Recommended for you based on your books...

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Recommended for you based on your books...

Bewerkt: apr 20, 8:40 pm

I did a little searching but didn't see any recent threads...

I was wondering if there was somewhere I could downvote a "Recent Automatic Recommendation" based on a book? I read Book A but in no way does that mean I'd be interested in Book B. They are far from related. So, I was wondering if there was some button to push to downvote a recommendation?

ETA: it's not listed in the "Member recommendations" section of either book. I understand there I could vote yay/nay but was wondering if there is something similar elsewhere for the books that show up in Recent Automatic Recommendations.

apr 20, 8:40 pm

>1 Corinne2020: You can dismiss them, though I'm not sure if it affects future recommendations in general or just remove it from your list, probably the latter

Bewerkt: apr 20, 8:49 pm

>2 SandraArdnas: thanks for a reply. I don't seem to be able to dismiss them from the Home Page. I did look for the book on the Classic Recommendations page since we can dismiss books there but I didn't see it there. If you know how I can dismiss from the Home Page "Recent Automatic Recommendations" please let me know because I guess that can work but I was really hoping to offer feedback since it appears wrong to me.

apr 20, 9:14 pm

>3 Corinne2020: You can also go to the recommendations page for a particular book and rate the recommendations (or rate a particular recommendation; there will often be many recommendations, often quite silly) from 1-10 or so.

On the other hand, it's probably a pretty pointless business. Some recommendations are valid ("If you like Michael Prestwich's The Three Edwards, you will probably appreciate Seymour Phillips's magisterial biography Edward II"), but some are just "these feel kinda alike to me" ("If you like Michael Prestwich's The Three Edwards, you will probably like J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional Farmer Giles of Ham because they both took place a long time ago"). I can sort of understand the latter type of recommendation, but it's useless to a lot of us who want books that are actually about the same thing! Recommendations really need to be studied in detail. :-)

At least, that's how it feels to someone whose reading is primarily non-fiction, and who finds most of the more specific recommendations unhelpful.

apr 20, 9:17 pm

>3 Corinne2020: Ha, it seems they cannot be dismissed in the old rec system at all. Tried both on the small module on home page and full one, but there's only the possibility of adding and nothing else. I thought the new rec system (Home > Recommendations tab at the top) only added dismissing author and series completely, but apparently dismissing the book itself is also new.

FWIW, the new system uses a different approach to calculate recs and generally has a better track record of offering interesting things. Old one was kept as another option since the results are not all that similar

apr 20, 9:21 pm

>4 waltzmn: thank for taking the time to reply. I think I'll just let it go.

apr 20, 11:29 pm

>5 SandraArdnas: I had recently fussed with my home screen and re-added that module. I think I'll just dismiss it especially if it's going to be so off base. I'll peruse the new one when in the mood. thanks.

apr 20, 11:52 pm

Yeah, I keep all the recommendations modules off in the Recommendations sub-page of Home (under Your World in the left sidebar). They don't serve me well enough to keep them in routine view.

apr 21, 12:36 am

If you click "All recommendations" at the bottom of the module, it will take you to the full "classic recommendations" page where you can click "no thanks!" under any recommendation to dismiss it.

If you don't see the book you want to dismiss on the list, try clicking on "show ## new recommendations" on the right side, which will show only the most recent recommendations

apr 21, 7:24 am

>8 paradoxosalpha: thanks for that. "they don't serve me well" is a good way of looking at it.

Bewerkt: apr 21, 7:26 am

>9 norabelle414: Ah!!! now I see the book on that page, using your tip, and was able to click "No thanks!"