votes - nominated by mathgirl40
ClassicsCAT with 23 votes - nominated by pamelad

CAT planning can now begin. Volunteer hosts are welcome to set up anytime!

Bewerkt: nov 2, 2022, 9:22 pm

Oh! I guess that means I start the SeriesCAT planning thread!? Will do!

nov 3, 2022, 7:31 am

Now that the CATs are decided, we hope you may also decide to join a KIT or two. Over at ScaredyKIT, we have open months that need someone to host. Please come on by: https://www.librarything.com/topic/345447#

nov 4, 2022, 9:05 am

>90 VivienneR: yippee! I'm so glad KiddyCAT made the list. :)

nov 4, 2022, 1:28 pm

>93 fuzzi: That one has been in the works under various names for a few years. Come on over and sign up for a month!

nov 4, 2022, 4:45 pm

The ClassicsCAT is looking for hosts in September, October and December. Please drop in.

nov 4, 2022, 10:20 pm

Still looking for a few SeriesCAT hosts, as well.

Pop by if you think you might be interested in hosting (there is a list of possible themes to choose from if you - like me - are not necessarily good at coming up with something on your own!)


Bewerkt: nov 5, 2022, 8:43 am

The GeoCAT also needs volunteers! There are still a number of regions of the world that need hosts.


Bewerkt: nov 5, 2022, 5:06 pm

Looking for two more hosts for the ClassicsCAT - September and October. There are 9 CATs and KITs needing hosts, so I can see how people might be overstretched.

nov 5, 2022, 6:09 pm

KiddyCAT has host openings for July, September, October. Swing by if you are interested. Suggestions are listed but open to new ones too.

nov 5, 2022, 8:01 pm

Is it my imagination or is it proving more difficult to find hosts this year than it has been in other years? I am hosting for 4 months while normally it's only for one or two. Have we got more CATs and KITs than we used to? A decline in the number of people willing and able to host?

Bewerkt: nov 5, 2022, 8:47 pm

>100 Robertgreaves: I don’t think you are imagining it. I am also hosting 5 this time.

I am curating/managing the same two Kits I did last year.

Bewerkt: nov 5, 2022, 8:53 pm

>100 Robertgreaves: I think it's that some of us are cutting back on the amount of planned reading we'll be doing. I'm going to continue with the same number of Cats, but not participate in every Cat every month. I'm seeing that, or something similar on other member threads. I'm hosting two cats and considering a third.

nov 5, 2022, 8:53 pm

>102 clue: Same here, I am hosting in every CAT I participate in and Kits too other than Alpha. In 2022 we have 3 CATS and same number of KITS as in 2023.

Bewerkt: nov 5, 2022, 9:34 pm

>102 clue: This is not a suggestion, just something I've been mulling over. I wonder if we didn't expect reading for a topic to be for the next month and gave the member the opportunity to post any month at any time if that would help. I don't know how we'd go about setting up the categories month's though.

nov 5, 2022, 9:05 pm

I am hosting in every KIT and CAT I plan on reading in this next year. I am even up from the hosting I did last year.

Bewerkt: nov 5, 2022, 9:30 pm

>100 Robertgreaves:, et al -- the numbers tell the story:

This 2023 Category Challenge Group has 43 members.

The 2022 Category Challenge Group has 131 members.

I think there are many participants in 2022 who may not realize that the 2023 Group has started.

Perhaps a 2023 recruitment post in each of the current November 2022 threads might generate some interest?

nov 5, 2022, 9:32 pm

>106 kac522: yea, with only 43 members so far no wonder we're struggling for hosts.

nov 5, 2022, 9:46 pm

>106 kac522: sneaking off to actually join the 2023 category group

nov 5, 2022, 9:58 pm

I'm guilty of not volunteering yet. I used to host CAT challenges but a couple of years ago, a change in my work responsibilities made my schedule much busier and I've been wary about over-committing.

Things are settling down now and I expect I'll have more time next year. However, I'm in the process of organizing the GeoCAT and I thought I'd wait to see if all the spots get filled. If not, I can cover unfilled spots and I may be able to do that for one or two other CATs/KITs too.

nov 5, 2022, 10:56 pm

I had actually thought that I would cut back on my Cat/Kit participation this year but here I am hosting 8! I do plan on skipping a number of months so that I can have a little freedom in my reading choices but perhaps we should look at how many Cats/Kits we honestly think we can support during one year.

Bewerkt: nov 5, 2022, 11:01 pm

I'm hosting 3 CATs and 2 KITs, but that's probably about normal for me. (Plus hosting two months in two other challenge groups.) That might even be fewer than some other years, but if it is, it's not by much.

nov 5, 2022, 11:01 pm

nov 5, 2022, 11:02 pm

I honestly don't think we're doing too bad for finding hosts. I feel like it takes a bit of time and prodding every year to fill all the spots.

nov 5, 2022, 11:52 pm

I'm doing seven months and am happy to do more. But I will wait for a week or so and see if more members join. I'm sure there are definitely people who do not plan as far ahead as some of us and may not have joined this group yet. :)

nov 6, 2022, 1:22 am

>104 clue: I believe there are a couple of people who do that already. If they're reading a book in March, say, that would fit the July category, then it is posted and entered in the wiki as a July choice. Currently, I'm still reading one of my October books and I'll enter it as an October choice.

nov 6, 2022, 6:00 am

I think that it's a factor of the number of Cats/Kits increasing. Back in 2014 there were only 5 Cats/Kits. Now there are 10. So, 5 extra groups with 12 hosts each means an additional 60 hosts.

Bewerkt: nov 6, 2022, 11:35 am

>106 kac522:, >107 majkia:. Do you know how many people had signed up for the group around this time last year? I did not write down the number, but I remember that it was low. Many people do not seem to join this early.

>116 dudes22:. I agree that now, especially this year (2022) and next (2023) there are more Cats/Kits than there used to be. We have occasionally had 4 Cats before; I think it is the number of Kits that has increased with several annual Kits.

