Oregon Meetups 2024!

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Oregon Meetups 2024!

Bewerkt: jan 9, 4:26 pm

A place to talk about when and where we might get together in 2024!!

1) Saturday 1/27th, 12:00 Lunch at Deschutes Brewery and then Powell's!!

jan 1, 6:10 pm

So, happy 2024!! It's been a while since we got together. How about this January? Maybe a Friday? Like the 26th? Pretty wide open, just throwing that date out there. Let me know if it works!

jan 1, 7:26 pm

Added this thread to the group wiki…

jan 1, 11:04 pm

You know I am totally in for an Oregon meet-up (assuming I'm invited) but, for me, it may need to wait until after we move, presumably in late spring/early summer. SO .... hopefully there can be more than one Oregon meetup in 2024!!

Bewerkt: jan 1, 11:07 pm

>4 EBT1002: Oh definitely more than one. We’ve had far too few meetups in the past few years.

Bewerkt: jan 1, 11:07 pm

Also, at this point my calendar is wide open on January 26th.

jan 1, 11:16 pm

Hooray for multiple meet-ups! I was going to suggest a weekend, due to my work schedule, but maybe I could take the afternoon of the 26th off? I will check.

Bewerkt: jan 2, 12:01 am

>4 EBT1002: >5 SuziQoregon: For sure there will be more than one this year!! Have fun in Hawaii!

>6 SuziQoregon: Great!

>7 banjo123: Okay, or maybe we move it from Friday to Saturday 1/27? That might be easier for people to travel, too...

jan 2, 2:06 pm

I'm good for the 26th or the 27th -- have pencilled it in both days.

jan 2, 2:47 pm

Awesome. It looks like I could do the 26th, if we did late afternoon, 3:30 or 4. But the 27th would be better for me...we could do lunch and then Powell's? Or explore another area of the city and another bookstore?

jan 2, 10:00 pm

I'm going to be texting you all from Kauai while you wander around Powell's. :-)

jan 2, 10:57 pm

I'm starring this since I'm considering a trip out there sometime this summer or early fall. Reba has offered to put me up after her spring/summer traveling, and I would love to be there at the same time as Ellen as well. I will have to work around visitors coming to see me over the summer as well, so flexibility will be key.

jan 2, 11:06 pm

jan 3, 2:12 am

Let's go for Saturday the 27th and we'll add in a Powell's trip!!

So, do we want to do lunch before or dinner after?

And we'll be sure to have another visit later in the year so Ellen and Roni can come! : )

jan 3, 11:05 am

>14 Berly: Saturday lunch would be my preference.

jan 3, 12:01 pm

I've not been a part of this, but do live in Oregon (Hillsboro) - OK for me to join in?

jan 3, 3:28 pm

>15 SuziQoregon: Lunch works for me and then Powell's afterwards?

Does this work for everyone else?

>16 ChrisG1: Absolutely, Chris!!! Join us!! : )

jan 3, 3:38 pm

>17 Berly: Sounds great!

>16 ChrisG1: Looking forward to meeting you in person!

Bewerkt: jan 4, 12:07 am

Sounds great! And yay for new LT pals, welcome Chris.

jan 4, 3:52 pm

Fantastic! Looking forward to this. Lunch on Saturday is best for me, as well. And Powell's is always a great idea.

jan 4, 6:55 pm

Lunch then Powell's on the 27th sounds great! I've penciled it in.

jan 4, 11:10 pm

I'm green with envy.

jan 4, 11:17 pm

>22 EBT1002: we’ll get you here eventually.

jan 5, 3:53 am

Okay, so Saturday the 27th it is! Does 12:00 work?

And where shall we eat?

I can't do sushi or thai -- allergies.

