Found: Science fiction/old horror/H.P Lovecraftesque?

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Found: Science fiction/old horror/H.P Lovecraftesque?

mei 5, 3:11 am

Good evening fine people!! I'm very new here, I actually should have known there were sites like this!!! It's so awesome and I'm very glad I've found this community!!!
Thank you for having me.

I have been racking my brain trying to figure out the name and author of this particular short story I think is the correct term,
I am in love with science fiction, horror, mystery
H.P Lovecraft is one of my favorites, along with Edgar, Algernon blackwood, Stephen king etc, I read this story around the age of 15 so about 20 years ago, the story was written back in the day if memory serves, around maybe the same time as H.P Lovecraft??
Don't hold me to that please..

Ok from what I can remember bits and pieces from my memory;
There's this lone man in a frozen landscape (might be the artic? Or maybe antarctic?)
He is alone for a long time...I cannot remember why, but he's slowly going mad from the loneliness and the cold so he keeps roaming, he comes across this huge crevice that is so deep he cannot see the bottom,

He spots stairs that look old as time that spirals down the crevice, he feels he has to go down something calls to his inner self that what he might be looking for or yearning for is down there, it seems to take him forever to get down the steps he starts to go madder in the head seeing things and hearing things...

He finally reached the bottom where he can no longer see the sky when he looks up it is pitch black and his eyes needs more adjusting, he notices then that everything around him has a phosphorus glow about it,
( like the deep sea creatures I imagine)
Strange plant grows down there, purple glowing trees and glowing flowers of hideousness, he then looks around and it seems to him he's in a sort of center of a very strange town, weird angled buildings, cylindrical building with holes, he walks and it's silent, he then spots beings that ( if memory serves) have stalk like appendages for eyes, they are made of a jelly like translucent glowing substance ( I remember thinking they gave me slug like vibes)

They surround him these creatures and they are malevolent, and produce a shrieking noise ,that I think paralyzed him maybe??
They take him to their chapel I think to sacrifice him, I forget now how he gets away or how he gets back out of the crevice cavern

But I do think he survived and got out

I have listened to all the stories I can remember the names of I've even Google complete works and I could not find this story among them, I do know I bought that book that have a compilation of short stories in it, and no you guessed it I cannot remember the name of the compilation book either! I do know it's in the science fiction and horror genre
I do have another book as well but let's see how my first go at this turns out.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this!!

mei 5, 6:11 am

I think this might be by Clark Ashton Smith, but I can't pin down the title. If it's the story I remember, it starts with two guys exploring Alaska or the Yukon, who then find the guy who went through all the bad stuff. He tells them his tale and then dies.

It might also not be Smith, which is why I can't pin down the title I'm thinking of. Almost certainly a pulp eral author, though.

mei 5, 5:12 pm

Not a complete match, but reminds me of At The Mountains of Madness by H. P. Lovecraft.

mei 5, 5:38 pm

The jellylike creatures sound like shoggoths. Many contemporary horror writers produce Lovecraft Mythos stories; you could try to search for ones with shoggoths.

mei 6, 1:25 am

Omg!!! MissSquish!!!
I wanna hug and give you a warm kiss thank you so so so so much!!! Freaking A!!!
20 years!!!
You are amazing many many warm thanks to you my dear!!!!

mei 6, 5:14 am

Merritt, not Smith. That explains why I couldn't pin down the title. That's definitely the story I was thinking of 2.