Francis (2024)

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Francis (2024)

jan 3, 9:35 am

This is a continuation of Francis 2023

These are Pope Francis’ Prayer Intentions for 2024 (ACI Africa)

January: For the gift of diversity in the Church... February: For the terminally ill... March: For new martyrs... April: For the dignity of women... May: For the formation of men and women religious and seminarians... June: For those fleeing their own countries... July: For the pastoral care of the sick... August: For political leaders... September: For the cry of the earth... October: For a shared mission... November: For those who have lost a child... December: For pilgrims of hope...

Bewerkt: jan 6, 6:37 am

Pope Francis: Catholic News Media Can’t Be "neutral" in the Message they Convey (ACI Africa)

Pope Francis said people working in Catholic media must not refrain from being involved in the evangelizing mission of the Church and that, therefore, “they cannot remain ‘neutral’ with respect to the message they convey”... According to Vatican News, the Holy Father also explained that “interreligious dialogue, ecumenism, and the defense of peace, freedom, and human dignity” should be the goals of communication professionals, especially if they are Catholic. “How many conflicts today, instead of being extinguished by dialogue, are fueled by fake news or inflammatory statements in the media! That’s why it’s all the more important that you, strong in your Christian roots and in living the faith daily, ‘demilitarized’ in your heart by the Gospel, support the disarmament of language,” the pope said in his discourse, which he gave in writing to the delegation. To achieve this “demilitarization” of language, he shared four guidelines that Catholics in the media can put into practice: “Foster a tone of peace and understanding, build bridges, be available to listen, and engage in respectful communication toward others and their reasons.” He also noted that Catholic journalists have a fundamental role to play in situations involving tension and disputes by “providing correct information” to resolve misunderstandings and contributing to the construction of peace in society, “helping mutual understanding and not setting people in opposition to each other.” Pope Francis was also emphatic in asking Catholic journalists not to be turned in on themselves but to go out and “bring the Christian message to all areas of life” using the enormous resources, platforms, and communication tools available to the modern world. “A Church concerned above all with itself becomes ill with self-referentiality,” he warned. In that regard, the pontiff pointed to the weakest in society as the center of attention of communication professionals. In these peripheries, Pope Francis commented, is found “the God of love, waiting for the good news of our charity.” The Holy Father pointed out the need for journalists “who highlight the stories and faces of those to whom few or no one pays attention.” Catholics in the media should “always think of the faces of the people, especially the poor and the simple, and start from them, their reality, their dramas, and their hopes, even if doing so means going against the current” and sparing no effort, he concluded.

jan 7, 11:32 pm

Pope Francis warns against ideological splits in the Church, says focus on the poor, not ‘theory’ (AP)

Amid resistance to some Vatican policy by more conservative factions of the Catholic church, Pope Francis on Saturday cautioned the faithful against fracturing into groups “based on our own ideas.” He issued the call to abandon “ecclesiastical ideologies” in his homily in St. Peter’s Basilica during Epiphany Day Mass, the last major Christmas season holiday. Francis also warned against “basking in some elegant religious theory” instead of finding God in the faces of the poor... Francis said the Church needed to ensure that “our faith will not be reduced to an assemblage of religious devotions or mere outward appearance.” “We find the God who comes down to visit us, not by basking in some elegant religious theory, but by setting out on a journey, seeking the signs of his presence in everyday life,” especially in the faces of the poor, the pontiff said... He has dedicated much of his nearly 11-year-old papacy to encouraging attention to marginalized people, including the poor...

jan 13, 11:30 am

Pope Francis Calls for Greater Dialogue and Cooperation Between Christians, Marxists (ACI Africa)

Pope Francis this week called for cooperation between Christians and Marxists as a way to achieve greater “dialogue” and help in the search for the “common good.” “I thank you for your commitment to dialogue,” the pope said in a private meeting on Jan. 10 with 15 representatives of DIALOP (Transversal Dialogue Project), an association of European leftist politicians and academics that seeks to bridge Catholic social teaching and Marxist theory. “There is always a great need for dialogue, so do not be afraid,” the pope said during the event at the Paul VI Audience Hall. Highlighting the nexus between social, economic, and ecological issues, the pope said that “politics that is truly at the service of humanity cannot let itself be dictated to by finance and market mechanisms.” The pope buttressed his call for a more inclusive participation in economic and political decision-making by suggesting that “instead of rigid approaches that divide, let us cultivate, with open hearts, discussion and listening”...

jan 16, 9:17 am

Pope Francis: "War itself is a crime against humanity" (ACI Africa)

Pope Francis made a strong appeal for peace on Sunday calling modern warfare “a crime against humanity” that sows death among civilians and destroys cities. Speaking at the end of his Angelus address on Jan. 14, the pope urged people to pray for all who are suffering due to “the cruelty of war,” especially in Ukraine, Palestine, and Israel. “We pray that those who have power over these conflicts will reflect that war is not the way to resolve them because it sows death among civilians and destroys cities and infrastructure. In other words, war today is in itself a crime against humanity,” Pope Francis said. “Let’s not forget this: War itself is a crime against humanity. People need peace. The world needs peace”...

jan 18, 4:26 am

Pope Francis Issues New Regulations Setting Spending Limits for Vatican Offices (ACI Africa)

Pope Francis amended the Vatican’s financial regulations on Tuesday, enshrining a spending limit into law that requires Vatican offices to get permission before making large purchases...

jan 22, 4:40 am

Return to God’s Word Rather than Social Media’s "violence of words": Pope Francis (ACI Africa)

Pope Francis has called Catholics to spend more time with the saving power of God’s word as society and social media amplify “the violence of words.” Speaking of the “immense power” that the word of God can unleash in people’s lives, Pope Francis encouraged us to always “have the Gospel within easy reach.” “While society and social media accentuate the violence of words, let us draw closer to and cultivate the quiet word of God that brings salvation, that is gentle, that does not make a loud noise and that enters into our hearts,” Pope Francis said on Jan. 21. The word of God, he said, “does not leave us self-absorbed but expands hearts, changes courses, overturns habits, opens up new scenarios, and discloses unthought-of horizons”... “The word of God unleashes the power of the Holy Spirit,” Pope Francis said. “Christ’s word not only liberates us from the burdens we bear, past and present; it also makes us mature in truth and in charity. It enlivens the heart, challenges it, purifies it from hypocrisy, and fills it with hope,” he said.

jan 23, 4:32 am

SECAM President Explains How Rejection of Fiducia Supplicans in Africa was Handled (ACI Africa)

I think it's worth reading the whole article, as it demonstrates how a disagreement between some bishops and the pope was handled sensitively and discreetly without resorting to social media, culture war or ideology. Above all it emphasises respect and communion, as well as synodality, resulting in a response which was agreed amicably between the African bishops' conference, the Dicastery for Doctrine and Faith, and the Holy Father. “The Episcopal Conferences of all Africa... have strongly reaffirmed their communion with Pope Francis".

Bewerkt: jan 24, 12:04 am

Pope upholds legacy of Don Milani, a “restless and disturbing” priest (Vatican News)

Pope Francis meets members of the Committee for the Centenary of the birth of Italian pioneer priest and educator, Don Lorenzo Milani, and recalls his dedication to the education of the poor and excluded in society...

Oh for more “restless and disturbing” priests!

