Lynda (Carmenere) - 75 or bust! 2nd Quarter

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Lynda (Carmenere) - 75 or bust! 2nd Quarter

apr 1, 2:01 pm

Happy Spring! (in the northern hemisphere, at least). I'm Lynda, LTer for 15 years. Retired and a mom of one adult son and 2 almost 3yo kitties.

Here's what I plan to read in April.......

We've got some long listers from the Women's Prize and the International Booker.

Bewerkt: apr 30, 8:39 am

Books read by month:
* Audiobook
1. The Children’s Blizzard
2. Pageboy. *
3. Piranesi
4. The Great Schism. *
5. Talking to Strangers *
6. The Life We Bury
7. Paris. *
8. Crying in H Mart. *
9. The Woman in Me. *

10. Revenge *
11. Enough *
12. Someone Else’s Shoes
13. Astrophysics for people in a Hurry *
14. Feel Good Productivity *
15. The Odyssey
16. Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing
17. Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine
18. Braving the Wilderness *

19. Foster
20. Small Things Like These
21. Endgame *
22. The Fall
23. The Latecomer
24. Rising Strong *
25. Candide
26. Western Lane

27. Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicone Valley Startup *
28. The Wren, The Wren
29. he said she said
30. Reflections on the Psalms
31. Starter Villain
32. White Fang *

apr 1, 2:04 pm

Welcome all, come on in and tell me what 2024 Booker International Longlister or 2024 Women's prize Longlister you've read.

Bewerkt: apr 1, 7:02 pm

So, I'm comfy cozy in my recliner with one of my two kitties beside me and my book club book on my lap and what do I mistakenly do. I honestly just turned on the television to put on spotify for background music but my finger clicked on netflix. Yikes, I see they're streaming Sex and the City and now I'm watching first episode of Season One. eeeeee help meeeee

apr 1, 7:53 pm

Heh, that’s *never* happened to me… 😀

Happy new thread!

apr 1, 8:02 pm

Ok, so I'll review rather than read and keep one eye on the tv......

27. Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicone Valley Startup
John Carreyrou
Read for local book club group

This is an incredible expose about Elizabeth Holmes, 20 years old, college drop out before sophomore year, charismatic and with a desire for "a purposeful life". She patented her idea to develop an in-home mini lab where individuals can administer their own blood test with a single drop of blood and transfer the info to their doctor for treatment recommendations, if necessary.
In the span of 10 years Theranos, the start-up which Holmes created, went from a little blood testing machine to, well, a little non-functioning blood testing machine. Through quick thinking, being evasive and using outside testing facilities for accurate results was she was able to receive the backing of the US Army and former Secretaries of State, George Schultz and Henry Kissinger.
How does this flimsy start-up come to an end? A phone call to a Wall Street Journal journalist named John Carryrou from a suspicious employee.

apr 1, 8:04 pm

>5 drneutron: Hahaha, good intentions gone bad.
Thanks, Jim :0)

apr 1, 8:08 pm

Now, I'm on the Season 1 Episode 3. I had no idea that Mr. Big appeared from the very first episode onward.

apr 1, 8:25 pm

Happy new thread, dear Lynda.

apr 1, 8:53 pm

>1 Carmenere: Interesting reading plans.

Happy new thread :)

apr 1, 9:28 pm

On to the next review

#28 The Wren, The Wren
Anne Enright
Women's Prize Long List

I must admit there was something about this book that propelled me to complete it. Perhaps that something was Nell's restlessness and her search for romantic love and her grandfather, Phil, she only knows by his poetry.
The story is told from the perspectives of Nell and her mother, Carmel. Little by little Phil is revealed to reader and also to Nell.
We discover The Wren, The Wren was a poem penned by her deceased grandfather for her mother when she was just a child. We discover her grandfather believed in fairies and loved the Irish landscape. We discover another side to Phil, he deserted his first wife when she lost a breast to cancer and simultaneously his two young daughters then marries again.
I suppose this novel explores the means to which these women reconcile to the fact that Phil although a lover of nature and birds and fairies could also be a cold hearted sob.

apr 1, 9:30 pm

>9 PaulCranswick: Thanks Paul! haha welcome to my second new thread of the year.

apr 1, 9:45 pm

>11 Carmenere: You liked that one quite a bit more than I did, Lynda.