>22 EBT1002: Next time!! And we'll all be jealous of you in Hawaii!!

jan 5, 2:25 pm

I would vote Deschutes, or Jake’s if we want to be fancy. Or Shake Shack if we want to be the opposite of fancy.

jan 5, 3:25 pm

Deschutes Brewery strikes me as good middle ground, but I'm up for anything.

jan 9, 4:26 pm

Let's do Deschutes Brewery!

jan 9, 10:05 pm

>27 Berly:. Great plan!

jan 9, 10:17 pm

>27 Berly: Sounds good

jan 10, 12:23 am

Saturday 1/27 12:00 lunch at
Deschutes Brewery
210 NW 11th Ave.
Portland, OR 97209

and Powell's afterwards!! : )

I'll get a head count when we get closer to the date.

jan 10, 5:10 pm

>30 Berly: Thank you for the address -- it's on my calendar :)

jan 11, 11:38 pm

I will pencil this in. No promises -- weather between here and there (180 miles) can be iffy this time of year.

jan 12, 1:29 am

If Washingtonians are welcome, I'd love to join in sometime! I could pair it with a trip down to Eugene to see my son at UO (although ironically, on the 27th he'll be up in Seattle visiting me, so... next time!).

jan 12, 3:00 am

>32 LyndaInOregon: That works! We'll check back in with you as we get closer.

>33 PlatinumWarlock: Absolutely!! We will be sure to do another one or two meetups in 2024. We'll keep you in the loop.

Yay! New people!! : )

jan 13, 2:35 am

Hey, just found this. I'll try to be there. An outing would be nice after a couple months of unpacking.

jan 18, 2:38 am

Great! Can't wait to meet you!

jan 22, 2:52 pm

Our timing is good. Just saw a post on Powell’s Facebook page


The Powell's Friends and Family Sale is BACK. We've been missing you due to all this snow and ice so for the first time ever... 🥁🥁🥁 we're making it TWO WHOLE DAYS.

That's right: you (our friends & family!) are invited to come on down to any of our three Portland-area locations on Sat, 1/27 AND Sun, 1/28 to enjoy a whopping 30% off (nearly) everything in the store.

It's a good deal, folks. Tell your friends!

jan 22, 4:09 pm

Whoohoo!! : )

jan 22, 9:31 pm

>37 SuziQoregon: This is very dangerous.....

jan 23, 12:21 am

YAY! Book sale! Should we make reservations for lunch?

jan 23, 12:41 am

Yes, we should make reservations, so...

Saturday 1/27 12:00 lunch at
Deschutes Brewery
210 NW 11th Ave.
Portland, OR 97209

and Powell's afterwards!! : )

Who is planning on coming? Let me know!

jan 23, 12:43 am

I will be there!

jan 23, 9:40 am

I’m in!

jan 23, 2:30 pm

I'll be there unless we get clobbered with another storm.

Bewerkt: jan 24, 8:47 pm

Kay...so far we have confirmed

Kim (berly)
Rhonda (banjo123)
Juli (SuziQoregon)
Lynda (LyndainOregon)
Chris (ChrisG1)
Reba (RebaRelishesReading) & Hubby

And I think...?

Chris (justchris)

Let me know!!! : )

jan 24, 12:42 am

>44 LyndaInOregon: Another storm is not allowed!! LOL

jan 24, 12:34 pm

Yes, I will be there.

jan 24, 4:49 pm

>41 Berly: Hubby and I are both planning on being there :)

...and how did we get so lucky to pick a sale weekend to go?

jan 24, 7:54 pm

I just want you all to know that I'm lurking. :-)

jan 24, 8:04 pm

I am lurking too despite the fact that I live in Texas!

jan 24, 8:09 pm

jan 24, 8:49 pm

>47 ChrisG1: >48 RebaRelishesReading: Gotcha. I know -- a sale at Powell's -- totally awesome!!

>49 EBT1002: >50 alcottacre: Love you two!! LOL

jan 24, 9:42 pm

>51 EBT1002: Glad you enjoyed that, Ellen!

