Sci-Fi/YA Series about two boys and a girl solving a mystery in their town

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Sci-Fi/YA Series about two boys and a girl solving a mystery in their town

jan 29, 2023, 7:25 pm

The title is generic, I know, but I can't think of this series for the life of me. U I read this while I was in junior high, I believe, so I was around 13 or 14 at the time.

I don't remember much from the beginning of the series, but I do remember that in one of the later books, the main girl in the series had a baby brother that ended up having something to do with some sort of prophecy(?), and he ended up dying as a result. There was also a policeman who ended up switching sides to join up with the kids if I remember correctly. I've tried looking everywhere and I can't find anything through Google, and I want to make sure this wasn't some sort of elaborate fever dream.

The book was in English and I'm fairly certain the majority of the series, if not all, were paperback. I remember borrowing them from someone and I haven't been able to find them since. If there's anyone who recognizes the sound of these novels, any feedback would be appreciated.

jan 29, 2023, 7:49 pm

>1 lakescribs: The Sisters Grimm comes to mind in regards to the baby brother and policeman. What years were you in junior high? Without knowing your age now, knowing your age when you read the books doesn't give a time range.

jan 29, 2023, 8:22 pm

>2 RosetheReader: I apologize for the confusion, I'm 22 now and I was in junior high from 2012 to 2015 or somewhere around there. I have a hard time remembering time frames, so that'd be roughly it. Unfortunately I don't believe it was The Sisters Grimm, although this one does look interesting and I'll definitely give it a read!

jan 29, 2023, 9:50 pm

>3 lakescribs: Okay good to know! I had a couple more suggestions, but I wanted to make sure they were in the right time frame. The Cabinet of the Earths series comes to mind (though it only has two books and I don't remember the brother dying). Thirteen Treasures also has similar elements to your description. Do either of those look familiar?

jan 30, 2023, 2:29 am

>4 RosetheReader: No, those don't seem right either, I'm so sorry. Thinking back on it, I think the main protagonist was male? The first book started when he moved into the town, if I remember right.