apr 1, 10:22 pm

>13 PaulCranswick: I can definitely understand your reasoning. It was a tough read and I debated/struggled with my rating but I dug down deep to make sense of it all.

apr 1, 10:24 pm

>10 figsfromthistle: Thank you! It is a hodge podge, isn't it?

apr 1, 10:31 pm

I finished 5 episodes of Sex and the City tonight. I must be getting old because I hadn't realized before just how much sex was in the city. *shrugs* and grabs He Said She Said my April library book club read. It's has something to do with the eclipse which was why it was chosen by our library proctor. Our area is right in the line of totality.

apr 2, 12:58 am

Happy New Thread, Lynda! I read The Wren , The Wren in March, but I did not much enjoy it. I'll have to look at your previous thread to see what you thought. I have Enter Ghost out from the library and hope to make a start with it this evening. I'm trying to read what I can from the Women's Longlist for fiction.

apr 2, 6:34 am

Happy new thread, Lynda!

>4 Carmenere: Enjoy the rest of Sex in the City!

Bewerkt: apr 8, 7:54 am

Happy New Thread, Lynda. Good review of Bad Blood. I also thought it was an excellent audiobook.

apr 2, 8:45 am

>17 vancouverdeb: Thanks, Deb! I can't say that I enjoyed it but I delved deep to understand why it was chosen for Women's Prize LL and in that respect it made sense. On the other hand, I question why it won the Booker.

apr 2, 8:46 am

>18 FAMeulstee: Thanks Anita!
>4 Carmenere: hahaha, I think I will.

The series began in 1998! 26 years ago! Phones with cords! Can you imagine?!

apr 2, 8:48 am

>19 msf59: Thanks, Mark! Is it really in GN too?! I must check my library. I'm re-listening to flesh out my notes for book club and it amazes me how Holmes was able to pull off the fraud for so long.

apr 2, 8:57 am

>21 Carmenere: Phones with cords! Can you imagine?!

I remember that series vividly, Lynda, like yesterday.
I still have a phone with cord for my landline. I rarely use it, only when the battery of the cordless gives up ;-)

apr 2, 10:17 am

Happy new thread, Lynda. Good luck with your April reading plans. You are off to a good start.

apr 2, 10:21 am

>23 FAMeulstee: The funny thing is, I also had a phone w/cord till early this year. I liked it because when I couldn't find my cell, I could call it from my landline. haha
But now it's finally out so I need to use brain power to remember where I left my cell.

apr 2, 10:21 am

>24 BLBera: Thanks and thanks, Beth! I very much want to reach 75 books this year so the pressure is on!

apr 2, 11:09 am

This afternoon I along with a neighbor will be teaching Mah Jongg to several other neighbors. Should be a fun afternoon because "you must have wine" is mah jonggs unwritten rule. ;0)

apr 8, 7:49 am

Happy Eclipse Day!!
We're (me Will, his GF and her bro) are headed to fairgrounds for the viewing. . 100% totality. Should be fun!

apr 8, 7:56 am

Happy Eclipse Day, Lynda. Enjoy your viewing with Will and Co.

>22 Carmenere: Sorry, I think I meant to type- audiobook.

apr 8, 9:27 am

>29 msf59: Thanks, Mark! >22 Carmenere: ahh, gotcha!

apr 8, 9:33 am

Happy new thread, Lynda!

>1 Carmenere: 2 almost 3yo kitties. Mine turned 3 on Saint Patrick's Day. We are coming up to the anniversary of when we rescued them - the 22nd of the month.

>6 Carmenere: Adding that one to the BlackHole. Thanks for the review and recommendation!

apr 8, 1:25 pm

Hi Lynda. You are in the perfect spot to watch the eclipse. We are about 75 miles to the west of the main path but I will be out there to see what I can see.

I have friends who love Mah Jongg and want to teach me how to play. I committed to Duplicate Bridge about a decade ago and still feel like a beginner at times. I think that’s all my brain can handle, although I do like the visual aspects of MJ.

Good for you reading those Women’s Prize and Booker books. So far they are not tempting me. I am staying far away from Netflix as I could be easily drawn into their streaming magnet. Maybe I’ll give into temptation this summer when it is too hot to breathe outside and my schedule lets up.