Bewerkt: jan 29, 11:12 pm

Pope Francis: Blessings Don’t Require "moral perfection" (ACI Africa)

Pope Francis on Friday clarified the Vatican’s position on same-sex blessings, affirming the recent declaration Fiducia Supplicans and emphasizing that “moral perfection” isn’t a requirement for receiving a blessing... “The intent of the ‘pastoral and spontaneous blessings’ is to concretely show the closeness of the Lord and of the Church to all those who, finding themselves in different situations, ask help to carry on — sometimes to begin — a journey of faith,” Pope Francis said... The Holy Father emphasized that these blessings, which come “outside of any context and form of liturgical character, do not require moral perfection to be received.” “When a couple spontaneously approaches to ask for it, the union is not blessed, but simply the people who have requested it together. Not the union, but the people, naturally taking into account the context, the sensitivities, the places in which one lives and the most suitable ways to do so,” Pope Francis continued...

I can't recall the number of times I have been walking along with a bishop or a priest and complete strangers have come and asked for a blessing from him. Never have I heard one of these clergy quiz the supplicant about their moral status. And that's how it should be.

Edited to add: Pope says LGBT blessings are for individuals, not approval of unions (Reuters)

Pope Francis on Friday defended a Vatican document on blessings for same-sex couples but said they were not an approval of a lifestyle the Church sees as potentially sinful but of individuals seeking to get closer to God... The intentions of the blessings, Francis said were "to concretely show the closeness of the Lord and the Church to all those who, finding themselves in different situations, ask for help to continue - sometimes to begin - a journey of faith"...

Edited again to add:

Pope says Africans are 'special case' when it comes to LGBT blessings (Reuters)

Pope Francis said in an interview published on Monday that Africans were a "special case" in the opposition of bishops and many other people in the continent to homosexuality. But he said he was confident that, except for Africans, critics of his decision to allow blessings for same-sex couples would eventually understand it... "Those who protest vehemently belong to small ideological groups," Francis told Italian newspaper La Stampa. "A special case are Africans: for them homosexuality is something 'bad' from a cultural point of view, they don't tolerate it". "But in general, I trust that gradually everyone will be reassured by the spirit of the 'Fiducia Supplicans' declaration by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith: it aims to include, not divide," the pope said... He said that when the blessings are given, priests should "naturally take into account the context, the sensitivities, the places where one lives and the most appropriate ways to do it". In the interview with La Stampa, Francis said he was not concerned about the risk of conservatives breaking away from the Catholic Church due to his reforms, saying that talk of a schism is always led by "small groups." "We must leave them to it and move on...and look forward", he said...

Turning to Israel and the Palestinians, he said "true peace" between them will not materialise until a two-state solution is implemented and lamented that their conflict was widening...

feb 9, 4:43 am

To be "scandalized" by Gay Couple Blessings is "hypocrisy": Pope Francis (ACI Africa)

Pope Francis this week again defended the Vatican’s controversial document authorizing blessings for same-sex couples, with the Holy Father arguing that humans “must all respect each other” and stating that blessings should be extended to “everyone”... When asked by editor Father Vincenzo Vitale about Fiducia Supplicans — the December document published by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF) that authorized nonliturgical blessings for same-sex couples and others in “irregular situations” — the pope said that “the gravest sins … are those that disguise themselves with a more ‘angelic’ appearance.” “No one is scandalized if I give a blessing to an entrepreneur who perhaps exploits people: and this is a very serious sin,” the Holy Father said. “Whereas they are scandalized if I give it to a homosexual … This is hypocrisy! We must all respect each other. Everyone.” “I don’t bless a ‘homosexual marriage,’” the pope said. “I bless two people who love each other and I also ask them to pray for me.” “Always in confessions, when these situations arrive, homosexual people, remarried people, I always pray and bless,” he continued. “The blessing is not to be denied to anyone. Everyone, everyone. Mind you, I am talking about people: those who are capable of receiving baptism,” Francis continued...

feb 11, 11:43 pm

Pope at Angelus: ‘Reach out to the suffering with actions, not words’ (Vatican News)

During the Sunday Angelus marking the 32nd World Day of the Sick , Pope Francis invites the faithful to listen and reach out to the suffering, reminding them that Jesus' style with those who suffer is few words and concrete actions. Love needs concreteness, presence, encounter, time, and space offered gratuitously” Pope Francis said at the Angelus on Sunday. “It cannot be reduced to nice words, images on a screen, selfies of a moment, or hasty messages”...

Bewerkt: feb 12, 11:04 pm

Pope: Humans find meaning in relationships, not technology (Vatican News)

At an audience with members of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Pope Francis reflects on humanity’s search for meaning and says relationships with others lie at the heart of our existence...

Suluhu Heads To Vatican Monday For Talks With Pope Francis (Capital News)

Tanzania’s President Samia Suluhu will on Monday begin a working visit to the Vatican as part of the efforts to strengthen relations between the two countries. Tanzania’s Foreign Minister January Makamba confirmed Suluhu’s visit to the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church on Sunday. Makamba disclosed that Suluhu’s visit comes in response to an invitation extended by Pope Francis. “When she arrives, she will be officially received by Pope Francis at the Papal Offices and hold a private meeting with him,” Makamba said... Alongside state officials, Suluhu will be accompanied by representatives of the Catholic Church from Tanzania.

President Suluhu is Tanzania's frst female Muslim president, and initiated a number of democratic reforms following the death of her authoritarian predecessor, the Christian John Magufuli, a COVID denier who reportedly claimed that Jesus Christ was the antidote to COVID, and who subsequently died from COVID. Members of this LT group are probably aware that Tanzania's first president, who served from 1964 to 1985 and was one of the first African presidents to stand down gracefully and peacefully from the position, was a staunch Catholic, and his politics was influenced by his Catholic faith. In 2005 Pope Benedict XVI declared him a Servant of God, the first step on the path to canonisation.

Bewerkt: feb 19, 4:21 am

Pope prays for Sudan, northern Mozambique as Catholic church attacked (Vatican News)

Pope Francis urges global leaders to push for peace in Sudan and northern Mozambique, where a Catholic mission was set ablaze. “Wherever fighting occurs, people are exhausted, tired of war, which as always is pointless and inconclusive, and will only bring death, only destruction, and will never solve the problem”...