>52 Berly: Aw, I feel all warm and snuggly now :)

jan 24, 10:05 pm

I hope you all have a wonderful time during your meet ups. I remember that during the two meetups I attended, it was as though we know each other right away. There was no shyness, only lots of laughter.

jan 25, 12:23 pm

>45 Berly: Yes, I am planning on being there. I'm hoping the group will be readily obvious when I get to the brewery.

jan 26, 1:00 am

Okay!! So we have confirmed--

Kim (berly)
Rhonda (banjo123)
Juli (SuziQoregon)
Lynda (LyndainOregon)
Chris (ChrisG1)
Reba (RebaRelishesReading) & Hubby
Chris (justchris)

I'll make the reservation. Fo those new to our group, I'll hang a white bag off my chair with a red umbrella image from Literary Arts. Also there'll be a stack of books on the table. Of course. : )

This is gonna be fun!

jan 26, 10:04 pm

Reservation made. They can't seat us until 6 of us are there. Narrow window to keep the reservation so please try to be on time. : )

Under the name of Kim

See you tomorrow!!

jan 27, 9:28 pm

Hope you all had a great time!

jan 27, 11:33 pm

It was lovely! And tasty food! My first time downtown since I moved back.

jan 28, 1:42 pm

So much fun everyone!! Posted pics on my thread. : )

jan 28, 5:02 pm

We did indeed have a great time AND got 30% off on everything I bought at Powell's :) Thanks for setting it up Kim and for being there everyone.

jan 30, 4:53 pm

So glad you all had a good time! I was delighted to see photos of happy faces. :) Hopefully I can join you next time!

jan 30, 4:55 pm

>61 RebaRelishesReading: Right? Win, win!!

>62 PlatinumWarlock: Absolutely!! Have fun with family get-together coming up.

jan 30, 6:13 pm

>62 PlatinumWarlock: Yes, Lavinia, I hope you do!

jan 30, 7:52 pm

I am so jealous I am beside myself. That in and of itself is a scary thought - 2 Stasias running around? I will have to see if I can make it up that way at some point so I (or 1 of me at any rate) can join in the fun, even if I just make it up there for a meet up!

apr 8, 9:42 pm

Okay! As I've told some of you, Jim and I will be in Portland May 27 to June 3. My cousin Bonnie has another exhibit at the Portland Jewish Museum, this time with a collaborator, and there will be a talk and concert on May 29th, for all who would like to come. We are possibly booked on May 28, and definitely on June 2, but the other days are not yet organized. I hope we can get a crowd!

apr 8, 9:54 pm

How does dinner Friday the 31st sound or maybe lunch on Saturday, June 1? Saturday would allow more time for Powell's...! Thoughts?

apr 8, 11:42 pm

My barbershop quartet will be performing on a show in Forest Grove on June 1 at 4:00 - probably cutting it too close.

apr 10, 11:42 pm

It looks like I could do either the 31st or lunch on 6/1. Lunch would be better for me, but I'd hate to miss Chris.

apr 11, 12:05 am

What if we change it up to brunch on 6/1? Would that work Chris?

apr 11, 6:36 pm

>70 Berly: It helps. I expect I could make that.

apr 12, 12:38 am

Does 10:00am work on Saturday 6/1 for brunch? And then some of us could hit Powell's or maybe we could go see Chris' quartet? : )

apr 12, 11:13 am

Brunch on the 1st sounds great!

apr 12, 1:32 pm

Works for me!

apr 12, 4:25 pm

Sounds like it would be fun.

apr 26, 10:54 am

Brunch on the 1st might be just the thing, assuming my cousin doesn't already have plans for 'meet the family'. I'll check with her. But I'll alert my sister and Jim as to this thinking.

apr 26, 2:02 pm

Keep us posted!! : )

apr 30, 8:34 pm

Just found this thread and am lurking for now... I have the time off and my husband & I are tentatively slated to head out to Bend and the John Day Fossil Beds that week; but I think I might be able to segue into an end-cap trip to Portland. We'll see.

BTW, I'm from Southern Oregon-- near Ashland and the Oregon Shakespeare Festival

Also, Hi SuziQOregon! :-)

mei 1, 9:36 pm

>78 Tanya-dogearedcopy: Tanya!! It’s been ages! Hope you can work out joining us.

mei 7, 3:02 pm

Brunch on the 1st followed by barbershop sounds good to me :)

mei 7, 6:18 pm

Sadly, it looks like I'm out for the June 1 brunch :-(
(My DH wants to spend more time at John Day and less in a city environment).