Enjoy making history with the eclipse!

Bewerkt: apr 10, 12:51 am

I got to see the total eclipse last time a few years ago, but this one is just a partial in Portland and it was very cloudy, so not much to see this morning. Hope you, on the other hand, have a grand time!!

apr 9, 1:32 am

Happy new thread, Lynda. No eclipse here either. Not that we would have seen much of one but any sightings were done in by clouds and rain.

No books from the lists being read here but I did find Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicone Valley Startup very interesting when I read it.

apr 12, 4:04 pm

You may have thought I was abducted by aliens during the eclipse but rest assured, I was not, just really busy.
Here are a couple of shots from totality

What took us by surprise was the 360 degree sunset. Truly amazing!

apr 12, 4:06 pm

>31 alcottacre: >1 Carmenere: Happy belated birthday to your kitties, Stasia. I stand corrected. Lia and Lev will be 4 on April 19th. Where does the time go?!
>6 Carmenere: It's quite the story, I hope you like it.

apr 12, 4:10 pm

>32 Donna828: Hey Donna, I'm sure you got some eerie overcastness.
Talk about being drawn in! I started watching Botched on Netflix and I just sit in front of the tv in shock and horror. One young man spent 100's of thousands of dollars just to look like Justin Bieber.

apr 12, 4:13 pm

>33 Berly: It was quite a festive atmosphere at the fairgrounds. Food trucks, crafts and super large telescopes were part of the action. A collective cheer at totality unified the entire crowd. I think it's probably the one and only time a diverse crowd can be unified. It was beautiful.

apr 12, 4:16 pm

>34 Familyhistorian: Well, Northeast is known for its perpetual cloudiness but clouds and rain left our area around 10am and you couldn't ask for better weather. Warm and clear skies.

I think we should have a great book discussion monday night on Bad Blood. It's really mind boggling!

apr 12, 4:24 pm

Great picture of the eclipse, and of you !

apr 12, 6:31 pm

>40 vancouverdeb: hehehe, thanks Deb

apr 13, 5:07 am

>35 Carmenere: I watched the first episode of Three Body Problem on Netflix and your photo reminded me of it rather eerily!

Have a great weekend, Lynda.

apr 13, 10:21 am

>42 PaulCranswick: Paul, I just added Three Body Problem to my Netflix queue. Sounds like something that would tickle my fancy!
Thanks, you too!
I’m off to see Cabrini at a local cinema. It’s been closed since 2020 and it’ll be so nice have a local theater again. Must support!

apr 13, 10:53 am

>25 Carmenere: My landline kept breaking down & I had to keep calling AT&T to come and make repairs. And every time the wait got longer ("we'll have a tech out in about two weeks") and they kept asking me to ditch the landline for cellular. So I did. I ditched the landline AND AT&T.

apr 13, 4:58 pm

>44 ReneeMarie: Good for you, Renee! I don't know what's happened to customer service.
My problem was my landline was connected to my cable service. They wouldn't allow me to just cut the phone service without cutting cable. So like you, I cancelled my cable, internet and landline with Spectrum. I took my business elsewhere too.

apr 13, 5:06 pm

>38 Carmenere: Your eclipse experience sounds lovely!

apr 13, 10:48 pm

>46 Whisper1: It was. Linda! Probably the only total eclipse I'll ever see.

apr 13, 10:52 pm

I'm so glad you shared it with Will. He remains by your side so very often. I enjoy seeing the images of the two of you together.

apr 13, 10:56 pm

>48 Whisper1: He comes home as often as possible. Visits may become rarer as he's moving from Columbus to Maryland. Hoping the job market is better there.
We text each other throughout the day, everyday so that's a huge help to me and of course I will visit him when I can and vise a versa.

apr 13, 11:02 pm

We are fortunate to have Kayla and Will. When she blew out the candle on her 21st bd cake, she shed a tear and said she wished that Will was here NOW. While it was special that he was with her when she was a baby, and a toddler, and then in through her mid teen years, she wishes he could be with her during some of the challenging times she is experiencing now.