Pope Francis: Lent is a Time to "encounter wild beasts and angels" (ACI Africa)

On the first Sunday of Lent, Pope Francis focused his Angelus address on the temptation of Jesus in the desert to highlight that it is an invitation for us to enter the proverbial desert to come “in contact with the truth.” Observing that during the 40 days in the desert Christ was in the company of both “wild beasts and angels,” the pope reflected that when we enter this symbolic “inner wildness,” we too “encounter wild beasts and angels.” These wild beats assume a deeply symbolic meaning in our “spiritual life,” and so “we can think of them as the disordered passions that divide our heart, trying to take possession of it. They entice us, they seem seductive, but if we are not careful, we risk being torn apart by them,” the pope said to the nearly 15,000 faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square on Sunday. Expanding upon this idea of “disordered passions,” the pope suggested that we can conceive of them also as “the various vices,” such as “the lust for wealth” or “the vanity of pleasure.” “They must be tamed and fought, otherwise they will devour our freedom,” the pope emphasized...

feb 25, 11:29 pm

Cooperation and service at heart of priestly ministry, says Pope (Vatican News)

In an address to deacons preparing for the priesthood in the diocese of Rome, Pope Francis highlights faithful cooperation, service to the People of God, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit as key aspects of priestly ministry...

mrt 2, 4:17 am

Pope Francis: "Today the ugliest danger is gender ideology" (ACI Africa)

Pope Francis on Friday morning gave an address on the importance of building a culture that protects human and Christians vocations, things he suggested were at risk due to contemporary cultural challenges including gender ideology. “It is very important that there is this meeting, this meeting between men and women, because today the ugliest danger is gender ideology, which cancels out differences,” the pope said... Gender ideology, which seeks to blur differences between men and women through movements such as transgenderism, “makes everything the same,” Francis said. “Erasing differences is erasing humanity. Man and woman, however, are in a fruitful ‘tension,’” Francis told the assembly...

mrt 3, 11:19 pm

Pope opens Vatican judicial year: Doing justice requires the virtue of courage (Vatican News)

Addressing officials of the Tribunal of Vatican City State at the inauguration of its 95th judicial year, Pope Francis reminds them that the administration of justice requires the virtue of courage and humility in pursuing the truth and even in facing criticism...

mrt 9, 11:47 pm

Pope Francis: Thomas Aquinas' thought more relevant than ever (Vatican News)

What does the thought of one of the most distinguished theologians in the history of the Church have to do with the development of social sciences? The work of a philosopher with the ways in which human relationships are articulated and grow? More than you might think, as the Pope has pointed out in a letter to the participants in a workshop organised by the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences...

Bewerkt: mrt 16, 12:35 am

Pope Francis Takes on Critics in Forthcoming Memoir, Says He Won’t be Resigning (ACI Africa)

Pope Francis has no plans to resign from office — though he says some in the Church wish he would. The pontiff addresses the topic in “Life: My Story Through History,” his forthcoming autobiography... In the book, Pope Francis says that despite the criticism and medical issues he has faced during his 11-year pontificate, he considers the Petrine ministry to be “for life” and sees no conditions for resignation, barring serious physical impairment. “Over the years, perhaps some people have hoped that sooner or later, perhaps after hospitalization, I would make an announcement like this, but there is no such risk: Thanks to the Lord, I enjoy good health, and God willing, there are many projects still to realize.” The pope says that some are already focusing on who might succeed him, which he says was “only human,” but he also warns that this kind of speculation can be motivated by personal gain or “for profit in the newspapers.” Addressing criticism leveled against him during his more than 10 years as pontiff, the Argentinian pope acknowledges that he was hurt by those who claim that he is “destroying the papacy.” But he says that he would have to go to the psychologist once a week if he paid attention to all of the criticism, which he suggests is motivated by opposition to his desire to make the Church more pastoral and less monarchical. The pope also writes that it has “pained” him to see Pope Benedict XVI, who resigned in 2013 and lived in the Vatican as pope emeritus before passing away on Dec. 31, 2022, used against him for “ideological and political purposes” by “unscrupulous people who, not having accepted his resignation, have thought of their own gain and their own little garden to cultivate, underestimating the dramatic possibility of a fracture within the Church.” In the new book, Pope Francis also defends arguably the most divisive move of his papacy: the Vatican’s recent controversial approval of blessings for same-sex couples. The pope said that the promulgation of Fiducia Supplicans confirms that “God loves everyone, especially sinners,” and that if some decide not to implement the guidance, as many bishops and some entire episcopal conferences have, “it does not mean that this is the antechamber of a schism, because the doctrine of the Church is not called into question.” While the pope says that marriage between people of the same sex is not a possibility, he reiterates his approval of civil unions, stating that “it is right that these people who live the gift of love can have legal coverage like everyone else”...

In “Life: My Story Through History,” Pope Francis also states his views on some of the most pressing issues facing the Church and society. He reiterates his description of abortion as “a criminal act” akin to hiring “hitmen.” “No more abortions, please! It is essential to always defend and promote conscientious objection.” The pope also condemns surrogacy as “inhuman,” as it “threatens the dignity of men and women, with children treated as commodities.” On the topic of the protection of creation, Pope Francis writes that “time is running out” to save the planet but urges activists to not resort to violence or “defacing works of art” in their efforts to push for change. The pope also emphasizes the need for the Church to follow Christ’s example of going to people on the margins in its care for same-sex-attracted and trans-identifying people, “who are often marginalized within the Church.” “Make them feel at home, especially those who have received baptism and are to all intents and purposes part of the people of God”...

Edited to add: Pope: ‘I’m not considering resigning but would be ‘bishop emeritus of Rome’ (Vatican News)

the Pope clarified that were he to resign, he would not choose to be called “Pope Emeritus” but simply “Bishop Emeritus of Rome." In that case, he would live in the Basilica of St. Mary Major “to return to being a confessor and bring communion to the sick.” The Pope clarified this possible scenario in case of his resignation, which, however, he emphasized, "is a distant hypothesis" because there are no "so serious reasons" to consider this possibility, which he said he never considers, "despite moments of difficulty." There are no "conditions for a resignation," according to Pope Francis, unless "a serious physical impediment" arose, in which case a "letter of resignation" deposited in the Secretariat of State signed by Bergoglio at the beginning of his pontificate would apply. He added that the possibility remains remote, since the Pope "is in good health and, God willing, there are many projects still to be realized"...

mrt 18, 7:45 am

Pope Francis: God’s glory does not correspond to human success (ACI Africa)

Pope Francis said Sunday that God’s glory and our true happiness are not found in success, fame, or popularity but in loving and forgiving others. In his Angelus address on March 17, the pope asked: How it is possible that God’s glory is manifest in the humiliation of the cross? “One would think it happened in the Resurrection, not on the cross, which is a defeat, a failure,” he said. “Instead, today, talking about his passion, Jesus says: ‘The hour has come for the Son of man to be glorified’ (Jn 12:23). What does he mean?” The pope explained that “for God, glory is to love to the point of giving one’s life.” “Glorification, for him, means giving himself, making himself accessible, offering his love,” he said...

mrt 24, 4:21 am

Pope Francis Implores Public Broadcasters to Serve the Common Good and Combat "fake news" (ACI Africa)

Pope Francis on Saturday spoke on the important role public broadcasting plays in the transmission of information, serving the common good, and as an instrument to fight the spread of “fake news.” “Your work is intended above all to be a response to the needs of the citizens, in a spirit of universal openness, with action capable of extending throughout the territory without becoming localist, respecting and promoting the dignity of each person”...

apr 1, 5:57 am

Full text of Pope Francis’ Urbi et Orbi Blessing for Easter 2024 (ACI Africa)

A few excepts:

The tomb of Jesus had been sealed with a great stone. Today too, great stones, heavy stones, block the hopes of humanity: the stone of war, the stone of humanitarian crises, the stone of human rights violations, the stone of human trafficking, and other stones as well... This is the amazing discovery of that Easter morning: The stone, the immense stone, was rolled away. The astonishment of the women is our astonishment as well: The tomb of Jesus is open, and it is empty! From this, everything begins anew! A new path leads through that empty tomb: The path that none of us, but God alone, could open: the path of life in the midst of death, the path of peace in the midst of war, the path of reconciliation in the midst of hatred, the path of fraternity in the midst of hostility...

