2024 Debates

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2024 Debates

mrt 3, 1:23 pm

I decided to start this thread on the debates themselves. Spoilers are allowed, so don't read before you've seen the debate if you want to be surprised.

I think Naheed Nenshi will be a good debater given his political background. His book, Denison Avenue was my favourite of the five.

I'm anxious to hear from Heather O'Neill, she's one of my favourite authors.

mrt 4, 11:10 am

I just finished watching the first day's debate. I think all the panelists did a great job although my favourite was probably Heather O'Neill. She is so eloquent and being a writer herself sees things in the books that other panelists may not. I wasn't surprised by the outcome of today's vote even though I am still reading Meet Me at the Lake. I could see that it's not the profound book that I've come to expect as winning Canada Reads.

I thought all the panelists were very gracious in the praise of the other books so it's hard for me to tell which one will be voted off next. If I was on the panel it would probably be Shut Up You're Pretty because, of the books I've read, it's the one I've rated lowest.

mrt 4, 11:28 am

I agree that the panelists are good this year and I enjoyed Day One. I'm not surprised by the result. It's hard to predict what will happen tomorrow as everyone but the defender voted for Meet Me at the Lake.

Heather O'Neill gave me a better appreciation for The Future, as I suspected she might.

mrt 4, 3:22 pm

I didn't even know this was happening -- I've seen nothing about it anywhere online. Someone I follow on Twitter happened to mention it otherwise I'd still be in the dark. Anyway, all caught up now. I'm not familiar with any of the books, although I would consider reading Meet Me At the Lake.

mrt 4, 10:46 pm

I've not read any of the books, and I won't necessarily read them all. I decide while listening to the debates which ones I want to read.

After today, I've added two to the tbr: "Denison Avenue" and "Meet Me at the Lake". Since I know Naheed, I'm hoping for him to win with Denison Avenue!

mrt 5, 8:42 am

>5 LibraryCin: I'm hoping for him to win, too. I admire him, and Denison Avenue was my favourite of the five books.

I predict Shut Up You're Pretty will be eliminated today. If I were choosing, though, it would be Bad Cree.

mrt 5, 10:59 am

So disappointed at the elimination of Denison Avenue.

Bewerkt: mrt 5, 9:48 pm

>7 LynnB: Me, too. :-(

I didn't read this thread before watching, but had it open to pop by as soon as I finished and here we are.

mrt 5, 9:48 pm

I'd like to think they wanted to eliminate a strong one today.

Bewerkt: mrt 5, 10:40 pm

>4 Nickelini: I knew the debates were held March but for some reason, I thought they happened later in the month.

In keeping with my theme for 2024, Running Perpetually Behind for Everything, I only finished Denison Avenue and was very disappointed to see it go. I thought it was a perfect Canada Reads choice and a wonderfully creative book.

Not at all surprised to see Meet Me At the Lake go. I don’t think it was voted out because it’s a romance book. I haven’t read it, so I might be completely off base, but I just don’t see how this book fits the theme of the show and I think the other panelists thought the same thing. One book to carry us forward. “When we are at a crossroads, when uncertainty is upon us, when we have faced challenges and are ready for the future, how do we know where to go next?”

Day three should be an interesting one!

mrt 5, 11:12 pm

I was busy all day today so I didn't get to see the show until just now (10 pm) but I am surprised at how the vote went today. I haven't read Denison Avenue yet (but I will) but based upon what others here have said and what was said on the debate on Day One, I thought it would be one of the final contenders. Instead it's out of the running so early.

Personally, I am hoping Bad Cree will be in the final but Dallas is certainly the least articulate of all the contestants and I worry he's not going to convince the other panelists. I have to say that I certainly admire him, as a dyslexic person, taking part in a debate about books; just getting through all of the books must have been such a struggle for him.

As Yells says, Day Three is going to be interesting.

mrt 6, 12:25 pm

I notice every year on Canada Reads there is always one defender who I very much dislike. This year it's Mirian Njoh. I find her a mix of a dead person and an always negative one. I'm baffled that she is an "influencer." I wonder who she influences.

What do you think of the panel this year?

mrt 6, 1:08 pm

>12 Nickelini: I'm glad you started this discussion because I also had a negative response at the beginning to Mirian. For me, it was her look and her frequent advoidance of the camera, looking down or away as she is speaking.

I think my favourite is Dallas just because he is so obviously challenged by the contest but still is doing his best. And my second favourite is probably Naheed because he seems like such a nice guy.

And now, my reaction to today's vote. I thought for sure The Future would be voted off because it already had two votes against it yesterday. And I'm sad that Bad Cree got voted off instead because I see a lot of important things that are discussed in this book.

I'm busy most of the day tomorrow so I'm not sure when I'll see the final video. Although I haven't read The Future I am hoping it is the one picked mostly because I don't think Shut Up You're Pretty is a book I would recommend to anyone.

mrt 6, 2:51 pm

I like all the debaters this year. Even Mirian. I am also fascinated by what everyone is wearing...the three men included.

I wish Dallas didn't blame himself so much for Bad Cree being voted off. I think he did a good job and his involvement via audiobook could make reading accessible for more people.

I think, based on how people have voted so far, Shut Up You're Pretty will win. But I've been wrong...many times...before.

mrt 6, 10:17 pm

Ah, I'm still not sure if I want to read "Bad Cree" or not. Maybe I should give it the benefit of the doubt and give it a try. (I am a horror fan.)