It never ends...the joy...and the sadness.

apr 13, 11:12 pm

>50 Whisper1: We certainly are, Linda! Seems like your Will left a lasting impression on Kayla and my Bill left one on my Will. That's the best inheritance in the world!

apr 13, 11:32 pm

I was just reading your comments/ review on Western Lane. I really liked it too. I see you are reading The Wren , The Wren. It was not my cup of tea, but perhaps it will be yours?

apr 14, 1:07 pm

>35 Carmenere: Great pics, Lynda. I imagine it was a fun experience. It was cloudy here although it did get slightly darker.

apr 15, 8:17 pm

>52 vancouverdeb: It was slightly better than ok but now that it’s been a couple of weeks I’d also admit that it is forgettable.

apr 15, 8:26 pm

>53 BLBera: it was an amazing experience, especially in northeast Ohio where gray skies are usually the rule. We had a beautiful sunny day.

apr 16, 3:57 pm

Loved the pictures! It’s fun making memories. Sorry to hear the Will might be moving away, but you’ll have a fun place to visit. Good luck to him on finding a job that he loves.

apr 20, 8:50 am

>56 Donna828: Hi there, Donna! We do try to make memories, that's for sure! Will made the move but we're already making plans for me to visit mid-May. I'm very excited for him and his GF.

apr 20, 9:09 am

#29 He said She said
Erin Kelly
Library book discussion group
A book about Total Eclipse chasers. At one such event, a woman sees a potential rape in progress. The witness becomes way more involved than she should have leading to disruptions in the lives of the victim, rapist, witness and her boyfriend.
A slow burn to start but picks up speed and concludes with a thriller ending.

apr 22, 8:20 am

Sunny skies here and a tad warmer so I've run out of excuses to stay in and read.
First-It's my week to tidy up the church library
2nd - buy mulch for the beds
3rd - clean bed of leaves and weeds - spread some mulch in front yard
4th - various miscellaneous

Over the weekend I've read from Starter Villain, Nana and Reflections on the Psalms.

Watched the amazing Guardians (I hope they're not peaking too early)
and the Cavs (In the basketball playoffs and first game in the win column

apr 30, 8:45 am

#30 Reflections on the Psalms
C. S. Lewis
Thanks Linda (Whisper) for sending this my way

This is Lewis' take on the poetry of the biblical Psalms as seen through the eyes and circumstances of the time they were written. A thought provoking compilation put into context. Definitely worth a reread.

apr 30, 8:54 am

#31 Starter Villain
John Scalzi

Absolutely out of my comfort zone but I could not pass up this book with a dust cover of a cat in a mans business suit.
Somewhat Sci-fi, somewhat fantasy and somewhat amusing.
Cats communicate to humans by typing, Dolphins form a union and Whales collaborate with a secret society of billionaire villains. It's all rather bazaar but actually a fun read taking place in the Caribbean and Lake Como.
A book you don't need to think about too deeply but just sit back and enjoy the ride.

apr 30, 9:07 am

#32 White Fang *
Jack London

My sister in law gifted me this book prior to our trip to Alaska in 2023.
Rather than read it I listened to the audio version.
I thought the story beautiful, brutal and tragic. The bond between mother and pup and vice a versa is so tender and heart breaking combined.
A lovely classic.

apr 30, 9:20 am

Staying in the Villain theme, I'm now reading Assistant to the Villain....alas, another fantasy. Stay tuned.

apr 30, 9:29 am

Hi, Lynda. Just checking in. Anything new at the feeders? Migration is in full swing so be on the lookout. Speaking of birds- me and a couple of birding buddies will be going to Magee Marsh next week. This place has been on my birding bucket list since I started birding, nearly 8 years ago. The birding is supposed to be amazing, especially during migration. It will be nice to get back to Ohio too. 😁

Bewerkt: apr 30, 9:39 am

Hi Mark! Although I didn't see them, the Merlin app picked up 28 different birds in my back yard last week.
My SIL and I went to Magee Marsh last year for the migration. It was amazing. I hope you have a naturalist with you as we did. They are so helpful and see and hear bird voices we would have otherwise missed.

Bewerkt: apr 30, 9:49 am

Staying in the Villain theme, I'm now reading Assistant to the Villain....alas, another fantasy. Stay tuned.
On audio I've got North Woods Daniel Mason. I've heard many a you tuber sing its praises

apr 30, 11:34 am

>58 Carmenere: >60 Carmenere: >61 Carmenere: >62 Carmenere: Adding books to the BlackHole hand over fist. I am genuinely surprised that I have not read either the Lewis or London books.