My thoughts go especially to the victims of the many conflicts worldwide, beginning with those in Israel and Palestine, and in Ukraine. May the risen Christ open a path of peace for the war-torn peoples of those regions. In calling for respect for the principles of international law, I express my hope for a general exchange of all prisoners between Russia and Ukraine: all for the sake of all! I appeal once again that access to humanitarian aid be ensured to Gaza, and call once more for the prompt release of the hostages seized on 7 October last and for an immediate cease-fire in the Strip. Let us not allow the current hostilities to continue to have grave repercussions on the civil population, by now at the limit of its endurance, and above all on the children... Why all this death? Why all this destruction? War is always an absurdity, war is always a defeat! Let us not allow the strengthening winds of war to blow on Europe and the Mediterranean. Let us not yield to the logic of weapons and rearming. Peace is never made with arms, but with outstretched hands and open hearts...

May the Lord open paths of peace on the African continent, especially for the suffering peoples in Sudan and in the entire region of the Sahel, in the Horn of Africa, in the region of Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and in the province of Capo Delgado in Mozambique, and bring an end to the prolonged situation of drought, which affects vast areas and provokes famine and hunger...

Bewerkt: apr 3, 3:14 am

No surprises really, except to see it confirmed by the Pope?

Pope exposes confidential details of past conclaves and settles scores with Pope Benedict XVI’s aide
NICOLE WINFIELD | April 2, 2024

Bewerkt: apr 11, 12:29 am

Gender-affirming surgery threatens ‘unique dignity’ of a person, Vatican says (CNN)

The Vatican has issued a strong warning against “gender theory” and said that any “sex-change intervention” risks threatening “the unique dignity” of a person, in a new document signed off and approved by Pope Francis. Titled “Dignitas Infinita” (Infinite Dignity) the declaration focuses on what it describes as a range of threats to human dignity, including poverty, the death penalty, war, assisted dying, abortion, sexual abuse and the abuse of women. The text, published by the Vatican doctrine office on Monday, states that attempts to obscure “the sexual difference between man and woman,” including gender-affirming surgery, should be rejected. “It follows that any sex-change intervention, as a rule, risks threatening the unique dignity the person has received from the moment of conception,” it adds. The document is largely a re-stating of Catholic teaching on these topics but does not seek to isolate one issue – such as abortion – but says it emphasizes the equal dignity of all people, regardless of their circumstances. On abortion, it strongly reiterates what the pontiff has said in the past, that the “defense of unborn life is closely linked to the defense of each and every other human right”...

I think that last part is important. It's not about single issues but about what Daniel Berrigan described as a "consistent ethic of life", or as this Vatican document puts it, "the defence of each and every human right".

Edited to add: New Vatican doc ‘Dignitas Infinita’: What it says on gender theory, surrogacy, poverty and more (America Magazine)

The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith has issued an important new doctrinal declaration on human dignity, approved by Pope Francis, that not only reaffirms the Catholic Church’s traditional teaching on abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide, but also updates it by denouncing some newer forms of violation of that dignity in the 21st century, such as surrogacy and the promotion of gender theory... Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernández said went through several preparatory drafts over the past five years, and which he presented at a Vatican press conference on April 8. He revealed in a preface to the text that Pope Francis explicitly asked that the document “highlight topics closely connected to the theme of dignity, such as poverty, the situation of migrants, violence against women, human trafficking, war and other themes.” Thus the declaration goes beyond the focus on single issues and throws a spotlight on the much broader field of violations of human dignity. Commenting on this in an editorial on Vatican Media, Andrea Tornielli, its editorial director, said: “The new text contributes to overcoming the dichotomy that exists between those who concentrate exclusively on the defense of life that is unborn or dying and forget the other attacks against human dignity, and those, on the other hand, who focus only on the defense of the poor and migrants and forget that life has to be defended from conception to natural death”...

The full text of Declaration of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith “Dignitas Infinita” on Human Dignity can be found here

apr 9, 6:21 pm

Unnecessarily hurtful... I take it the people who want to be hurtful have upper hand as the Pope becomes ever more frail...

Transgender Catholics say new Vatican document shows no understanding of their lives
DAVID CRARY | April 8, 2024

As for surrogacy I agree that inequality that leads to sale of living kidneys as well as wombs is worthy of opposition, but some of us provide tissues and organs, and, yes, use of wombs for the best and kindest of reasons--something to be celebrated, not condemned.

"Declaration of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith “Dignitas Infinita” on Human Dignity, 08.04.2024" does not have weight of infallibility, I trust.

apr 10, 4:27 am

New Vatican Document Highlights Church’s "ever-greater understanding of human dignity" (ACI Africa)

The new document states that “the Church’s magisterium progressively developed an ever-greater understanding of the meaning of human dignity, along with its demands and consequences, until it arrived at the recognition that the dignity of every human being prevails beyond all circumstances.” At the same time, Fernández explained, the document reflects Pope Francis’ pastoral priorities, noting that the theme of human dignity is “so present in the thought of Pope Francis” as well as “in his attitudes, in his way of treating the sick, the criminals, the forgotten, in the way he listens”...

Bewerkt: apr 10, 3:19 pm

So, has the RC hierarchy discussed this with children who owe their existence to an assist from medical technology? Would they prefer not to exist?

Pope Francis Slams Women Who Think They Have 'Right to a Child'
Apr 08, 2024

"First and foremost, the practice of surrogacy violates the dignity of the child... Because of this unalienable dignity, the child has the right to have a fully human (and not artificially induced) origin and to receive the gift of a life that manifests both the dignity of the giver and that of the receiver. Moreover, acknowledging the dignity of the human person also entails recognizing every dimension of the dignity of the conjugal union and of human procreation... Considering this, the legitimate desire to have a child cannot be transformed into a 'right to a child' that fails to respect the dignity of that child as the recipient of the gift of life."

apr 12, 12:39 am

Surprise: Pope claims abolished title of honour for himself (

Without prior notice, Pope Francis has reversed something that his predecessor Benedict XVI (2005-2013) had changed during his pontificate. The Pope now once again bears the historic title of"Patriarch of the West" (Patriarca dell'Occidente), as he last did in 2005. Benedict XVI had this title removed from the list of papal titles in the first year of his pontificate, causing irritation among the churches of the East. With the title "Patriarch of the West", the Pope puts himself on an equal footing in ecumenical dialogue with the Patriarch of Constantinople and other patriarchs of Eastern churches that do not recognise the Pope as their head. The current Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, whom Pope Francis has already addressed as "brother" on several occasions, was apparently one of the first to be informed of the move...

apr 12, 5:40 am

Pope Francis Decries How "the unborn with disabilities are aborted" in Throwaway Culture (ACI Africa)

Pope Francis decried how “the unborn with disabilities are aborted” in a speech on Thursday to a Vatican conference on disability inclusion. The pope warned that “the throwaway culture” turns into “a culture of death” when people “presume to be able to establish, on the basis of utilitarian and functional criteria, when a life has value and is worth being lived.” He pointed out that we see this today especially on the two extremes of the spectrum of life — “the unborn with disabilities are aborted and the elderly close to the end are administered an ‘easy death’ by euthanasia”... “Every human being has the right to live with dignity and to develop integrally. Even if they are unproductive, or were born with or develop limitations, this does not detract from their great dignity as human persons, a dignity based not on circumstances but on the intrinsic worth of their being,” Pope Francis said...