Most years I have hosted several Cats/Kits. However, in a few weeks I will be 79 years old, and decided to try to avoid hosting, which I do not really enjoy. (61 is the year I graduated from high school, not the year I was born. I used the nickname Sally Lou then.) (I unsuccessfully tried not to host this year, but ended up even being in charge of a Cat.) Also, although there are a great variety of Cats this year and I will probably read in the Classics and Kiddie Cats, as a whole I am not as enthusiastic about any of the Cats this year.
How many of the regular hosts are senior citizens? I know some others are.

nov 6, 2022, 6:41 am

Deze gebruiker is verwijderd als spam.

nov 6, 2022, 7:05 am

I have been rather busy doing non-LT things over the last days, so I'm late to the discussions. And I do think that it's a question of numbers: many more CATs/KITs than in the early years, and many regulars haven't joined yet.

nov 6, 2022, 6:43 pm

KiddyCAT still has a September opening for a host.

nov 7, 2022, 11:06 am

I've got to tell you, this group of Categories, Cats and Kits is mind boggling. Still I'm so curious I've got to give it a try. I think I have my categories in mind so I guess I'll just jump in and see where the tide takes me.

nov 7, 2022, 12:24 pm

>121 Carmenere: Welcome Lynda!

nov 7, 2022, 2:50 pm

>122 DeltaQueen50: Thanks, Judy! If my categories are even a 1/4 good as yours, I'll be a happy camper. :0)

Bewerkt: nov 8, 2022, 2:21 am

>100 Robertgreaves: I admit it, I'm one of the "guilty ones" who didn't step up for 2023.
I only hosted a couple months in a couple places this past year, but TBH, they were pretty uninspiring "Host Posts; And even though I tried to fit as many books as possible across all the different challenges without committing to any challenge all the way through to all 12 prompts, I still felt overwhelmed! I decided I had to set some boundaries in terms of hosting next year and; in the number of challenges that I would focus on overall. I hoping a year of "re-setting" will enable me to be more energetic and engaging with the challenges I have chosen to participate in.

(BTW, I had actually set up a grid with all the hosting slots for 2023 and... it was... a lot!)

nov 7, 2022, 5:04 pm

>124 Tanya-dogearedcopy: this is supposed to be fun. Feeling overwhelmed is awful. Take care of yourself.

nov 7, 2022, 6:29 pm

>125 majkia: Interestingly, this past year, I joined another group, "Reading Through Time" and had been pretty much just been lurking over there... Because I was feeling the edges of what's-what in regard to the group's zeitgeist, I didn't volunteer for a prompt; but I ended up contributing more in the end and having an incredibly rich reading year besides! That's what I'm hoping for next year-- in DeltaQueen50's words, "Balance and Focus" :-)

nov 8, 2022, 12:45 am

>124 Tanya-dogearedcopy: I hope you won't feel overwhelmed in 2023. It's an unpleasant feeling at any time but especially so when reading is meant to be fun. I felt a bit of pressure for the past couple of years because there were so many KITs and CATs and I felt obliged to participate in all of them every month. Now I remind myself that I only need to participate when the book that fits a category is one that I'd read without a challenge.

Take care, enjoy your reading.

nov 8, 2022, 7:40 am

>127 VivienneR: Hear, Hear!! My 2023 goal is to read what I want, when I want! I do love using the challenges to bring a book higher on my TBR and also to cause me to pay attention to books that I might have missed. All fun, no stress.
Thank you to those willing to host this year. I hope to be able to adjust this year and come back to host in 2024. It's really not hard at all to host but it puts one more deadline on my calendar I have to step back to regroup.

nov 8, 2022, 3:21 pm

I know there seems like a lot of CATs and KITs, but I like having a KIT that aligns with a genre I would read anyway, because I know where there's a group of people who are reading and recommending in my favorite genres. I suspect that's why some KITs keep getting renewed each year, and also because some, like AlphaKIT, are just useful for deciding what to read next.

I am going to try to participate in the GeoCAT this year, but I know from past experience I can't really do more than one CAT, and even then probably not all 12 months. I wonder if it would keep people from feeling overwhelmed if we limited the number of CATs to two in the future, but let people opt to make any number of KITs to suit their interests.

Bewerkt: nov 8, 2022, 4:48 pm

>129 sturlington: In 2023 two of the four CATS, GeoCAT and SeriesCAT, are repeats and this year one of the three, CATWoman is a repeat. We could consider having only two CATs in future or reducing the number of hosts and topics per CAT/KIT.

This year I've read a book for every month for the AuthorCAT, and most months of CATWoman. It's not the reading that's a problem, because we can read whatever we like. It's finding 12 topics and 12 hosts per CAT. I salute DeltaQueen who is hosting nine!

ETA CATs and KITs that run for 6 months? With 6 two-month topics?

nov 8, 2022, 5:14 pm

>130 pamelad: Thanks for the salute! :) I am a completist but one of my goals for next year is to work hard at knowing my limits and to not participate in every Cat/Kit instead I will try to pick and chose according to my TBR.

nov 8, 2022, 6:48 pm

For example, Random Kit was a very popular CAT in the past, but got voted out and became a Kit. The host spots filled up fast, so it seems that it’s well liked. It only became a Kit because it didn’t make it as a Cat.

Bewerkt: nov 8, 2022, 8:18 pm

>132 LadyoftheLodge: I think the main reason RandomCAT became a KIT is that it runs every year. Now that it's a KIT, and because it's so popular, everyone can assume it's going to run.

Perhaps not all the CATs and KITs need a monthly setup with topic hosts e.g something like the Historical Fiction Challenge that lots of us have picked up this year. The topics within it are self-explanatory, so the host could set up the 8 topics at the beginning of the year.

Historical Fiction Challenge

1. Set in the country you're from
2. Set in a different country
3. Set in your favourite historical period
4. Set in period you're less familiar with
5. Historical fiction with a speculative element
6. About a real historical figure or a specific event
7. A classic work of historical fiction
Bonus: a work of historical fiction of over 500 pages

In 2021 there were the 1910 - 1950 Challenge, and the Classics Challenge which I recorded here. In the 1910 - 1950 Challenge the first two options refer to the country you are from, not specifically Australia.

nov 8, 2022, 8:41 pm

>133 pamelad: I really like the idea you proposed. It would make sense for the RandomKIT to keep offering monthly themes, and this seems reasonable for the chosen CATs too.

However, I like the idea of the KITs using a list of prompts that can be chosen at the beginning of the year and filled at any time. To keep the discussion more focussed, perhaps we could do 3 prompts per quarter. This would require only 4 hosts, and to be honest, I don't think a host really needs to do more than just start the new thread. The participants can all contribute book recommendations.