>66 Carmenere: I am reading that one later in the year as a shared read so I am not adding that one to the BlackHole, lol.

Have a terrific Tuesday, Lynda!

apr 30, 7:44 pm

>67 alcottacre: I am very happy I had the opportunity to add to the BlackHole, Stasia. I hope you enjoy them!!

Bewerkt: mei 1, 1:27 pm

So how did reading my slim books in April go? eh!!
I read 2 and I found them so important that I'll be keeping them instead of donating as I usually do with books I've read. Long story short, my bookshelves get no relief, book ban still in effect till I make room.

For May, I'll be posting a pic of books on my family room book shelf/end tables. Hmmm, what to choose, what to choose?

This morning I sprayed a non toxic brew to kill poison ivy but not kill the other plants surrounding it. It may take several applications but I'm hoping it will be effective.

I mowed the back yard and now I'm taking a break before I do front and side. Removed cover from grill, turned on gas and it still doesn't work. It could be the igniter but when I saw a MOUSE scurry across the heating elements below the grill grates I yelped, slammed the hood and decided to worry about it another day. Ugh

mei 1, 2:02 pm

So, I'm sort of playing a game with myself, partly to amuse me and partly to find a fun way to pick my next read.

On the heels of finishing Starter Villain I've chosen to start May with Assistant to the Villain, A demon is somewhat of a villain so that brings me to Demon Copperhead, Many would say Vampires are villains which brings us to Vampires of El Norte This book takes place in Mexico so next up is I am Not your Perfect Mexican Daughter. This story is about to sisters which brings us to Florence Adler Swims Forever. So that's May in a nut shell.

mei 1, 3:51 pm

Looks like a great May reading. I hope all is well at your place of the world

mei 1, 4:29 pm

Hi there Barbara! Thank for stopping in. All is well. I hope you are enjoying your travels and books.

It seems reading outside season has arrived early here so I will certainly enjoy my May books at the park

mei 5, 1:48 pm

I am a self-confessed bad girl. I broke my book buying ban. I'll let you know how I sinned when they're delivered.

mei 6, 3:21 pm

Somehow that sounds familiar to me 🤣

mei 15, 3:15 pm

>74 Ameise1: Haha I know we've all said that at some time or another.

Bewerkt: mei 15, 3:17 pm

As promised, here is my book binge

I'm tempted to buy more but eeek I'm trying not to.

mei 15, 3:23 pm

I've been visiting Will in the DC area and checking out his new apartment. We had a wonderful time during Mother's Day weekend and I can't wait to go back.

Whilst I was there I finished
#33Florence Adler Swims forever.
Rachel Beanland
Will's GF had lent this to me a couple of months ago and I loved it. 5 stars for sure! Family drama is not one of my favorite story-lines but the characters in this novel were memorable and for the most part, likeable.

mei 16, 8:18 am

>73 Carmenere:, >76 Carmenere: I think there's something about spring that brings on the book-buying urge. I've indulged myself a bit lately too. I like the "theme" of your May reading. Clever and fun approach. And you've reminded me that I meant to see if my library had a copy of I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter, because it came to my attention some time back. Of course right now I have 5 books out of the library, and a commitment to read at least one of William Maxwell's novels in May...I should be reading right now!

mei 16, 8:23 am

>73 Carmenere: Book buying bans are meant to be broken!

>76 Carmenere: Nice haul!

>77 Carmenere: I am glad to see you loved Florence Adler! I am reading Beanland's The House is on Fire this month and hope I enjoy it as much.

mei 16, 9:16 am

>78 laytonwoman3rd: Totally agree! Spring exudes thoights if outdoor reading but Autumn is also a good time for book buying with anticipation of comfy, cozy afternoons.
I think my "Theme" is fun too and i hope it stimulates me to read more often.
Haha why are you reading this?! You should be reading those 5 library book!

mei 16, 9:18 am

>79 alcottacre: ooo, i'll be anticipating your thoughts on The House is on Fire.

mei 16, 9:19 am

Sigh, I need to mow and weed today. Hopefully, I'll be reading by lunchtime. Fingers crossed

mei 16, 12:16 pm

Front and back mowed but weeding will have to wait til after lunch.