Bewerkt: apr 12, 11:42 am

What happened to the Pope who saw the elephant in the room? Because we fail to act, climate change will kill millions and millions of us and our descendents -- slowly as water and food is lost, and quickly through disasters and most spectacularly, through wet bulb temperatures...

Scold UKRAINE to negotiate? Scold transgender people and infertile women for use of medical technologies? Aai-yi-yi. In his decline, the once bold, science-educated thinker is not being served well by his advisors and staff.

Hopefully, they will not undo his legacy of a successor capable of providing the moral leadership this sorry old world needs.

Let us pray.

Bewerkt: apr 12, 9:41 am

>30 margd:

Do you see it as "scolding"? I would tend to see it as raising concerns which are often ignored in the rough and tumble of social media culture wars, about issues where there is still no universal agreement including from scientifc and medical quarters.

I'm not aware that the pope has backtracked at all on his climate concerns. As for Ukraine, like virtually all conflicts this one will end in negotiations, and there's nothing wrong with encouraging the protagonists to reach that point as early as possible before more lives are senselessly lost and, incidentally, before more environmental damage is done. This may not sit well with those who still believe that a military victory is possible for one side or the other, but will give encouragement to all those ordinary people in both Russia and Ukraine who oppose the military option.

As for "what has happened" to the pope, he has faced ten years of vitriolic abuse from the right wing, including within his own Church, and especially in north America. He must be getting tired, but I would say that his fundamental direction has not changed in the least. He is a pastor who loves and accepts everyone, but he also has a responsibility to raise concerns about things based on the Christian and Catholic understanding of life, the universe and everything.

But he is not is a social media influencer, nor a culture warrior on either side - and nor should he be. Indeed, let us pray.

Bewerkt: apr 12, 12:57 pm

And "the right wing, including within his own Church, and especially in north America" have Francis right where they want him, poor old guy.

Instead of scolding sheep, the Vatican should be cleansing the temple -- taking to task money changers like Putin, Netanyahu, combatants in Sudan, people despoiling our planet for a buck, et al.

Too feeble to get out anymore, the Good Father is obviously being advised by Pharisees, not "shepherds with the 'smell of the sheep'"...

ETA: Spokesperson of the triumphant spidey-sense was correct. Fr. de Souza has been called gateway to the right-wing opponents of Pope Francis.

Pope Francis Shuts Down the Cafeteria
The pope affirms that Catholics can’t pick and choose between life and social ethics.
{Father} Raymond J. de Souza | April 11, 2024

Bewerkt: apr 12, 1:47 pm

>32 margd:

Fair comment, but I don't see any let up in his outspokenness about "Putin, Netanyahu, combatants in Sudan, people despoiling our planet for a buck, et al". And incidentally, I think he would see all of them as also being his "sheep". As for the "Pharisees", well, he won't be the first pope who hasn't succeeded in his efforts to change the right wing establishment in the Vatican, although he has made more progress than most.

Bewerkt: apr 13, 6:54 am

Cardinal Fernández explains the ‘novelty’ of new Vatican doc on dignity (America magazine)

The 116 footnotes in the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith’s declaration on human dignity reflect the fact that most of the content of the 12,700-word text is not new Catholic teaching. But, as has been true with many documents issued during Pope Francis’ papacy, there was plenty of reaction from people who had hoped to see significant changes in the church’s position, particularly on gender issues, and from people who claimed Pope Francis was overturning centuries of church teaching, particularly on the death penalty... Pointing to all the footnotes, a journalist asked the cardinal why the document was necessary since it seemed to be just a list of things that had already been said about human dignity and the sacredness of human life and against abortion, surrogacy and sex-change surgery. The declaration, he responded, summarizes “the most important teachings about human dignity and organizes them around a central point, which is the dignity of every human being ‘beyond all circumstances,’” an affirmation from Pope Francis’ encyclical “Fratelli Tutti, on Fraternity and Social Friendship.” The text takes “this principle that Pope Francis wanted to emphasize and develops the question around that principle -- this is the novelty of the document,” Cardinal Fernández said... another reporter asked the cardinal if people could expect that in another 80 years the teaching in the document would change again. “I would not phrase it that way,” Cardinal Fernández responded. “But I would say one could understand it better” as time goes on. “One can go deeper into that inexhaustible well that is the Gospel. The Gospel is an inexhaustible well. And we still have so much to find there, so much that we have not understood.” The idea, particularly as explained by St. John Henry Newman, is that while revelation does not change, the church’s understanding of it can grow and deepen or be phrased in new ways to respond to new questions. “Human dignity is a central question in Christian thought,” Cardinal Fernández told reporters. “It has had a magnificent development over the past two centuries along with the (development) of the social doctrine of the church.” The cardinal used the example of slavery, which was accepted in the Bible and by popes for centuries...

Pope Francis announces biggest restructuring of the Catholic church in Ireland in 900 years (Irish Times)

Pope Francis has announced a series of episcopal changes in the Irish hierarchy resulting in the most extensive restructuring of the Catholic church here in roughly 900 years... The scaling back of the number of episcopal positions may be the first step in a more far-reaching and wider process of restructuring for the Irish church in light of concerns that the current diocesan boundaries no longer reflect the distribution of the Catholic population. The Catholic church on the island of Ireland is divided into 26 dioceses, the boundaries of which have remained essentially unchanged since the 12th century. Some ecclesiastical experts have called for a streamlining of this number in light of falling mass attendances and the decline in vocations. The Archbishop of Tuam Francis Duffy said the development was “new” but not “sudden” as it has been the subject of discussion for some time. “It’s really the Catholic Church in the west of Ireland and in Ireland responding to the signs of the times, looking at what we have, our resources, our structures and are these adequate for the situation which we find ourselves and we feel that these changes are important and valuable and will allow us to continue into the 21st century in the west of Ireland in particular, responding to those challenges,” he said...

Papal Foundation Announces Nearly $15 million in Global Grants, Humanitarian Aid, to "grow Catholic faith” (ACI Africa)

The Papal Foundation, a U.S.-based organization that provides funding for Catholic projects around the world, announced on Friday the distribution of nearly $15 million in grants, scholarships, and charitable aid “to care for those in need and grow the Catholic faith around the world”... Among the beneficiaries include efforts at “providing for basic needs such as access to clean water,” “constructing schools and renovating classrooms,” and “translating Church teachings for evangelization.” The money will also go toward “restoring Churches, convents, and seminaries in desperate need of repairs,” “providing students in remote areas with transportation to further their education,” and “building health care facilities”...

apr 13, 6:54 am

Pope Francis reinstates papal title ‘Patriarch of the West’ in Pontifical Yearbook
Matthew Santucci | Apr 12, 2024

...Following Pope Benedict XVI’s decision to drop the title in 2006, the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity (then the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity) issued a statement noting that it had become “obsolete” and “no longer usable.”

The dicastery argued that the cultural and geographic understanding of the West had expanded from Western Europe to also cover North America, Australia, and New Zealand.

“The renunciation of this title is intended to express historical and theological realism and, at the same time, to be the renunciation of a claim, a renunciation that could be of benefit to ecumenical dialogue,” the dicastery said at the time.

