Black Tea with cedar tips/juniper berries


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Black Tea with cedar tips/juniper berries

apr 17, 2023, 9:01 am

My local tea shop stopped blending my favorite tea. Help!

It was a black tea with cedar tips and juniper berries, and I have been unable to locate another shop that sells such a tea. Does anyone know of one?

apr 17, 2023, 9:36 am

It may not be a 100% match, but Tazo makes a Juniper Mint Honey bagged tea that's pretty tasty. I can find it at our local Target.

Bewerkt: apr 17, 2023, 1:54 pm

>1 vwinsloe: So frustrating! I did find a couple of possibilities, but you might also be able to buy juniper berries and add them to the black tea of your choice. I don't know if you can buy cedar tips - you may have to find a friend who grows cedar.

apr 17, 2023, 2:19 pm

I’ve got junipers with berries on them. What season is it best to harvest the berries? I would think early winter.

I also have eastern red cedars, which are not really cedars.

apr 17, 2023, 3:39 pm

I haven't tried it, so I can't give a testimonial, but Simpson & Vail makes a "Glacier National Park" tea that has juniper and birch, among other ingredients.

"Ingredients: Black Teas, Organic Juniper Berries, Birch Bark, Huckleberry Flavor, Uva Ursi Leaf (Bearberry), and White Cornflowers."

apr 18, 2023, 7:38 am

You guys are the best. >3 tardis: & >5 tealadytoo: I'm going to give the teas that you found a try.

>2 gmathis: that doesn't have black tea in it, but it does look like something that I could steep with black tea to add the flavor.

>3 tardis: & >4 2wonderY: I do have some eastern red cedar, which I believe is actually a form of juniper, in my yard, so I could experiment with it, but it might take some time to get it right. If I don't actually poison myself.

apr 18, 2023, 8:52 am

>6 vwinsloe: I did get some of this herbal juniper tea:
Buddha Teas Organic Juniper Berry

It was OK on its own, but I'm not a big fan of herbal tisanes. But when I brewed it with some Assam, I really liked it.

apr 18, 2023, 8:59 am

it might be more expensive to do so but there are services where you can design a custom blend.,, several others if you do a google search for "custom tea".

Bewerkt: apr 19, 2023, 8:31 am

I've gone ahead and placed an order with Raven and Reverie, the tea that tardis found called "Side Quest" (love the name.) That tea sounds like it is exactly what I am looking for, so if that works out, I won't need to experiment any further.

But we'll see. Thanks so much everyone for your suggestions. For some reason, I was coming up empty.

apr 19, 2023, 2:05 pm

Please let us know how it is! I'm quite intrigued as it's a flavour I haven't tried.

Bewerkt: apr 20, 2023, 9:15 am

>11 tardis: I first tasted cedar in tea when I got a tea named "Rivendell" from Whispering Pines Tea shop in Michigan. Their teas are expensive and really good as a whole, but "Rivendell" was like a cool evergreen forest on a summer day. Since then, Whispering Pines Tea has been in and out of business, and now seems to specialize in high quality pure teas.

So when Whispering Pines stopped carrying flavored teas, I was lucky enough to find a tea called "Lumberjack Black" at my local tea shop. While the base tea was not as high quality as Whispering Pines', Lumberjack Black became my daily go-to tea.

It's hard to describe the flavor. It may be more of an aroma. I will get back to you on how "Side Quest" works out!

mei 12, 2023, 8:41 am

tardis At long last my order of Side Quest has arrived. It seemed like it took forever and I had to contact Raven and Reverie through their Facebook messenger to get them to send it. It is delicious though. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again!

mei 12, 2023, 7:47 pm

>13 vwinsloe: Happy to hear it! Too bad about the sub-par customer service, though.

nov 25, 2023, 2:35 am

I've never encountered tea with juniper and cedar in it. My first thought it you could always try a mimic the flavour with gin. ;)

I might have to look for some of these myself. I certainly like the aroma of cedar.

nov 25, 2023, 8:14 am

>15 WeeTurtle: It's not easy to find. The place that tardis found for me here seems to be sold out. I may have to make my own!

jan 26, 11:38 am

Coming late to this party. Based on the thread, I have ordered a pouch of Side Quest. It looks like precisely the sort of blend I will love. Looking forward to it.

jan 26, 11:58 am

You could take a look at this one: Alchemy & Herbs Campfire Tea Blend

Ingredients: organic smoked black tea blend (Camellia sinensis), organic cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii), wild grown cedar tips (Thuja plicata), organic juniper berries (Juniperus communis).
*contains caffeine*

I haven't tried it yet, but this is a local (to me) business and I have tried a bunch of their others that were delicious. I'm a big fan of their Garden Party green tea blend.

They ship their products, and will also make custom blends too.

jan 26, 1:57 pm

>18 Darth-Heather: That sounds lovely. And my daughter-in-law lives in Exeter, so I should be able to stop in and shop in person. Thank you!

feb 4, 7:09 am

Darth-Heather. I tried the Campfire Tea Blend from Alchemy & Herbs, and it was really good. The smoked black tea gives it a deep base with the cedar and cinnamon layers of flavors on top. And the shop is right next to my favorite independent bookshop, Water Street Books. I can't thank you enough for this recommendation!

feb 5, 7:23 am

>20 vwinsloe: oh wonderful! I wasn't sure how the cinnamon flavor would blend with the other aromatics. I will have to try this one too!

Next time I pass Exeter I will have to visit the tea shop and bookstore. Some other blends of theirs that I am currently enjoying are "Heartlight" which is a herbal blend with cardamom, hawthorn, linden, and rose with just a hint of cinnamon (it's warm and comforting on a cold day); and also "Elderberry Chai" - while chai is not my usual preference, this one has a nice fruity background from the elder berries, and a lovely top note of anise and lemon on top of the usual chai spiciness.

I am glad you found something that suits your tastes. please check in again when you have more recommendations - I am interested in whatever else you find.

feb 5, 7:32 am

>21 Darth-Heather: I don't drink much tisane because I need the caffeine, but "Hearthlight" sounds like it would be nice with a little black tea blended in. I forgot to mention that the customer service at Alchemy & Herbs is terrific, too. I will definitely be back, and the next one I find that I recommend, I will post it.

Bewerkt: feb 26, 9:31 am

After almost a month after ordering, I finally received and tried the "Side Quest" blend. It definitely was worth the wait. (But I am still a bit miffed about the wait.)

feb 26, 3:02 pm

>23 Treebeard_404: Sadly, their customer service is not good.