It looks as if most of the CATs and KITs are all set to go for 2023, but I'm definitely open to different formats for future years.

nov 8, 2022, 9:25 pm

>133 pamelad: >134 mathgirl40:

Perhaps we could mix this with our current practice so that we have 3 or 4 prompts that fit nearly every CAT/KIT, such as "a book in this genre/topic you've had for a long time" or "a book you meant to read for one of this year's prompts but you didn't get round to", which the person running the CAT/KIT could just slot in automatically, thus reducing the number of hosts needed.

I do appreciate it when hosts have obviously put some effort into thinking about their topic and come up with some suggestions or resources to help us find books that fit.

nov 8, 2022, 9:28 pm

I don't think that the "slow to fill" is necessarily a valid gauge. Maybe we're expecting them to fill too quickly? Perhaps before some people who are really busy at the time they come out have time to look. I know that I had not had a chance to look at many of them before they had been assigned. I just had too much going on in my life at the moment.

I also think everyone has a busier life right now, and some people may be deciding which ones they will participate in and which they won't. I know I will be very selective in participation this year because I want to read what I want to read. If I can fit it into a challenge, that's great. If I can't, I'm not going to worry. I've bookmarked many of the challenges (and will probably get around to others I haven't visited yet). I will see what I have in my stash that will fit them and try to get to them that month. 2022 has been a stressful year, and I know I need a more relaxing 2023. I think I'm on track to do that. I will set my total book goal lower than last year's. I'll enjoy my time with the cats and my stitching time in addition to my reading time.

nov 8, 2022, 9:41 pm

>129 sturlington: I also like the KITs for that reason.

All our KITs this year are ones we've done before. I wanted to take a couple of the "failed" CATs to see if anyone else wanted to do a KIT, but decided against it due to how many. But that being said, I feel like there are so many KITs that this may be the case every year.

nov 8, 2022, 9:44 pm

>136 thornton37814: I don't think that the "slow to fill" is necessarily a valid gauge. Maybe we're expecting them to fill too quickly?

I agree with this. It's still only Nov 8th! There is lots of time to get organized before January.

Bewerkt: nov 8, 2022, 11:01 pm

>136 thornton37814:, >138 LibraryCin: It depends on how many hosting duties people want to take on and whether they'd prefer to do fewer but have taken on more in order to help out.

Slow to fill is a valid measure, as far as I can see. I'd hate to hang around for weeks and weeks waiting for people to volunteer to host a month and never knowing whether they would. Myers-Briggs probably has something to say about that.

nov 9, 2022, 6:58 am

>139 pamelad: The planning threads for each went up October 28. People were panicking one week later that some months had not been claimed. It's a busy time. I don't think we should worry about it until after a couple weeks. Then we need to just remind folks that we've got openings. If they aren't filled by the end of the third week, you've got a problem. I've been so tied up with genealogical presentations and with a system migration at work that I barely had time to look. I caught MysteryKit simply because it was on either the monthly thread or last year's thread. I hosted threads in 3 challenges this year . . . and I'll admit that one was a challenge for me to get up on time. Fortunately I'd already done prep work for it so I found the time to set up the monthly theme.

As much as I love the KITs, I'll admit they probably limit participation in some of the CATs. We all can only read so many books. We all have outside lives--some busier than others. When all we had were CATs, I'd participate in only the ones that interested me enough to commit. When we had the RandomCAT, I'd only join about 4 to 6 times a year because so many of the themes didn't fit what I wanted to read. This year my approach is to try to read what I want. I have things that fit most if not all the months on MysteryKIT and KiddyCAT. I will probably participate most months there. Whether I remember to update the wiki is another matter entirely! I'm so far behind on that for this year. I will join other CATs and KITs when I have something that fits that I can get around to reading.

nov 9, 2022, 2:56 pm

>140 thornton37814: Whether we give people a week to volunteer or a month, we have a lot of CATs and KITs that each need 12 hosts. It doesn't hurt to toss a few ideas around.

nov 9, 2022, 3:04 pm

I am not convinced that we need monthly hosts. When CATs, KITs and monthly topics are chosen then why not just start posting in a thread for the month, using a similar format as "(month) Bingo Reads". It seems to me that being a host can cause unnecessary pressure and that's no fun. We all interpret topics differently anyway.

It seems our format needs to be streamlined to something less restricted.

Bewerkt: nov 9, 2022, 3:23 pm

>142 VivienneR: I think it is good that we are having these discussions now, so we can plan for any format changes for next year. (Personally, I did not participate in all the CATs and KITS this year, just the ones I was interested in and that would fit with my reading plans.)

nov 9, 2022, 3:20 pm

<143 Agreed.

Adding some commentary to things.

Merely that I post all monthly AlphaKIT posts and it isn't very difficult or time consuming. Once you know what the topic is, posting is easy. And I seldom have to intervene or even respond on those posts.

nov 9, 2022, 3:39 pm

>144 majkia: Also, I think some of the hosts feel as if they have to add a lot of graphics or a list of ideas or titles. I appreciate those very much and I like to add graphics and lists when it is my turn to host, but I do not think it is necessary, just a short intro to tell the participants what the topic is about is okay too.

Bewerkt: nov 9, 2022, 4:49 pm

If the CAT topics weren't restricted to months and majority opinion, anyone could post a topic that catered for the interests of a small group, which might be a good thing. Or maybe not, in the case of religion and politics, in the interests of harmony.

This isn't clear. I'm talking about the topics within a CAT and suggesting that once we've chosen the CAT anyone who's interested can post a topic at any time.

nov 9, 2022, 3:53 pm

I seem to have acquired BingoDog (I'm not sure how) but that seems to me to be much less of a burden than hosting a month is. I post once a month, list the squares and leave the thread to itself. I have occasionally pointed someone on the right direction of this months thread if they have missed it. But that's the limit of my involvement.

There is, to me, to be an expectation that the host will come up with ideas for books, will illustrate it and will revisit the thread regularly to maintain it. That has put me off offering to host in both Classic & Geo CATs this year as while I'm interested in reading the topics, I felt I had insufficient knowledge to fulfill that expectation.

nov 9, 2022, 4:23 pm

>147 Helenliz: and I appreciate you pointing me to the thread!

I hadn't realized it was the same person (you) who was setting up the thread each month. I just thought it was whoever was posting first (if there wasn't already I thread set up... and I missed it this month).