The title “Patriarch of the West” was adopted in the year 642 by Pope Theodore and was used for centuries, though it was not until 1863, during the pontificate of Pope Pius IX, that the title first appeared in the Annuario Pontificio...

Papal title ‘Patriarch of the West,’ dropped by Pope Benedict, reappears in 2024 Vatican yearbook
Cindy Wooden | April 11, 2024

...When Pope Benedict dropped the title “Patriarch of the West,” the then-Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity issued a statement, which said, “The title “Patriarch of the West” was adopted in the year 642 by Pope Theodore. Thereafter it appeared only occasionally and did not have a clear meaning. It flourished in the 16th and 17th centuries in the context of a general increase in the pope’s titles and appeared for the first time in the Annuario Pontificio in 1863.

While patriarchates have always been tied to a specific location and jurisdiction over it, “the term West currently refers to a cultural context not limited only to Western Europe but including North America, Australia and New Zealand, thus differentiating itself from other cultural contexts,” the pontifical council said. “If we wished to give the term West a meaning applicable to ecclesiastical juridical language, it could be understood only in reference to the Latin Church. In this way, the title ‘Patriarch of the West’ would describe the bishop of Rome’s special relationship with the Latin Church and could express the special jurisdiction he has over her.”

Members of the synod of bishops of the Ecumenical Orthodox Patriarchate of Constantinople expressed concern over the decision, however. In a June 2006 statement, the chief secretary of the synod said dropping “Patriarch of the West” while retaining the titles “Vicar of Jesus Christ” and “Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church” is “perceived as implying a universal jurisdiction of the bishop of Rome over the entire church, which is something the Orthodox have never accepted.”

Pope Francis reinstates papal title ‘Patriarch of the West’ in Pontifical Yearbook
Matthew Santucci | Apr 12, 2024

...Nikos Tzoitis, an analyst in the press office of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople and former spokesperson for Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, argued in an April 6 article* that the pope’s decision to reintroduce the honorific of Patriarch of the West “is part of the rediscovery of confraternity.”

“In this way, he wants to emphasize the importance of the lost synodality in the Lord’s Church, which expresses his Body and has synodality as a tool,” Tzoitis wrote.

Pope Francis has cemented ecumenical dialogue as one of the main priorities of his pontificate.

* (Google translation fr Greek)
Pope Francis: Reinstates title 'Patriarch of Old Rome'
Nikos Tzoitis | 6 April 2024

Bewerkt: apr 15, 12:16 am

>30 margd:

On transgender issues, it might be worth referring to an authoritative independent report in the UK by a renowned paediatrician concerning the treatment of gender-questioning children, which I think is relevant given how the media have picked up on that section of Dignitas Infinita.

Thanks to Cass, evidence not ideology will be used to guide children seeking gender advice (Guardian)

Cass finds a childhood diagnosis of gender dysphoria is not predictive of a lasting trans identity and clinicians told the review they are unable to determine in which children gender dysphoria will last into adulthood. If this is indeed impossible, is it ever ethical to put a young person on a life-altering medical pathway? If there are no objective diagnostic criteria, on what basis would a clinician be taking this decision other than a professional hunch?... Cass has also commented on the intense toxicity of the debate... she says medical professionals were scared of being called transphobic, or accused of practising conversion therapy, if they took a more cautious approach in a climate where activists and charities like Stonewall were quick to level accusations of bigotry at people flagging concerns...

apr 15, 5:50 pm

>36 John5918: Not all interventions are life-altering. Actually, I have experienced a drug used for kids questioning their gender identity. In my case to reduce estrogen and shrink fibroids before surgery as a perimenopausal woman. My understanding is that this "puberty pause" for a young person with gender dysphoria may have the only downside of extra height-gain as a prepubescent if the young person then decides to stop the "pause". {I agree nothing permanent for underage persons.}

Men in skirts might want to do their homework. The blood of desperate teenagers may be at stake.

{Years ago, a male colleague worried about a new boss of ours who was gay, making a pass at him. "What should I do??" I kidded him he should ask for a raise. :D Later my friend realized that we are what we are, i.e., nobody could have convinced him as a teen that men were as attractive as girls. Gays and trans are no doubt driven by similar drives as cis and hetero-folk. Leave them alone.}

Bewerkt: apr 16, 1:18 am

>37 margd:

I think the whole point of Dr Cass' report is that the blood of desperate teenagers is at stake. She is not a culture warrior for or against transgender therapy. She is an experienced paediatric expert calling for more research and understanding.

Your disparaging reference to "men in skirts" might be considered offensive by some Scots. Beware of fuelling "the intense toxicity of the debate" which Dr Cass also flags as a problem for medical professionals trying to discern the best and safest ways to treat desperate teenagers.

apr 16, 1:14 am

Council of Cardinals commences April meetings in the Vatican (Vatican News)

April 15 marks the start of the April working session of the C9 - Council of Cardinals, in the presence of Pope Francis...

Bewerkt: apr 16, 4:25 am

>38 John5918: "Men in skirts". One of the southern states sought to outlaw drag queens by banning "men in skirts". Forget whether law actually went through, not least because many men wear skirts as part of cultural and religious tradition. For a while, my dad wore a kilt as part of Black Watch dress uniform.

(According to legend, the Germans on the WW1 Western Front called the Black Watch "devils in skirts" because they wore kilts and were such ferocious fighters. Nothing compared to tunic-wearing Sikh soldiers according to my dad, who served with them as UN peacekeepers in the Sinai: "Glad they are on our side.")

Bewerkt: apr 16, 7:30 am

>40 margd:

I don't have Scottish ancestry, but I've worn a kilt for Burns Night celebrations. The Black Watch is one of the tartans which can be worn by anyone, regardless of clan. Very comfortable - I often wish I had a wee drop of Scottish blood in me so I could wear one regularly!

apr 16, 9:27 am

>41 John5918: If members of FB group Scottish Genealogy are any guide, anyone can wear tartan of their choosing. Many members are death on North Americans who take tartan choice seriously, claim clan membership or relationship to nobility or famous folks, or ::gasp:: are Outlander fans... In North America, we think of clan as family, ex., Nova Scotia has "Gathering of the Clans, which is a cultural affair (bagpipes, dances, athletic competition). Boy, did I get hooted at when I mentioned Gathering of the Clans in Scottish Genealogy group!

(There are some non-Scottish tartans, apparently. One for the St Lawrence River can only be bought in Clayton, NY: . As handsome as it is, I think it might look better as a kilt than this NY assemblyman's suit? )

apr 16, 9:44 am

>42 margd: Yes, I believe they're right. I think it was a Victorian romanticisation which brought about that convention. I have no idea what Outlander is - some film or TV offering? In Africa we are very familiar with the concept of clan, which is found in many traditional cultures and is usually a kinship grouping. And yes, there are non-Scottish tartans - the kilt is worn by Irish, Cornish, Breton, and probably other Celtic communities. Maasai in Kenya wear a (usually red) tartan blanket, a development of the traditional shuka which would originally have been made of animal skin. There are several tales of how and why they adopted the current cloth version.