I wasn't crazy about Dallas' reaction to some of the comments earlier on tonight.

And the two books left are the two I'm least likely to read. I have already ruled out reading "The Future" (there was mention of magical realism today). I'm also not a short story fan, so "Shut Up You're Pretty".

I agree with >14 LynnB: that Shut Up You're Pretty is the one I think will win, also based on previous votes.

Bewerkt: mrt 6, 10:25 pm

omg! I'm just catching the end. Naheed is mentioning his voracious reader friend who isn't as interested in "artistic prose" and wants to read for the story - that's ME!! (Not those exact words, but very close to what I said!) omg!

mrt 7, 6:33 am

This year my husband and I read all of the books so that we would be able to debate along with everyone. Even though some of the books were in genres I usually don’t read I am glad I read all of them. That seems to be the point: Try something you wouldn’t normally try. My top book is The Future, partially because I found it so unexpected and because it has really stayed with me. That said, I think Kudakwashe Rutendo is the most fantastic debater and is championing her book so effectively. I would be neither surprised nor disappointed if it won!

mrt 7, 9:34 am

I really enjoy reading everyone's comments. Today's the day we'll find out.

mrt 7, 2:54 pm

Wow, what a turnaround. From having no votes cast against Shut Up You're Pretty all of the previous three days, everyone voted against it except for the person championing it. I'd love to know what convinced Naheed, Dallas and Mirian to vote it off today. Maybe we'll hear more from them in the future.

As I've said before, I still haven't read The Future so it will be interesting when I finally do get my hands on it to see what I think of it. Like LibraryCin, I'm not a big fan of magical realism but I will try to keep an open mind about the book.

In a way, I feel like the final vote wasn't a vote for The Future but a vote against Shut Up You're Pretty. In the previous days' discussions both of them attracted lots of negative comments from the other panelists. My feeling is that the free agents felt there was more against it than against The Future.

This year's panelists were pretty amazing and I think they all did a great job of championing their own books but also of discussing the other books. It would be such a tough job and as much as I love reading and talking about books I don't think I could do it.

mrt 7, 11:19 pm

Ahhh, well, I've mentioned it before, but I don't necessarily read all the books. I listen to the debates, and decide as I listen which ones are more appealing for me, which ones I want to read.

Day 1, I decided I was going to read Meet Me at the Lake and Denison Avenue (there was never a doubt about Denison Avenue). Yesterday, I decided I would also add "Bad Cree" to my tbr. After today, I will add "Shut Up You're Pretty". The only book I have no desire to read, after listening to the debates (so I am not planning to read it) is the winner, "The Future".

mrt 7, 11:21 pm

Oh, and once again, I managed to see the winner via an email before finishing watching it. Sigh... That has happened at least two year in a row now!

mrt 7, 11:23 pm

I also meant to say I was impressed with Dallas' apology at the start. That was what I wasn't impressed about with him yesterday, so I think it was good of him to apologize.

mrt 8, 2:21 pm

For those of you concerned about magical realism, there is very little of it in The Future and, in my opinion, it isn't central to the plot. As I suspected, Heather O'Neill's defense of that book made me appreciate it more.

The result would have been a total shock to me had I not seen the debate unfold. It became clear early on that Naheed and Dallas were leaning away from Shut Up You're Pretty.

I, too, was impressed with Dallas's apology and the grace and social aplomb with which two very young women handled both the initial comments and the apology itself.

All things considered, I think the panelists made a good choice in the end.

One aside: This year could have also been called Canada Wears. Great outfits from all five panelists and from Ali Hassan.

mrt 8, 3:38 pm

>23 LynnB: and the grace and social aplomb with which two very young women handled both the initial comments and the apology itself.

This year could have also been called Canada Wears. Great outfits from all five panelists and from Ali Hassan.

mrt 8, 10:20 pm

I really think they should have had a walk onto the set every day so we could have gotten the full effect of their outfits.

mrt 11, 11:22 pm

Yes, the clothes were fun! If they're going to do that, we need to add a red carpet moment.

Overall I did like the presenters this year. I was the original complainer about Mirian, but by Thursday I was thinking she appeared to just be under a depression, and not so bad. Certainly there have been many worse presenters over the years (Debbie Travis, I'm looking at you)

As always, it was an extremely earnest event. So Canadian. Can we ever get beyond our eternal dorkiness?

mrt 12, 9:28 am

I heard an American comedian reference Canada Reads once. He said Canadians were so "cute" because we have a reality show about reading.

The other thing about Canada Reads is that I usually have no idea who most of the "celebrities" are.

mrt 12, 1:00 pm

>27 LynnB: But I'm sure you knew who Naheed Nenshi is. BTW, he just announced he's going to run for leadership of the Alberta NDP. He would be awesome.

mrt 12, 3:07 pm

>27 LynnB: I heard an American comedian reference Canada Reads once. He said Canadians were so "cute" because we have a reality show about reading.


>28 gypsysmom: I was going to come mention that. I am so hoping he wins. Then it's on to a bigger win (hopefully) in a few more years (*groan that it will still be that long!).

mrt 13, 7:16 am

>28 gypsysmom: >29 LibraryCin: Yes I obviously knew Naheed Nenshi. And Heather O'Neill is one of my favourite authors.
My "record" is knowing three of the five panelists.

I, too, was happy to hear that Mr. Nenshi is running for Alberta premiere. And that Wab Kinew is in Manitoba.