American History for YA

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American History for YA

apr 2, 2023, 1:12 pm

I'm looking for High School literature suggestions for award winning or just really great American History fiction (from the first Americans to current day). Titles like Across Five Aprils, Johnny Tremain, The Sign of the Beaver - but for a slightly older audience. Books that really make history come alive.
Can you recommend any really great books?

Bewerkt: apr 2, 2023, 1:56 pm

I started reading Kenneth Roberts when I was in high school and really got into those. Arundel, A Rabble in Arms, and Oliver Wiswell leap to mind.

apr 2, 2023, 2:38 pm

apr 2, 2023, 6:33 pm

>1 Lit-tch:
These might be a bit on the young side, but Fever and Jefferson's Sons are always popular choices for historical fiction at the library. I've heard that Chains and the Seeds of America series in general are fantastic, but I haven't gotten a chance to read them myself yet. I read Hired Girl some time ago and remember it being good, and it’s critically acclaimed as well.

For some of my personal recommendations, The Things They Carried, while technically an adult book, is stellar. I myself read it for a high school course, but I would be careful because there’s some strong language and fairly graphic descriptions of violence at some points. Dread Nation and The Diviners both have fantasy elements (so I don’t know if they would be the kind of thing you’re looking for), but are great reads and dig deep into a lot of their historical context.

There are probably some more I haven't thought of, so I might comment more later, but there's a bit of a list for now!