I'll have to make a point of coming up on my own in the future!

mei 13, 7:10 pm

mei 16, 10:12 am

Kim, I've set aside June 1 brunch for our gang, and look forward to seeing you. I'm not sure if my sister will want to join us, or Bonnie and/or Richard. I'll try to get the info from them. But we two will be there.

mei 16, 12:11 pm

It's on my calendar!

mei 16, 9:02 pm

Tentatively planning to be there, so keep me posted on location & other details.

(I say tentatively because my applecart got upset this week when houseguests planned for next weekend called Wednesday and said "We'll be there Friday!" As in tomorrow. As in the same weekend I had other major plans in place.....)

mei 17, 12:50 am

>83 ffortsa: Yay!! Okay, we are official. June 1st brunch with Judy and Jim!!
Does 10:00 Sound good?
Should we go to the same restaurant, Deschutes Brewery, near Powell's?
Who is planning on coming?



mei 17, 1:16 pm

>83 ffortsa: I’m in!

mei 17, 7:06 pm

I am in as well. Deschutes sounds good, Jake’s could be another option.

Bewerkt: mei 28, 1:00 pm

Just tossing out another option that’s a couple of blocks away also. Although I have not eaten here it looks like Cheryl’s on 12th has pretty good reviews and focuses on breakfast, brunch, and lunch with a wide variety of options.

Cheryls on 12th

mei 20, 3:53 pm

Have fun everyone! I am camping that weekend and hopefully most weekends this summer will be spent hiking, backpacking and camping. Enjoy!

mei 20, 4:02 pm

Guess I will have to skip the June 1 meetup. We're planning a family barbecue that afternoon/evening/until-the-goodies-are-all-gone to celebrate my daughter achieving the ripe old age of 50 and becoming a grandmother for the first time (in April) and also formally introducing Baby Kelby to the family.

(That also made me a great-grandmother, and my decrepit old body just can't handle that much celebrating all in one weekend.....)

mei 28, 12:50 am

So I see that Powell's is holding a warehouse sale the weekend of the meetup: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/powells-books-warehouse-sale-tickets-912773960487

Might want to pick a restaurant closer to that location and head there afterward...

mei 28, 12:26 pm

I just noticed that we're talking 10 a.m at Deschutes Brewery -- but I checked their web site and it looks they don't open until 11:30. Is there another, more brunch-like, place in the area that would open earlier?

mei 28, 1:03 pm

Looks like the link I posted in >89 SuziQoregon: isn’t working. So I’ll try again.

I have not been to this place but Cheryl’s on 12th is a couple of blocks from Powell’s and appears to have decent yelp reviews and a breakfast/brunch menu

Here’s the Yelp link


Bewerkt: mei 29, 1:30 am

Okay, I checked out the restaurants closer to the warehouse sale and they are largely ethnic foods (that I can't eat at safely due to allergies), truck stands or a fairly limited menu. So I am suggesting we still eat near the downtown Barnes and Noble and then we can drive over to the warehouse or go to the regular store depending on preference. Is everyone okay with that?

So far, I have attendees as:
Rob (?)

Did I miss anyone?

mei 28, 4:22 pm

Sounds good to me. Thanks for corralling us

mei 28, 8:19 pm

Cheryl's looks good and I am up for trying new place. I will make a reservation once I confirm # of attendees. 10:00am. Link up on >94 SuziQoregon:

: )

Bewerkt: mei 28, 9:18 pm

Great. Thanks Kim! See everyone Saturday!

BTW looks like they’ll add a gratuity to our bill because of the number of people and will only take up to four cards as payment. I’m planning to bring cash.

mei 28, 11:59 pm

Kim, my cousin Bonnie plans to join us. My sister' Rob's status will depend on whether she needs time by herself by then, although she was thinking of Powell's or some other sights in the city.

mei 29, 1:30 am

>98 SuziQoregon: Good to know. We'll work it out with cash or Zelle or PayPal...