Bewerkt: nov 9, 2022, 4:25 pm

>147 Helenliz: There is, to me, to be an expectation that the host will come up with ideas for books, will illustrate it and will revisit the thread regularly to maintain it.

I do the first couple of things (provide a few ideas and add graphics), but that's probably not necessary if people don't want to or don't have time. An explanation of the topic is generally appreciated, though.

I also like having the link to the wiki right there in the first post, as well.

Revisiting the thread, though... Well, I read the posts, but generally don't need to do much else with regard to maintenance.

Bewerkt: nov 9, 2022, 4:58 pm

>146 pamelad: Not clear, so I fixed it.

>147 Helenliz: I like to do this because I have plenty of spare time and an enthusiasm for inflicting my reading tastes on other people. But lots of people here just don't have the time. Also, there must be some topics that are pretty well self-explanatory. And thank you for doing the BingoDog!

nov 9, 2022, 6:10 pm

>146 pamelad: "once we've chosen the CAT anyone who's interested can post a topic at any time"

Good idea! Keep it simple. That was what I was suggesting at #142 but you said it better.

>147 Helenliz: Thank you, Helen, for taking on BingoDog - whether you wanted to or not! It seems to me to be more work than any CAT or KIT.

nov 9, 2022, 6:55 pm

>151 VivienneR: So for instance, if Africa is the topic for September in GeoCat and I read an Africa book in May, I can just start a thread? Just want to be sure I understand correctly.

And yes, a big thank you to all the hosts.

nov 9, 2022, 7:18 pm

In a way, it seems as if things are getting more complicated, rather than less, as we are throwing ideas around.

nov 9, 2022, 7:37 pm

>152 marell: My idea was: if say, GeoCAT was chosen, anyone could read a book with a geographical connection in any month they feel like. We could have a thread each month such as "January GeoCAT reads" using the month instead of a topic. First person to read a "Geo" book opens the monthly thread. No hosts or monthly topics required.

nov 9, 2022, 8:18 pm

>154 VivienneR: That sounds similar to the GeoKIT we had in 2020 - each region had a yearlong thread like the X and Z yearlong thread for AlphaKIT

Bewerkt: nov 9, 2022, 8:33 pm

>153 LadyoftheLodge: I think we have two related questions.

Is the number of CATs and KITs manageable?
Are too many hosts needed?

Some people think things are OK the way they are, but others say they're overwhelmed.

There have been lots of suggestions for reducing the number of topic hosts, and the expectations for topic hosts. I think it's good that people are brainstorming ideas.

1. The person running the CAT posts the topic threads and there are no topic hosts. Topics run all year. (Like the Historical Fiction challenge, with a separate thread for each option)
2. There are no topics. Instead, there's a monthly thread where people post on any book related to the CAT. (Like BingoDOG)
3. Anyone can post a topic thread when they see it would be useful. (A variation on 1, but the topics aren't decided at the beginning).
4. Reduced number of topics. They are hosted and run all year. (Like 2020 GeoCAT)

Bewerkt: nov 9, 2022, 8:50 pm

>156 pamelad:

There have been times when I have had ideas for topics but refrained from suggesting them because for whatever reason I wasn't going to be able to host them. How about if we brainstorm topics and then we have a mixture of monthly hosted topics and orphan topics which nobody has volunteered to host. So a year might look like this:

January hosted topic
February hosted topic
March free
April free
May hosted topic
June hosted topic
July hosted topic
August hosted topic
September free
October hosted topic
November free
December hosted topic

Then in the months marked free, people can choose something from one of the orphan topics - or not, just as they please. The CAT/KIT runner would set up a thread and wiki for the orphaned topics at the beginning of the year but wouldn't need to write an introduction apart from a list of the topics. This would take the pressure off of having to find hosts for all topics.

nov 9, 2022, 9:48 pm

>157 Robertgreaves: There have been times when I have had ideas for topics but refrained from suggesting them because for whatever reason I wasn't going to be able to host them.

This doesn't answer the rest of your suggestion, but I'm not in the least bit creative and often have trouble coming up with topics. I would have loved for you to suggest topics for the rest of us to choose from!

nov 10, 2022, 4:20 am

>148 LibraryCin: I try and post it on the 1st of each month, but I'm not infallible. I think it gets pinned within a day or so of having been posted each month. How that bit happens is a mystery to me, I assume it is down to the group creator.

>151 VivienneR: I'm not sure how I ended up with it, but I don't mind. Once the card is done, it pretty much runs itself. Picking the squares is likely to be the sticky bit - I will upset any number of people every year for a variety of reasons. I can live with that.

Do Bingocard participants want one thread a month, or just one thread that gets continued when it reaches a certain length? Just wondering which might be easier or more useful to people. I'm aware that participation drops off as people finish their cards. I've set up a combined November/December thread to finish the year.

nov 10, 2022, 5:01 am

>159 Helenliz: I think a combined two month or quarterly would be good - saves you having to set up a thread every month.

nov 10, 2022, 9:24 am

>156 pamelad: Thank you for the summary. It was getting too confusing. Personally I would vote for the simplest solution. I really like your #2 a monthly reporting of books that meet the general CAT. Perhaps a list compiled in the first post of the CAT with 12 suggestions so we have guidance for choosing our books, but are not time limited to the particular month.
I like simple with no firm deadlines...that's me. Others want the accountability so they could assign each suggestion to a specific month and stick to it.

nov 10, 2022, 10:17 am

“I like simple with no firm deadlines...” That’s me too.

nov 10, 2022, 10:50 am

>147 Helenliz:. I don't know why you think that you need to open the BingoDOG thread each month. I much preferred it in the past when the first person to read something opened the thread. I find it very annoying to see the list of topics each month; it seems like a waste of space to me. Moreover, people participating in BingoDOG usually have a BingoDOG card, and can easily see what squares they still have to fill. This is just my opinion; others may disagree with me.

nov 10, 2022, 11:09 am

>159 Helenliz: I don’t think you have to post a BingoDog thread every month. If a participant needs suggestions, they could post a request in the BingoDog planning thread.

Bewerkt: nov 10, 2022, 11:12 am

>161 beebeereads: I like the idea of including the 12 suggestions for monthly topics, keeping it simple, as you said. I do appreciate suggestions for some topics though, since I am not always familiar with them. Then I need suggested titles from other readers.

nov 10, 2022, 12:03 pm

>165 LadyoftheLodge: I know the GeoCAT is already being planned, but I really like this idea too for that CAT especially. A challenge to read a book from 12 different regions of the world but no specific month in which it has to be read. Perhaps volunteers could start each of the threads for the different categories at the beginning of the year and then we just add to it throughout the year as we read? We can also chime in with suggestions on that thread when it is posted so the host doesn't have to come up with everything.

