Theodore Roosevelt

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Theodore Roosevelt

dec 12, 2023, 10:21 pm

Someone started a TR account, but only added 13 books. I have found a 2008 inventory as a pdf at Is there anyway to get the password for it?

Bewerkt: dec 13, 2023, 6:51 am

Hmm, what is the username? I can see if whoever started it let me know. Did you find any context for what that list actually is? (Is it really TR's books, or just books in a particular place at a particular time?) I see some of them have what is described as a TR bookplate, but others seem to be from other family members (which may mean this would be a TR family library rather than TR's).

Also, just to scream into the void, why on earth would anyone make this list and not include the date of the book, haha?!

dec 13, 2023, 12:53 pm

I imagine the date field cut off, and they didn't notice. Maybe someone could re-run the report?

dec 13, 2023, 3:33 pm

>2 JBD1: The 13-books account is:
There was discussion about its being set up here:

There's also some discussion about login credentials at: although that topic doesn't outright mention what account it's in reference to, the reply dates seem to tie it together. Hope either of those breadcrumb trails helps a bit.

dec 13, 2023, 3:43 pm

Ah, thanks - I had a vague memory of TR having come up before. And it did, it was just ten years ago!
Will see if I can dig up the pw.