Horror book I read a long time ago

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Horror book I read a long time ago

Bewerkt: mei 10, 10:04 pm

Okay, so I am trying to find this book where I remember bits and parts but I really liked it and now I forget what it's called.

Scenes I remember:

When the girl kisses the guy (who is really the bad guy) she tastes lollipops and this is like his signature for when the bad side of him is present.

I i think there was a scene where she dreams that she's lost in the mall and her mom is trying to find her.

And there there is kind of a gruesome scene where she's dreaming that she's walking around the halls of a hospital and sees this baby with super sharp teeth sucking the milk of its dead mother.

I think it's a young adult book. It was a long time ago that I read this.