Another idea might be to do 4 broader categories, but have them open for an entire quarter. I think we did this on a previous GeoKIT, and I liked the concept of it. This would also limit the number of hosts that would be needed.

It may be too late to do this for this year's CATs, but I think it would be a nice solution for future years.

nov 10, 2022, 12:15 pm

>166 sturlington: It is too late for this year for the CATs and KITS that have a full roster of hosts already set up. I think we need to wait until next year to rearrange how we do things.

nov 10, 2022, 1:42 pm

>156 pamelad: Excellent summary! My first choice would be 2, followed by 1.

>167 LadyoftheLodge: Naturally this discussion is about the years to come, not this year. We need to remember it around next October.

The number of posts this year that described being overwhelmed or burned out regarding CAT planning was concerning. None of us want anyone to feel that way.

nov 10, 2022, 2:52 pm

>167 LadyoftheLodge:, >168 VivienneR: Perhaps next year we can consider a range of formats, and the person managing the CAT/KIT can choose the one that suits best. There could be other variations we haven't thought of, as well.

nov 10, 2022, 2:53 pm

I was (and am) actually relieved these discussions came up and that I'm not alone. I felt guilty about not hosting and was really struggling with everything, even when I was picking and choosing amongst all the CATs. KITs, etc. I seriously considered not participating at all; but I've actually had such a rewarding (if limited) reading year, and I didn't want to further isolate myself from this community which I consider my home base on LT. For me, 2023 is about setting boundaries and managing expectations. I won't be participating across the board as much; but hope to be more fully engaged in the places where I've chosen to commit.

FWIW, I think AlphaKit is a model challenge: Expectations are clear and set up ahead of time; No need for monthly hosts or elaborate introductions; A mix of monthly and year-long prompts.
Years ago, we ran a history challenge that had a mix of time period and specific topics within each month which, for whatever reason, I found very confusing. But now that the challenge has been re-constituted with modifications as Reading Through Time, it's much more negotiable. The time periods are set up quarterly over a three year cycle and people volunteer for monthly topics.
And I thought the year-long GEOkit worked well too.
I somehow missed the Historical Fiction Challenge but I suspect I would have loved it! Is this recurring? Something we could raise the profile on for 2023 as well?

I don't know that a sea change across all the CATs/KITs is necessary-- maybe just the ones where the hosting slots have been slower to fill up warrant another look?

nov 10, 2022, 3:37 pm

>169 pamelad: I totally agree with this. I think every Cat/Kit will have different structures that will work for it, it could be that 12 hosts are needed like the RandomKit or it could be that one host for the year is all that is required. Also some will require topics and others will not. The only thing I would worry about is that people may hesitate to put forth a Cat idea as they don't want the responsibility to rest on them for the year.

I do think it would be interesting to have 2 full cats that we have voted on, and then, if needed, 1 more cat that could be divided in half - 6 months for each topic that came 3rd and 4th in the voting. This along with all the various Kits would still give us lots of choices.

Bewerkt: nov 11, 2022, 4:24 pm

Since I usually host MysteryKit, I would be happy to adopt a structure similar to AlphaKit for next year, with all the suggested topics listed at the outset and then post the periodic update threads, monthly or otherwise.

RandomKit worked out well with monthly hosts.

ETA—Just thinking out loud, not trying to confuse things. I don’t want to delete this posting since it is part of the discussion from previous threads.

nov 10, 2022, 7:28 pm

>169 pamelad: Exactly.

>172 LadyoftheLodge: Your MysteryKIT format suggestion sounds perfect. You could choose anything, e.g. Mystery with a lurid cover.

And yes, RandomKIT (or CAT) works well with monthly hosts because there is generally no need to explain much. Whereas something that not many of us are familiar with, say 17th century history, might need a more detailed introduction and potential hosts will find it too daunting.

Mark your calendars for discussion in eleven months.

nov 10, 2022, 10:47 pm

>172 LadyoftheLodge: I'm still confused.

The suggestion that I like best -- that I understand! -- (though my preference is still the current way... but I appear to be outnumbered in this!) is to post a thread for each topic at the start of the year and we can add to it as we go (if that's we we do, I'm still assigning myself one/month).

In what you've just said - this is what's confusing me: periodic update threads.

You also said suggested topics listed at the outset , so is that not something like what I've mentioned I like?

So I'm just not understanding, I think.

Bewerkt: nov 10, 2022, 10:50 pm

>173 VivienneR: Your MysteryKIT format suggestion sounds perfect. You could choose anything, e.g. Mystery with a lurid cover.

Wait - from this... you mean we would each choose our own topics, even? From a suggested list? So, we wouldn't all be doing the same topics?

Am I the only person that likes the current way (I know - it's obviously not sustainable without people willing to host and that seems to be the case), and might actually not participate if the change is so drastic? Maybe I'm the only one.

nov 10, 2022, 11:21 pm

>175 LibraryCin: Oh no, I was assuming the person running the CAT would choose 12 categories at the beginning of the year. Just like AlphaKIT, as described in >172 LadyoftheLodge:.

Looks like the biggest hurdle will be coming up with one format that everyone agrees with. :)

Bewerkt: nov 11, 2022, 4:05 am

>176 VivienneR: You are talking about just the MysteryKIT?

nov 11, 2022, 3:49 am

>174 LibraryCin: You are not alone. I am quite happy with the current format as well.
I think maybe just whittling down the number of CATs/KITs and then people can have their own individual challenges in their own threads, as they do now.

nov 11, 2022, 4:11 am

>174 LibraryCin: We don't have to decide anything now, because the CATs and KITS all have hosts and topics. We can see how they go in 2023 and think again when the 2024 planning comes up.

nov 11, 2022, 5:03 am

>175 LibraryCin: Although I will make suggestions if people seem to be unhappy, I am a firm believer in if it ain't broke, don't fix it and I am happy enough with the current set-up. I don't participate in every challenge every month, just if I have something suitable on my shelves or which I've been meaning to read.

Bewerkt: nov 11, 2022, 6:06 am

>180 Robertgreaves: Broke is too harsh. A weight problem?

nov 11, 2022, 7:26 am

>94 LadyoftheLodge: I will!