>99 ffortsa: Great! I'll add Bonnie to the list (can't wait to see her too!) and I'm sure we can add +1 last minute.

mei 29, 11:19 am

I'm in. Cheryl's on 12th at 10 a.m. See you there.

mei 29, 5:19 pm

Fun times ahead!!

mei 29, 5:24 pm

Reservation for 10am on Saturday!!
1135 SW Washington St
Portland, OR 97205


Can't wait to see everyone!!

mei 29, 6:41 pm

Hey, looks like my sister and Bonnie will come.

mei 29, 7:37 pm

I am sorry that Oregon is so far away. I'm happy that so many of you are able to get together! Have Fun!!!!!

mei 30, 12:25 am

>104 ffortsa: Great! I included both of them in the reservation. ; )

>105 Whisper1: Wish you could be here too! Thanks for cheering us on.

mei 30, 1:23 am

I would love to meet those I haven't met previously, and once again enjoy Judy and Jim's company.

Bewerkt: mei 30, 8:32 pm

It’s truly sorry I couldn’t make it this time but on another note, I stopped at Dudley’s Bookshop Café in Bend and picked up a couple of books:

The Death of King Arthur (by Sir Thomas Mallory; a retelling by Peter Ackroyd) and;
Butcher & Blackbird (The Ruinous Love Trilogy #1; by Brynne Weaver) which looks to be a very dark romance. I was on the fence about it but the bookseller who wrote the shelf talker was also the cashier and she was like, “Seriously, so, so good. Don’t judge it by the cover…” So here we go!

Bewerkt: mei 30, 8:51 pm

>108 Tanya-dogearedcopy: Well, hello there! Maybe you can join us next time. So, now you'll have to post your review here after you finish Butcher & Blackbird!! : ) Do you have a thread? Couldn't find it...

mei 31, 11:12 am

>109 Berly: I came to the 75ers late in the year for the mystery series thread. I’m reading the historical fiction cozies set in Ancient Rome, Marcus Didius Falco and so was just here for that— but I could set up a regular thread this weekend. I just need to figure out how I want to present the list of the 45 books I’ve read so far. 🙂

jun 1, 9:50 pm

Pictures posted on my thread!!! : ) It was great to see you all.

jun 2, 4:56 pm

I enjoyed the meet-up Saturday (as always). Just want to drop a note that Roni (Ronincats) will be visiting in September. She'll be staying with me in Vancouver so maybe we can plan a meet-up on the north side of the Columbia for a change -- what do you think?

jun 2, 5:53 pm

It was a great meet-up! And a September meet-up in Vancouver sounds great.

jun 2, 7:51 pm

Yay! I'm in!! : )

jun 3, 1:04 am

September meetup in Vancouver sounds awesome!

jun 3, 2:25 pm

Let's shoot for that!

jun 3, 6:07 pm

That would be the weekend of the 21st-22nd of September. I'm hoping maybe Ellen and Prudence will have made their move and could make it as well. Of course I'm going to want to get to Powell's while I'm in town at some point, but I'm getting in a couple of days earlier than the weekend so am sure I will have opportunity. Btw, I posted someone's photo of the mile-long line at the Powell's warehouse last weekend on my Facebook account.

jun 3, 6:45 pm

Let's tentatively say Saturday the 21st and let's give some thought to a place that has parking available and takes reservations and is likely to be quiet enough to make conversation possible...maybe outside at the Waterfront?

jun 4, 12:05 am

Saturday the 21st works for me!

jun 4, 10:10 am

Sept 21st is my birthday, so the family may have something planned for me by then. Otherwise, I'll look forward to attending.

jun 4, 12:54 pm

>117 ronincats: Looking forward to it!

Bewerkt: jun 4, 1:14 pm

Lovely to see all of you at our recent Portland meet-up. I only wish I could fold up the U.S. the way I can fold up the map of the U.S., and just hop over to Portland in a flash! I'd come see you all the time!

jun 4, 1:14 pm

>122 ffortsa: Wouldn't that be lovely, Judy. I feel the same way going east.

Gisteren, 12:42 pm

Saw a note somewhere that the line at Powell's warehouse sale at times stretched two miles! They moved 30,000 books that day.

Sounds like a good thing to pass. I love a bargain as much as the next reader, but that's too much for me!