Action figures

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Action figures

feb 13, 2023, 10:52 am

Admit it. You have at least one.

This one has been on my shelf for a long time:

I’ve been picking others up for the last year and a half and posing them playfully around the house.

feb 13, 2023, 7:59 pm

I think I can safely say that all the action figurines in my house were inherited from my two boys. One son lived Star Wars everything, and there is a ziplock bag of the smaller size figures. The other boy loved all things Lord of the Rings, so we have those in a bit larger size. Most are put away now, my books edging out the wargs, orcs, and most members of the fellowship, including Hobbits. I still can squeeze Gandalf, Aragorn, Treebeard and Gollom on the shelf by the Tolkien books though.

feb 13, 2023, 8:16 pm

>2 MrsLee: I’d love to see the Treebeard!

feb 13, 2023, 8:22 pm

>3 2wonderY: I will post it, but it is complicated for me. I have to take the photo with my phone and add it to my junk drawer on LT, then get on my laptop to copy from the junk drawer to the group. Can't seem to do that from my phone, so I will add it tomorrow. :)

Bewerkt: feb 14, 2023, 8:45 am

Here goes!

Bewerkt: feb 14, 2023, 8:52 am

What a beauty!! I will have to keep eyes open for him. I’ve got the others, having just acquired Gandalf the White last week.

feb 14, 2023, 8:59 am

Treebeard is my favorite. My son helped me decorate for Christmas one year by using the LotR figurines in the nativity! Treebeard was a shepherd, Gandalf the angel, Arwen was Mary, Aragorn - Joseph and Frodo baby Jesus. I believe the Wargs and orcs may have been shepherds as well. Or perhaps the wise men. Can't remember. I have a photo of that buried somewhere in my computer as well.

feb 15, 2023, 2:19 pm

>5 MrsLee: Awesome! I don't know where my large ones are, or if my son ended up with them when I moved. I have a bunch that are about 2 inches high, and they are in a bag in my desk. They all seem to be on horseback, though.

I have some other items I will share later.

feb 16, 2023, 10:48 am

I found Captain Bucky. With his frozen hip, he had some difficulty getting back to his spot.

Now I’m looking for my Earthworm Jim, from 1994. I need to bring it to Soil Science class tomorrow, as we are discussing the animal inhabitants of the soil.
He’s a character in a computer game, with a sidekick named Snott. He is spring loaded and can shoot out of his robotic body.

feb 16, 2023, 10:55 am

>7 MrsLee: I’m looking in my Junk Drawer for pictures I’ve already loaded.
Here is a corner of our 2022 crèche scene, as interpreted by grandbaby (she’s actually 4) T:

The dogs still predominate.

feb 16, 2023, 7:50 pm

>10 2wonderY: All the important folks are there. :D

feb 17, 2023, 3:42 pm

>9 2wonderY: Earthworm Jim was a hit in class. Classmates clustered around after class to admire and try his spring action.

feb 17, 2023, 4:24 pm

I have the first librarian action figure, produced in 2003 by Seattle novelty store Archie McPhee.
It's modeled after legendary super-librarian Nancy Pearl, awesome real-life Seattle librarian, best-selling author, and literary critic who inspired “one city, one book” programming. She is the author of several Book Lust books.

Bewerkt: feb 17, 2023, 7:23 pm

>13 nrmay: I’ve lusted after that one. Also a set of construction workers that were a short term novelty make. My husband and daughter are welders and I’ve been a carpenter.

Hmmm…. I see there are smaller figures available now:

Probably 1:18 scale

mrt 11, 2023, 8:13 am

Years ago, I found the entire Bob & Doug Mackenzie set at a yard sale. They are only slightly articulated, being forever seated.

If you don’t know them, and I didn’t:

Their film was Strange Brew

I try to remember to put them out in January and February.

They get put away as soon as I see signs of spring.

mrt 11, 2023, 8:14 am

mei 24, 2023, 8:18 am

Scored a couple of cheap accessories this week.

Dollar Tree has slightly oversized wheeled trash bins. I got the one for recyclables, because that’s me.

But even better, I got an arcade game console that is the exact size for my figures. $2 at Ollie’s.

Somebody on Instagram has an open cafe/bar concept for their figures which I’d like to emulate. Perfect for that.

jul 18, 2023, 4:38 pm

Bewerkt: aug 1, 2023, 1:36 pm

I don’t ever discard toys. I finally moved the pirate ship from WV and T has been itching to play with it. We began last evening:

This was last year, messing about with boats:

aug 7, 2023, 8:32 am

Related to topic? Had to share.

Which scene are they successfully recreating?:

aug 24, 2023, 6:34 pm

I am watching a series about the first 55 years of Star Trek. They showed action figures from the 1970s, the officers from the bridge. Plus a "dollhouse" to play with them in, a cross section of the Enterprise. Now I wish I had that instead of Barbie and Ken.

>21 2wonderY: I'm not an expert on Star Wars, my only guess is the scene where the spirits are watching Luke train his new disciple? Been a long time since I watched any of those movies.

mrt 27, 1:54 pm

>24 2wonderY:

I don’t think so.
Looks a lot like him but the mouth isn’t right.
Interesting video. 🙂

mrt 28, 11:37 pm

>24 2wonderY: It's from The Terminal, so I think it's supposed to be Tom Hanks