CA_DMV...Count me in for 2024!

Discussie2024 ROOT Challenge

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CA_DMV...Count me in for 2024!

Bewerkt: Gisteren, 8:08 pm

I'm ready for another year of rooting! Once again, I'll commit to my "normal" 12 books and try to surpass that number. But, with a new puppy, an aging mother and life helping out at the farm, I will feel good just being able to read one book a month.

2024 Ticker Thread #26

ROOTS for 2024:
1. The Other End of the Leash: Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs by Patricia B. McConnell, PhD
2. Transition Stress, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Opioid Use Among Post 9/11 Veterans by Sarah E. Strand, PhD
3. Flight of Eagles by Jack Higgins
4. Murder in Brentwood by Mark Fuhrman
5. The Japanese Lover by Isabel Allende

jan 2, 3:47 am

Hi ca. Glad to see you back for another year of ROOTing. Happy New Year.

jan 2, 6:29 am

Good luck for this year's goals! I'm sure all 3 of the puppy, mum and farm will keep you very busy!

jan 2, 5:56 pm

Sounds like a busy 2024 in store! I hope you get some quality time for yourself to read (perhaps with a snoozing puppy nearby to increase the cozy vibes).

jan 2, 8:18 pm

Welcome back!

jan 5, 6:46 am

Happy ROOTing!

feb 27, 8:20 pm

Thank you everyone for the warm welcome back! I'm off to a very slow start. :( Our long time rice grower told me in January that he was retiring so I was a bit busy lining up a new rice grower and learning about farm leases. We have signed with a grower that has some distant family ties so it feels like we have come full circle. :)

feb 27, 8:21 pm

The Other End of the Leash: Why We Do What We Do Around Dogs by Patricia B. McConnell, PhD

There were definitely some interesting insights in this book but for me it fell short in a few places by describing a behavior issue, why it occurs but does not describe how to deal with the behavior. I'm off to find a good trainer for my little "devil dog" who has stolen my heart. We will get through this period of puppyhood!

mrt 16, 6:30 pm

Transition Stress, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Opioid Use Among Post 9/11 Veterans by Dr Sarah E. Strand, PhD

I have known Sarah her entire life and when I was visiting her and her husband for Sarah's graduation, her copy of the dissertation was delivered. When I found out from Sarah that I could actually order my very own copy, I knew I had to purchase one. I notified Sarah when my copy arrived and of course she asked if I had read it. Well, that committed me to reading her work. Much of it went over my head but I understood enough to know that we need more people like Sarah helping out our troops. Well done Sarah, you make me very proud.

mrt 17, 7:42 am

>9 ca_dmv: That's really nice to read something written by someone you have known so long.

apr 15, 7:01 pm

Flight of Eagles by Jack Higgins

To kickstart/get back in the groove of my reading in 2024, I went for one of my “go to”, reliable authors and he did not disappoint. I really enjoyed Flight of Eagles and how two brothers divided by war came together at the end.

mei 3, 3:33 am

Hi, just popping in to see what you are reading. I hope you are okay and reading some nice books since your last post.

mei 21, 4:50 pm

>12 connie53: That's so kind of you! It's been a busy year with a new puppy, a new rice grower and helping my Mom more and more. It's all good and I wouldn't want it any other way.

mei 21, 4:52 pm

Murder in Brentwood by Mark Fuhrman

When I heard that OJ Simpson passed away, I knew exactly which book I was reading next.

I supported law enforcement for 28 years in a civilian position and saw the good, the bad and the ugly of law enforcement and the justice system. I don't remember following the trial, only be disgusted by what was playing out in the media. If only half of what Mark Fuhrman claims is true, what a horrible injustice that was done to the victims and their families. A sad example of a total failure of the justice system. This is what money can buy when you have the right connections. :(

Gisteren, 8:08 pm

The Japanese Lover by Isabel Allende

Not your typical love story and it's hard to describe. Two people who loved each other and were meant to be together by Alma allowed circumstances to keep her from Ichimei. However, if they did come together, the circumstances would have torn them apart. Well written and kept my interest.