I was looking at my unread shelves in the bedroom, and realized that much of it is YA, recommendations mainly, and some Newberys.

Guess I'd better get cracking!

nov 11, 2022, 7:29 am

>117 sallylou61: I've avoided hosting due to RL time constraints.

I'm 62, close enough to be a senior citizen?

Bewerkt: nov 11, 2022, 10:42 am

>174 LibraryCin: I think we are confusing ourselves? Maybe overthinking all this? We do not need to decide anything until next year.

nov 11, 2022, 11:55 am

>181 pamelad: 😂

I think of all of this as a sort of group evolution. What works will survive and what doesn’t will get tweaked. There will always be those who decry change, but being open and flexible has served this group well over the years (IMO). Anyway, nothing substantive is changing for 2023; but having this conversation now helps manage expectations for next year and give us some ideas for 2024 🙂

>183 fuzzi: LOL, I’m only in my mid-fifties, but there are days when I can’t believe I don’t qualify!

nov 11, 2022, 2:27 pm

nov 11, 2022, 3:40 pm

>176 VivienneR: the person running the CAT would choose 12 categories

I don't like this idea. I often have trouble coming up with one to host (which is why I like for everyone to make suggestions before we then choose - we used to do most of them that way), so if the person running the CAT had to choose all 12 categories, I wouldn't put forth any ideas for the CATs.

I guess if this meant that people made suggestions and the person running the CAT (or KIT) chose from the 12, sure.

(>172 LadyoftheLodge: is confusing to me, so unfortunately, it doesn't help illustrate.)

Bewerkt: nov 11, 2022, 4:18 pm

>187 LibraryCin: Just forget I posted it, as I was replying to earlier posts regarding AlphaKit and making other CATS or Kits similar to AlphaKit for simplicity, without asking for monthly hosts and stressing people out or burdening them with too much to do (going back to >156 pamelad:). I am open to sticking with our current structure or trying something different for next year. I thought we were just brainstorming here, I did not mean to confuse things further.

nov 11, 2022, 7:45 pm

>174 LibraryCin: I also like the current format, I use the CATs and KITs to expand my reading.

nov 11, 2022, 8:09 pm

>187 LibraryCin: My apologies. Suggestions are becoming misunderstood. I too like the way CATs and KITs are run but with so many indicating they were overwhelmed, it seemed time to suggest improvements, streamlining - whatever you want to call it - to the format. However, there is no need to change anything in the future unless the majority wants it. As >188 LadyoftheLodge: says, "we are just brainstorming here".

Bewerkt: nov 11, 2022, 9:21 pm

>190 VivienneR: No, I agree. If it's no longer working for a lot of people, I didn't mean to shut down brainstorming. I really didn't!

ETA: I think it's also hard for me to equate any of the other CATs and KITs to AlphaKIT because there is a built-in set of "topics" - the alphabet. It's easy, it doesn't change (except for the order). So, I was just getting confused.

Bewerkt: nov 12, 2022, 7:44 pm

I think what might be a good idea for next time is after the voting is done and all the KITS are decided, first have a discussion on what folks might like the format to be, whether they want it to remain traditional or try something new and possibly vote on that before diving into the topics themselves and asking for volunteers.

I like a lot of the formats that have been floated in this discussion and would like to see some different options for next year, if it fits the CAT/KIT. However, for the one KIT I set up each year, the ScaredyKIT, we didn't really have a lack of hosts or topics to fill all the months. So it seems like that one works well with the traditional format. Probably it would be best to decide on a case-by-case basis after some group discussion.

nov 12, 2022, 9:46 pm

>192 sturlington: I think this is a good idea.

nov 15, 2022, 10:01 am

I am hoping someone can help me with how to post photos for my set-up page. I’m using an iPad. So many of you have such gorgeous, clear pictures. And what about copyright? Thank you for any help you can give me. Mary.

nov 15, 2022, 10:12 am

>194 marell: I don't know about an ipad, but I use the instructions from this post: https://www.librarything.com/topic/129158#3125117
(The rest of the thread is really handy for other things that I can't always remember to do as well).

For copyright, it is always politic to reference the source if you are using something that you've not taken and isn't on LT. Just a line below with the link to the source or the original artist/photographer is usually sufficient.

Hope that helps.

nov 15, 2022, 10:35 am

>195 Helenliz: Thank you very much, Helen.

Bewerkt: nov 15, 2022, 12:40 pm

This is another good source for many different helpful things. I have it bookmarked and refer to it all the time. The explanation of how to post photos is a little bit further down.


nov 15, 2022, 12:53 pm

Thank you, Mirjam!

nov 15, 2022, 11:32 pm

>194 marell: With regard to copyright, I've started using Creative Commons images:


nov 16, 2022, 9:11 am

Thank you so much! That’s reassuring!

nov 24, 2022, 8:08 pm

There is also pixabay.com, where you can access creative commons photos.

nov 25, 2022, 12:45 am

>133 pamelad: Where did the Historical Fiction Challenge originate? Now that I'm catching up on threads, I'm seeing it in quite a few places, but not who started it. I'm just curious if it's still in play for 2023, if it's changed or grown :-)

nov 25, 2022, 1:24 am

>202 Tanya-dogearedcopy: I think I first saw it in Tess's thread, but that's not where it originated. It never had its own thread but spread through people's personal threads in the Category Challenge. I've set aside a space in my own thread for interesting challenges that pop up in 2023, and it might be a good idea to include some recycled ones too. Or you could start a Historical Fiction Challenge with its own thread. I'd be interested, still having lots of historical fiction on the tbr pile.

Bewerkt: nov 25, 2022, 2:58 am

>203 pamelad: Ah! I think I saw it on Tess’s thread first too. I’ll ask her and see what she says 🙂

nov 25, 2022, 11:29 am

>204 Tanya-dogearedcopy: The Historical Fiction Challenge that's mentioned in >133 pamelad: originated on YouTube from booktuber Katie Lumsden of Books and Things. It was her May Challenge this year; her video announcing the challenge is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XPgpXd-9cBI She also set up discussion threads on Goodreads.

In May 2021 Katie had a 1900-1950 Challenge. I'm not sure what she did the previous Mays, as I only started watching her in late 2020. She's been host of the Jane Austen July Challenge and the Victober (Victorian October) Challenge for several years now. The May Challenge has been something different each year, and the past two years she's announced the topic in April.

