A Washington Library Offers Teens and YAs in the USA 'Books UnBanned'

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A Washington Library Offers Teens and YAs in the USA 'Books UnBanned'

mei 5, 2023, 9:34 am

The Seattle Public Library in the state of Washington has joined New York's Brooklyn Public Library in offering everyone ages 13 to 26 who are living within the United States of America access to its ebooks and audiobooks.

Seattle's collection and the availability of its materials differs from Brooklyn's. Eligible teens and young adults may are apply for both cards to access both digital collections.


mei 5, 2023, 11:09 am

Nice initiative. If they get overwhelmed with demand, that'll make a positive political statement.

okt 16, 2023, 10:23 am

And now there's Los Angeles County in the lower West Coast with a more limited option. Its Books Unbanned digital card is for teens ages 13 to 18 throughout California. LA County's e-card allows these teens to borrow up to five digital titles at a time and is good for one year.

News: https://lacounty.gov/2023/09/28/la-county-library-joins-national-books-unbanned-...

San Diego Public Library (also in California) and Boston Public Library (Massachusetts) will be joining the Books Unbanned project, too. I'm not yet sure if they will be for local teens only.