Bewerkt: apr 16, 10:32 am

Outlander by Diana Gabaldan. A series of books (a violent, sexy version of Brigadoon?) in which a British woman is whisked from 1945 back to Scotland in 1743, before the Battle of Culloden. Made into a TV series--PG, I was surprised to note. Theme song uses melody of the Skye Boat Song, (2:17). There are tours now in Scotland for fans. Scots shake their heads at the fans, I think, though their business is welcome? (Ever thus in tourist areas...)

apr 16, 9:07 pm

The Vatican’s Bewildering New Declaration
Michael F. Pettinger | April 16, 2024

It’s raised controversy with its unfortunate treatment of trans people. But its own arguments support their right to self-determination.

...As explained in a foreword to the declaration, the document was originally conceived five years ago, when the DDF was still known as the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, under the leadership of Cardinal Luis Ladaria. It’s not clear what the original scope of the document was intended to be, though {longtime Vatican observer Gerard O’Connell} suggests that it might have been narrowly focused on gender theory and surrogacy. What is clear is that when a version of the document was finally submitted for Francis’s approval last November, he insisted (in the words of the text’s introduction) that “more attention be given to the grave violations of human dignity in our time,” explicitly singling out many of the issues listed above.

He also specified that this final draft be carried out “in light of the encyclical Fratelli Tutti.” That encyclical, subtitled “on Fraternity and Social Friendship,” addresses the problems of social fragmentation. It’s clear that while Dignitas Infinita makes constant reference to “religious” sources, it also makes a significant effort to engage those outside the church by appealing to “reason” and referring to the United Nations Declaration on Human Rights. While this is probably not enough to convince anyone of the justice of its condemnation of gender theory and gender affirmation, it might be enough to engage curious readers. Unlike other recent declarations on issues of sexuality, it does not enjoin any particular action, but is intended “to offer some points of reflection that can help us maintain an awareness of human dignity.”...

apr 19, 12:17 am

Pope Francis tells nuns and monks: ‘Nostalgia’ will not save your monasteries from closing (America Magazine)

Longing for the past will not save contemplative religious orders from closing their monasteries or experiencing shifts in vocations, Pope Francis said. Discerning how to adapt the structures of a centuries-old religious order to the modern age “means not relying solely on human strategies, defensive strategies, when it comes to reflecting on a whether a monastery should be saved or abandoned, on community life or about vocations,” the pope told the superiors and other delegates from Discalced Carmelite monasteries who were meeting in Rome to review their order’s constitutions. “Defensive strategies are the fruit of a nostalgic return to the past; this does not work, nostalgia does not work,” he said...

apr 19, 12:51 am

>45 margd:

Two further comments on this issue from The Tablet.

The dangers of demonisation in the trans debate

The Cass report finds that for most young people a medical pathway will not be the best way to manage their gender-related distress. The report by Dr Hilary Cass into the care of children and young people who are questioning their gender identity or experiencing gender dysphoria should awaken Britain to a serious deficiency in the way it treats young people. The present generation is one of the least happy on record, and the incidence of mental ill-health is running far ahead of the capacity to deal with it. Gender confusion makes the headlines because of a bitter ideological wrangle between advocates of so-called gender theory and their opponents. This is made worse by attempts to gain political advantage for and against what is called “woke”, initially referring to those who had “awoken” to the implicit racism of American society, now more often used pejoratively...

Dignitas Infinita has offended progressives and traditionalists

It’s striking how much the idea that humans, by their very nature, might have inherent, even infinite, dignity, offends both kinds of Catholics...

apr 19, 4:52 am

Interesting review of the concept of "dignity" in Wikipedia: from a religious (and philosophical) perspective--Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist--much is made of free will, e.g.,

"...The Catechism of the Catholic Church...states...that "the right to the exercise of freedom belongs to everyone because it is inseparable from his or her dignity as a human person"...The Catholic Church's view of human dignity is like Kant's, insofar as it springs from human agency and free will,... with the further understanding that free will in turn springs from human creation in the image of God..."

Must be some conflict in Rome between free will and the idea that we are made in image and likeness of God--and shouldn't mess with that? But to single out procedures on trans folk, and not chide cosmetic surgery, which, say, might let a disfigured person live comfortably in a community IMO probably reflects societal bias more than any concern for dignity of trans folk?

"The Catechism of the Catholic Church insists that the "dignity of the human person is rooted in his or her creation in the image and likeness of God". "All human beings", says the Church, "in as much as they are created in the image of God, have the dignity of a person.""

apr 21, 12:35 am

Pope to future priests: Become shepherds with Christ's loving heart

With Christ's loving heart, open arms and with a smile, be shepherds to your people, suggests Pope Francis when addressing seminarians of Seville, Spain, on the eve of Good Shepherd Sunday...

Pope remembers Pius VII, a man of communion in difficult times

Pope Francis on Saturday paid tribute to the unwavering faith and dedication to the Church of the Servant of God Pope Pius VII (1742-1823) , who was elected to the Papacy in 1800 in one of the most turbulent years of Europe’s and the Church’s history, marked by the French Revolution and Napoleon's rule. A Benedictine monk and a renowned theologian, Pius VII, born Barnaba Niccolò Maria Luigi Chiaramonti, is remembered along with his predecessor Pius VI for his unyielding opposition to Napoleon's attempts to subjugate the Church that cost him his arrest and imprisonment in 1809...

Both from Vatican News

Bewerkt: apr 22, 6:45 am

Pope Francis: Christ the Good Shepherd ‘looks for us until he finds us’ when we’re lost (ACI Africa)

Pope Francis reflected on the image of Christ as the Good Shepherd during his Regina Caeli address Sunday, noting that it is a role characterized by his sacrificial love. “Jesus explains that he is not a hired man who cares nothing for the sheep but a man who knows them,” the pope said on April 21, the fourth Sunday of Easter, which is traditionally known as Good Shepherd Sunday because it is the theme of the day’s Gospel. “It is true, he knows us, he calls us by our name and, when we are lost, he looks for us until he finds us.” Pope Francis explained that Christ’s role as a shepherd introduced a new logic, observing that he is not acting as a guide or “the head of the flock” but is instead “living in symbiosis” with his people. “This is what the Lord wants to tell us with the image of the Good Shepherd: not only that he is the guide, the head of the flock, but above all that he thinks of each of us as the love of his life,” the pope said to pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square...

Another of my favourite gospel passages.

apr 26, 12:29 am

Catholic students, theologians, ministers write an open letter to Pope Francis (NCR)

Your Holiness and Your Eminence, the peace of Christ be with you. We write today as a collective of students of Catholic divinity and theological schools and trained ministers. We love this church, we love our Catholic faith, and we ground our ministry in our baptismal call to holiness. We are also trans, nonbinary, and queer and those who love and accompany them. Personally, professionally and ministerially, we are concerned with Dignitas Infinita's statements on gender theory and sex change. We, along with other people of goodwill, write to you today. We read with gratitude the document's insistence on inalienable human dignity for migrants, the poor, and others whose dignity is consistently violated. We are saddened, therefore, that the document fails to recognize the dignity of trans and gender-nonconforming people. In its condemnation of gender "ideology" and "sex change," the document marginalizes the infinite dignity in people of all genders and their authentic self-expression and inadvertently perpetuates the harm it aims to overcome...

apr 26, 12:22 pm

A Negotiated Peace is Better than an Endless War: Pope Francis to Russian President, Vladimir Putin (ACI Africa)