Katie talks very fast, so sometimes I have to slow down the speed on her videos, but she's very knowledgeable and her enthusiasm about books is contagious. Her main areas of reading are Victorian literature and Historical Fiction, and she has her first historical fiction novel coming out next year.

nov 25, 2022, 1:31 pm

>205 kac522: Thank you, Kathy!

(LOL, I did have to rewind/replay early on yo catch what she was saying!)

nov 25, 2022, 2:39 pm

>206 Tanya-dogearedcopy: Yep, and she actually slows them down before posting! So she must really talk fast!

nov 25, 2022, 6:19 pm

>205 kac522: >206 Tanya-dogearedcopy: I didn't find it difficult to catch what she was saying but I had to stop after 5 minutes because I was feeling out of breath.

nov 25, 2022, 7:18 pm

>205 kac522: OK, unless there are any objections, I'm going to email her over the weekend and ask for her blessing to run it as a year-long challenge here on LT. We can run the 7+ Bonus prompts without attaching it to any months and; besides the fun of a historical fiction challenge, see how the format works! If she says no for whatever reason, I'll just keep it as a personal challenge for 2023 and obviously, everybody else can do as they will as well :-)

Bewerkt: nov 25, 2022, 8:40 pm

>209 Tanya-dogearedcopy: Sure. And if there's any problem, the prompts could be changed/tweaked to make an entirely new challenge.

You can also get lots of topic ideas from the LT Reading Through Time Group, which focuses on reading about history, both fiction and nonfiction.

nov 25, 2022, 11:12 pm

>209 Tanya-dogearedcopy: That will be super fun! Katie is lovely - I cannot imagine she would have any objection.
I am also joining her very long Dickensalong, where we just started reading all of Dickens in publication order. We will be finished in 2024!

nov 25, 2022, 11:14 pm

>205 kac522: Thank you. I've put Kindred on my wish list because Kate recommended it so highly and because it's completely different from my usual reading choices. Interested to see what her May 2023 challenge will be. I had no problems understanding her because she doesn't mumble! The fastest speakers I've ever heard have all been Irish.

>209 Tanya-dogearedcopy: I'm sure it will be OK, but fingers crossed anyway!

dec 7, 2022, 11:40 am

>210 kac522: >211 JayneCM: >212 pamelad:
Hello! So sorry for the late response, but I've been out with the flu since Thanksgiving (and still have a lingering cough!) I thought the time would be spent reading and napping; but it turns out, not so much. Anyway, I did ask Katie and she graciously agreed with a couple of conditions (namely that she would be credited and that there would be a link to the original video).
I'll set up the thread & Wiki later today. Since everyone has pretty much set up their own reading plans with the choice of CATS, KITs, etc, I won't upset the apple cart by naming it as a Kit for 2023. It will be just a thread named something unimaginative but accurate like,"Historical Fiction Reading Challenge". :-)

dec 7, 2022, 1:55 pm

>213 Tanya-dogearedcopy: Sounds great! Thanks for setting this up.

dec 7, 2022, 4:06 pm

>213 Tanya-dogearedcopy: Great! Thanks Tanya.

dec 8, 2022, 1:04 am

>213 Tanya-dogearedcopy: Oh, fabulous! Thank you. Sorry to hear about your illness though, hope it doesn't linger for too much longer.

Bewerkt: dec 14, 2022, 7:14 pm

Do we have a final/full list somewhere of all the critters (cats, dogs and others) running around the group this year? Maybe list them all at the top of this thread or even in the group introduction?

PS: It can be confusing for new (and returning) members and expecting someone new to read hundreds of messages to make a head or tail of what the group is up to does not feel very welcoming. Just saying :)

Bewerkt: dec 14, 2022, 8:20 pm

>218 AnnieMod: rabbitprincess has pinned the threads for the 2023 CATs, KITs and BingoDOG.

Historical Fiction Challenge - this is a new idea, with all the categories set out at the beginning of the year instead of month by month,

Bewerkt: dec 14, 2022, 8:10 pm

>219 pamelad: Which does not help a new person to get oriented without reading a lot of threads and wondering what else they are missing. A quick list with a one line explanation of each of them in a visible place (this thread’s first post will be perfect for that) will make it a lot less intimidating. Especially if they are newish for LT and not used to pinned threads.

dec 14, 2022, 8:11 pm

>219 pamelad: Also RandomKIT

dec 14, 2022, 8:12 pm

>220 AnnieMod: I was trying to help.

dec 14, 2022, 8:18 pm

>222 pamelad: And it is appreciated. I was looking for a standing list somewhere which is easy to refer to (and where some of the more weirdly named ones) are explained a bit - especially now that the January topics are starting to pop-up :)

dec 14, 2022, 10:30 pm

>220 AnnieMod: I also think it's helpful to have them listed in the intro.

dec 15, 2022, 7:25 am

I have updated the first post in this thread with descriptions of each Cat and Kit.

dec 15, 2022, 8:35 am

dec 15, 2022, 9:13 am

The 2023 SFFKIT January thread is up!


dec 15, 2022, 10:02 am

>225 rabbitprincess: Awesome. Thanks!

dec 15, 2022, 1:15 pm

>225 rabbitprincess: Thank you!

I wonder if it's worth adding a link to this thread in the intro to the group, as well? Since there are a lot of pinned topics, it can get people directly to more information.

I noticed you put a link to the wikis (which I love!), but it's not really leading to anything, although I think most of the wikis are done.

dec 31, 2022, 1:24 pm

Happy New Year to all!

Bewerkt: dec 31, 2022, 1:46 pm

>229 LibraryCin: There was already a link to this thread in the intro to the group. I've made the text of the link bold to make it stand out more. I also fixed the link to the list of wikis and updated it with the 2023 wikis.

dec 31, 2022, 10:34 pm

>231 rabbitprincess: Oh, thank you! Yes, I guess I missed it!

okt 5, 2023, 1:51 pm

When do we get to start planning for 2024 Category Challenge? I am ready to go!

okt 5, 2023, 4:28 pm

Last year we started planning in mid-October, so go for it!

okt 7, 2023, 5:33 pm

I'm ready. Around October I start losing interest in my challenge. 2024 planning comes just in time.

okt 9, 2023, 1:32 pm

>235 VivienneR: Agree with that! I am finding it a bit of a struggle to keep going since I am ready for new categories.

okt 9, 2023, 7:18 pm

>235 VivienneR: >236 LadyoftheLodge: I don't run out of steam for the current year (or current month) until I've done the planning but then I want to start the new year/month's reading RIGHT NOW

okt 9, 2023, 9:25 pm

Me, I go one month at a time, so I'm ok to continue on.

