Bug with image uploads to award page gallery

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Bug with image uploads to award page gallery

Bewerkt: mrt 19, 12:25 pm

I noticed this bug when I upload an image to an award page from the gallery. When I upload an image from another image's page in the award gallery, the new image is not uploaded to the correct place, and ends up in the gallery for a new award.

Steps to replicate:

1. Go to an award page. ex: https://www.librarything.com/award/2563/ALA-Over-the-Rainbow-Book-List

2. Click on one of the images under the "Images" section on the right side bar. This opens the page for the image that was clicked on within the gallery.

3. Click the + button in the "Other Pictures" box on the right side bar to upload another image to this gallery.

4. Upload your file as usual, click upload image.

5. The image is then uploaded to the gallery page for a new award that doesn't exist- if you click "Award main page", you get an error. See my uploaded image in the wrong place here: https://www.librarything.com/gallery/newaward/2744262

This bug is not happening when I add an image to the from the "images" section main award page using the "+" button. It is also not happening when I go to the Award's Gallery page (https://www.librarything.com/gallery/newaward/2563) and upload the image by clicking the "Upload Image" button there -- these two cases are working as expected.

mrt 26, 1:19 pm

Fixed. Removed broken + buttons from image minigalleries that were uploading images incorrectly, added gallery and breadcrumb links for award and award orgs galleries.

Bewerkt: mrt 27, 12:03 pm

I uploaded a .jpg image this morning to my picture gallery using the add picture button (last image uploaded) and I see a thumbnail image, but when I click on it, I don't see the big image. I use Safari 17.4 with Mac OS Sonoma 14.4.

mrt 27, 12:48 pm

>3 al.vick: When you click on image that isn't working, does it bring you to a page for that image? Could you paste the URL for the broken image so I can take a look?
This image is loading for me as expected when I click on its thumbnail from your gallery page: https://www.librarything.com/pic/10712230 - Is that the one that's not showing up for you?

mrt 28, 11:11 am

Yes, it does take me to a page:
https://www.librarything.com/pic/10712230 . But there is no picture there.