ancient japan, girl sold to brothel

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ancient japan, girl sold to brothel

Bewerkt: feb 28, 7:59 pm

Fictional book, seems to be set in ancient japan.
Read it around 2017, middle school library, USA

A girl was sold from her home to a brothel. At some point, she either met or saved a spider who gave her some silk to burn to call for help. She burns it in the brothel bathroom and runs away from the brothel.

At some point, she meets a boy and travels with him to a village, where the main food source is some sort of fruit. The fruit saved the village from starvation, but it turns out that the fruit is sapping the villager's lives from the tree which the fruit comes from. The village head originally made a deal with the yokai or demon that is the tree to save his villagers from starvation, in exchange for his children. It was the boy that figured out what was going on.

I cannot remember the cover nor the author since it's been a while. I hope that this vague description is enough. Thank you in advance.

mrt 20, 2:27 am


mei 4, 2:56 am