Pope Francis also talked about climate change and said that those who deny it do so “because they don’t understand it or for what benefits them,” and stressed that “climate change exists.” Regarding those who don’t see a place for themselves in the Catholic Church anymore, the Holy Father responded that in the Church “there is always a place,” noting that “the Church is very big. It’s more than a church building … you shouldn’t flee from it”...

mei 4, 12:18 am

Pope to parish priests: 'The Church couldn't go on without your dedication'

"The Church could not go on without your dedication and your pastoral service." With these words, Pope Francis offered heartfelt thanks to parish priests in a letter he sent them on the occasion of the International Meeting “Parish Priests for the Synod”...

mei 7, 4:15 am

Armed Priest Arrested as He Tried to Enter the Vatican for Pope Francis’ Regina Caeli (ACI Africa)

A priest armed with several weapons and dressed in a cassock tried to enter St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican to participate in the Regina Caeli prayer with Pope Francis on Sunday, May 5. According to the Italian news agency ANSA, the priest, who is from the Czech Republic, tried to pass through the metal detector carrying an air pistol, two knives, a cutter, and a screwdriver...

mei 10, 4:55 am

In Papal Bull Titled “Hope Does Not Disappoint”, Pope Francis Announces How, When Church’s 2025 Jubilee Will Begin (ACI Africa)

The Catholic Church’s 2025 Jubilee was officially proclaimed on Thursday by Pope Francis, who presided over a formal reading of the Jubilee’s papal bull of indiction. The papal bull, titled “Spes Non Confudit,” meaning “Hope Does Not Disappoint,” declares that the Jubilee Year will officially begin with the opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica on Christmas Eve 2024... The 2025 Jubilee will officially conclude with the closing of the Holy Door in St. Peter’s Basilica on Jan. 6, 2026, on the solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord... In the papal bull, Pope Francis urged the need for peace in the world, which he said is “immersed in the tragedy of war.”

mei 16, 9:19 am

Love, Charity “culmination” of Theological Virtues: Pope Francis at Wednesday General Audience (ACI Africa)

During his general audience on Wednesday, Pope Francis reflected on charity — what he described as the “culmination” of the theological virtues — observing that it is the highest expression of Christian love, predicated on truth and underscored by forgiveness. “Love is charity. We immediately realize that it is a difficult, indeed impossible love to practice if one does not live in God. Our human nature makes us love spontaneously what is good and beautiful,” Pope Francis said to the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square on a sunny morning in Rome. Pointing to the Sermon on the Mount and repeating twice the Christian maxim “love your enemy,” the pope noted that this teaching represents the highest expression of Christian love, as it “embraces what is not lovable; it offers forgiveness”...

mei 17, 12:22 am

Sadiq Khan and Pope Francis share message of hope and action on climate (Tablet)

Pope Francis is highly regarded as a leader on addressing issues of climate change, not just by Catholics but by members of all faiths and none, according to Mayor of London Sadiq Khan. In Rome to meet the Pope for the first time and attend a climate summit at the Vatican with leaders of other cities from around the world, Khan told The Tablet it was “a huge privilege and honour to spend time with Pope Francis”. He said he was “very impressed” by the depth of the Pope’s knowledge of the climate crisis and related issues but also loved “his ability to be hopeful”. Khan, a practising Muslim, said: “He is not just a leader for the Catholic world. For those of us who are not Christian, not Catholic, he is a leader for us as well”...

mei 17, 4:24 am

Conservative Critics Have a "suicidal attitude": Pope Francis (ACI Africa)

In an interview with “60 Minutes” airing this Sunday, Pope Francis takes aim at his “conservative critics” in the United States, reportedly saying a conservative is someone who “clings to something and does not want to see beyond that.” “It is a suicidal attitude,” the pope said... “Because one thing is to take tradition into account, to consider situations from the past, but quite another is to be closed up inside a dogmatic box”...

mei 18, 4:23 am

Orthodox Patriarch Anticipates Pope Francis Visit to Turkey for Council of Nicaea Anniversary (ACI Africa)

Pope Francis might be traveling to Turkey next year for the 1,700th anniversary of the First Council of Nicaea, according to Eastern Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew in comments he made on Thursday. Although the Holy See has not confirmed any travel plans, the ecumenical patriarch told a group of reporters that a committee is being established to organize a visit, according to the Orthodox Times. The referenced council took place in the ancient city of Nicaea in 325 A.D. in the former Roman Empire, which is now the present-day city of İznik in Turkey. “His Holiness Pope Francis wishes for us to jointly celebrate this important anniversary,” Bartholomew said. The Council of Nicaea was the first ecumenical council in the Church. It is accepted by the Catholic Church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, the Oriental Orthodox Church, and other Christian communities that accept the validity of early church councils. It predates the Chalcedonian Schism — which separated the Oriental Orthodox communion from Rome — by more than 100 years and predates the Great Schism — which separated the Eastern Orthodox Church from Rome — by more than 700 years...

mei 26, 12:21 am

“One of the most terrible scourges of our time”: Pope Francis Lambasts Scourge of Human Trafficking (ACI Africa)

Pope Francis today urged the abolition of human trafficking, “one of the most terrible scourges of our time” that disrespects and disregards human dignity and delivers “large profits to people without moral scruples”... For Pope Francis, trafficking is a “systemic” evil and as such “we can and must eliminate it through a systematic, multilevel approach.” “Trafficking is reinforced by wars and conflicts,” the pontiff said, “benefits from the effects of climate change and socioeconomic disparities, and takes advantage of the vulnerability of people forced to migrate or the conditions of inequality in which they find themselves, especially women and girls”...

mei 28, 6:22 am

Pope Francis says Italian seminaries should reject gay applicants
Gerard O’Connell | May 27, 2024

jun 2, 7:20 am

On shock talk, what if Pope Francis knows exactly what he’s doing?
John L. Allen Jr. | Jun 2, 2024

...Not only had the pope used a vulgar Italian term roughly meaning “faggotry,” but, according to those reports, he also used another pejorative Italian term in the same conversation, checche, referring to stereotypically effeminate homosexual men, to suggest that even “semi-oriented” gays should be weeded out of Catholic seminaries.

As if that weren’t enough, yet another bit of papal shock talk made the rounds a few days later, this one involving not gays but women.

Once again according to media reports, Pope Francis told a group of recently ordained priests in Rome on May 29 that gossip – he used the colloquial Italian term chiacchiericcio, roughly meaning “petty little chatter” – is a “women’s thing,” adding, apropos of men, that “we wear the trousers, we have to say things.”

...three popular theories to explain the apparent gaffes...
1. the 87-year-old Francis is beginning to lose his grip ... reverting to expressions of Latin American machismo
2. Francis is not a native Italian speaker and doesn’t understand the shock value or negative v
3. iolations of the pope’s confidence ... ripped out of context and put into circulation by enemies seeking to destabilize and weaken the papacy.

...{OTOH} at 87, and facing a concentric series of health challenges, Francis has to be considering the question of what might come after him. If he wants to clear a path for someone cut from the same cloth to succeed him, part of the electoral math may be reassuring centrist and right-leaning figures in the College of Cardinals that his agenda isn’t actually as radical as it’s been styled in some circles.

...The sight of this pope being skewered by the liberal elite, even if only for a moment and only half-heartedly, might therefore serve his purposes in terms of trying to shape the landscape for the next conclave ... presumes a pope who knows exactly what he’s doing, even if it upends people’s expectations or offends their sensibilities...

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