However, I do enjoy the planning!

okt 12, 2023, 6:43 am

Same! I have just started noticing some year long reading challenges, like The 52 Book Club, releasing some of their info for 2024. Never too early!

Bewerkt: okt 13, 2023, 11:17 pm

For some reason, I thought this was set up over the Canadian Thanksgiving holiday weekend (which was last week)-- so I ended up pulling books from my stacks for my core 2024 reading 😬
I'll just cool my heels and finish 2023! 😅

Bewerkt: okt 13, 2023, 9:07 pm

Thanks to rabbitprincess for managing the Category Challenge for years and years. Are you happy to continue in 2024?

6 years, since 2018.

okt 14, 2023, 9:04 am

I can set up the group sometime next week -- this Thanksgiving weekend I was away and didn't have access to a computer. (I had a tablet, but managing LT is much easier on desktop.)

On a personal note, I've applied to a master's program for 2024, so I will likely be even more lurky than usual in the group threads. But all of you manage the group challenges very well without me ;)

okt 14, 2023, 9:59 am

>242 rabbitprincess: Thanks for all you do for the group, rp! You're right the group threads do seem to sort themselves out eventually. Best of luck with the Master's application!

okt 14, 2023, 1:55 pm

>242 rabbitprincess: Thanks for doing this again. I am sure we will get the individual challenges sorted once the group is set up. Good luck with the master's application!

okt 14, 2023, 7:26 pm

>242 rabbitprincess: Good luck with your master's application, RP

okt 15, 2023, 12:40 am

>242 rabbitprincess: Thank you for setting this up every year - very much appreciated. And all the best with the Masters. That will definitely keep you busy!

okt 15, 2023, 5:27 am

>242 rabbitprincess: that does sound exciting. The Masters degree, I mean. >;-) In what subject area?

I'm not sure I'm ready for it to be 2024 quite yet.

okt 15, 2023, 2:02 pm

>242 rabbitprincess: All the best for your master's application, that will be exciting.

And glad to hear you'll be leading us on in 2024.

okt 17, 2023, 7:44 am

okt 17, 2023, 5:02 pm

I'm ready for 2024 because 2023 IMO was horrible - bad health and reduced reading due to moving - packing and unpacking.

okt 17, 2023, 10:16 pm

>242 rabbitprincess: Good luck with the master's application!

okt 18, 2023, 3:17 pm

>250 cyderry: Been there, done that! Sounds like 2021 for me. "This too shall pass."

okt 24, 2023, 11:56 am

Hmm. Still no 2024 planning?

okt 24, 2023, 1:47 pm

>253 majkia: Still waiting. . ..

okt 24, 2023, 6:14 pm

For health and work-related reasons (a delightful combination...), I've handed the reins over to christina_reads for 2024. See you over there!

okt 24, 2023, 7:17 pm

Thanks for all you have done to keep us going over the years, RP!

okt 24, 2023, 7:41 pm

>255 rabbitprincess: Thank you for leading us. Job well done!

okt 24, 2023, 7:47 pm

>255 rabbitprincess: Thank you for everything! And good luck with your masters application, work load and health!

okt 24, 2023, 7:50 pm

>255 rabbitprincess: Hope life takes a turn for the better for you soon, RP.

okt 24, 2023, 7:58 pm

>255 rabbitprincess: Wishing you all the best. Thank you so much for all you have done with this challenge. It is the one reading challenge that I consistently stick with!
And thank you christina_reads for taking over!

okt 24, 2023, 8:10 pm

Yes, I forgot to add a big Thank You to Christina for picking up the reins! :)

okt 24, 2023, 8:23 pm

RP: Best wishes and I hope you have a great experience with the advanced degree!

And to Christina, thanks for jumping in!

okt 24, 2023, 8:42 pm

RP great luck with the advanced degree! Thanks for alll you've done.

okt 24, 2023, 11:05 pm

You're welcome, all! And let me add my thanks to rabbitprincess as well. I will set up the 2024 group sometime tomorrow (Wednesday) -- watch this space! :)

okt 24, 2023, 11:08 pm

Thank you, rabbitprincess, for managing the category challenge for so many years. Best wishes for the Masters. Good Health in 2024!

Thank you Christina.

okt 25, 2023, 6:58 am

Thank you rp for all the great work you've done. Hope things go well as you persue your degree. And thanks to Christina for taking over.

okt 25, 2023, 7:04 am

Thank you for your work RP, I wish you the best with everything. Thank you Christina for taking over the reins!

okt 25, 2023, 11:29 am

Thanks to RP for all your efforts, and good luck to christina_reads for taking on this huge tasks! I know I'll try to behave!

okt 25, 2023, 1:00 pm

rabbitprincess I hope that the health/work combo isn't too sucky, and thank you for taking on the group over the past several years. christina_reads, good luck as you fill rp's big shoes, and thank you for taking over the reins! :)

okt 25, 2023, 2:11 pm

Thanks RP for all your work and help. Good luck to your successor!

okt 25, 2023, 8:07 pm

The 2024 Category Challenge group is here! https://www.librarything.com/ngroups/24125/2024-Category-Challenge

I haven't done much with it so far, but there's a welcome thread where people can start chatting about next year and perhaps proposing some CATs and KITs. Have fun! :)

nov 5, 2023, 2:27 pm

Voting for the 2024 CATs is now happening at https://www.librarything.com/topic/354675#8274629! Voting will take place until Thursday, November 9, at 6:30 p.m. EST, at which time the votes will be counted and the 2024 CATs officially chosen. So stop by and vote for your favorites!

(Cross-posting to a bunch of threads to reach as many people as possible.)

nov 6, 2023, 9:46 pm

Excited to see what they will be!

nov 7, 2023, 10:12 am

>255 rabbitprincess: just saw this...thank you for all the work you've done for others here.

nov 9, 2023, 9:35 am

Just a reminder that today is the last day to vote on 2024 CATs! Here's the thread where voting is taking place: https://www.librarything.com/topic/354675. I'll be tallying the votes at 6:30pm EST, so be sure to stop by before then!