Bewerkt: mei 16, 12:28 pm

For Mother's Day we took a Potomac River Taxi to Alexandria VA. We had lunch at a crepeery (sp) and dinner at an Italian restaurant

I really wanted to see where the Supreme Court is located, from other pics I've seen it seemed to be on a hill in a green meadow (hahaha). It is behind the capital on capital hill and beside the Library of Congress but certainly not a meadow. :(

Although it's difficult to see, I love this photo of the Washington Monument with sailboats on the Potomac. It looks so serene compared to the hustle and bustle of DC

mei 16, 12:40 pm

>84 Carmenere: I just love the sound of "river taxi"...

mei 16, 12:54 pm

>76 Carmenere: That looks like a nice haul!

mei 16, 5:03 pm

Bewerkt: mei 17, 6:26 am

>86 thornton37814: It is Lori, but I'm just itching to purchase more. What a stuggle!

mei 18, 2:44 pm

Ugh, color me exhausted. I weeded out the blueberry patch and dumped all the leaves and weeds in another little used area of the yard. It went from 63 to 82 like instantly.
I'm taking a break by finishing Assistant to the Villain and treating myself to eating only the chocolate peanuts that are doubles (connected by chocolate) brought back from Virginia

mei 19, 3:15 pm

in#34 Assistant to the Villain
Hannah Nicole Maehrer

This fantasy/romance (which is not a genre I read often) was sometimes silly and immature but it was a fun read and I can't believe I'm saying this but I am actually looking forward to the sequel. see, there was a cliff hanger and I need to find out what happened to one of the key figures in the story. What can I say?!
Perhaps, adults need a little fantasy on their bookshelves to get through life in the 21st century.

mei 22, 9:27 am

>76 Carmenere: Nice haul. I have several of those on my WL.

It sounds like you had a great Mother's Day weekend in DC.

mei 23, 9:58 am

Hi Lynda, I loved the photos of you and Will in D.C. I even found the Washington Monument immersed in the clouds.

Wow, when you have a book buying relapse, you don’t mess around! I see some great titles there.

Like you, I’ve been spending a lot of time sprucing up the yard. I don’t have to mow, but there are lots of weeds to pull and pots to plant. Once it gets hot, I am done except for watering.

mei 23, 10:07 am

Dit lid is geschorst van de site.

mei 24, 6:23 am

>91 BLBera: Thanks Beth. Since I've opened the flood gates, I'm finding it hard to stop. I'll be posting another lil haul next week.

Yes! Mom's day was wonderful!!

mei 24, 6:31 am

>92 Donna828: Hi Donna, haha I think denying myself from book buying was not a good idea because my to buy list had grown exponentially. So i wont be doing that again.

Thats my MO too Donna! But I never thought temps would be close to 90 in May in Cleveland. Brutal days to work but it's mainly done.

Bewerkt: Gisteren, 8:36 am

#35 Vampires of El Norte
Isabel Cañas

Meh, forbidden romance set beside the Mexican - American War. The Mexicans are not only fighting "Yanquis" but the lethal weapons they travel with and release when the time is right .

Bewerkt: Gisteren, 8:52 am

Happy June!

>70 Carmenere: Of the May intended reads, I finished Assistant to the Villain
Vampires of El Norte and Florence Adler Swims Forever
I'll continue this connected reads "game" by finishing the Villain aspect by reading Demon Copperhead which I've already begun and finish the sisters theme with I am not your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika Sanchez.

Which leads me to my June "game" read books with accents in the title or authors name with What Happened to Ruthy Ramirez.
Apart from my "game", I will also read The Secret Book of Flora Lea and Honor by Thrity Umbriga (Not pictured, requested from library, waiting) for 2 book discussion groups I'm involved in.

Happy summer reading to all!!

Gisteren, 12:09 pm

>97 Carmenere: I have a couple books by Thrity Umrigar, acquired on someone's recommendation quite a long time ago, but never read. Thanks for the reminder. I'm going to move her up the list.

Gisteren, 1:38 pm

You're quite welcome, Linda! I've also wanted to read TU for a very long time so I am very happy to finally have an excuse to do so.