Novel about a young doctor named lucas

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Novel about a young doctor named lucas

Bewerkt: apr 27, 6:31 pm

The book was published in 1939 and I think later in 1944. Lucas mother is into oija boards. Dies of cancer. Luke leaves home. Works for a guy in an university. Decide to do medicine at that college. He becomes a doctor during the tuberculosis epidemic. Married a theatre nurse

apr 29, 9:26 am

The earliest publication I could find was 1996 but just in case... The Apprenticeship of Lucas Whitaker by Cynthia DeFelice?

apr 29, 10:53 am

>2 juels:

DeFelice wasn't even born until 1951. Her website lists the first edition as published in 1996. So either this is not the book, or the OP has the publication dates wrong.

Bewerkt: apr 29, 12:53 pm

>3 lilithcat: I made the suggestion on the off-chance they confused the setting of the book with the publication date. Not all details align so it is an unlikely match but I've had worse suggestions work out.

apr 29, 12:58 pm

>4 juels:

Yes, that's why I suggested that "the OP has the publication dates wrong."

mei 2, 3:43 pm