The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

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The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

jan 20, 2023, 9:02 pm

Can Someone explain this novel to me? People whose taste I normally respect like it.
I’m reasonably adventurous and enjoy a range of novels but can’t come at this one.

sep 30, 2023, 2:58 pm

Only just read this book, so a very late answer to your question, as a book club choice - not one I would choose. I am not sure which bit you don't get but in summary I would say it is an ambitious woman who uses contracts to hide her sexuality. It is a tik tok phenomonen and as a 61 year old I don't get that. I think it is a book with a great plot but not well written. It seems like it has some depth to it but it doesn't. It's all tell not show.

Bewerkt: okt 2, 2023, 2:28 pm

>2 allthegoodbooks: Thank you. I’m older than you, and so your comments resonate. Will give it a miss.

Bewerkt: dec 20, 2023, 5:38 pm

I'm baffled as well, I'm in my 40's. I don't want to be the downer one who hated the book everyone loved, but I truly did not find anything about this book remotely interesting, entertaining or compelling. I've read 3 of this authors books now and I thought they were all badly written with unlikable characters. I gave it a shot because of this authors popularity, but I am done now. I read all different kinds of books and enjoy a good fluff read like anyone else, but this was just word salad.