Murderbot Diaries - a question of reading order

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Murderbot Diaries - a question of reading order

mei 11, 8:21 am

You guys should be able to put me straight on this.

Do I go chronological order and read Fugitive Telemetry next


publishing order and read Network Effect next?

I have listened to the first four novellas as part of the audible plus catalog and the rest of them are there, too, except for the last which I purchased for $5. I'm not ready to go just now so no pressure. Just don't want to get lost or have something "spoiled" by reading in a whacky order.

mei 11, 10:17 am

>1 Bookmarque: When it comes to these two, it doesn't really matter what order you read them in. But System Collapse takes place right after Network Effect, so it is very very helpful to have Network Effect fresh in your memory before reading SC ;)

mei 12, 9:58 am

Ok so maybe chronological is better since the time perspective kind of matters, right? So that would mean Fugitive first and Network after that.

mei 12, 11:23 am

I personally recommend reading Fugitive Telemetry before Network Effect. I read them as they came out, so in publication order originally, and found it jarring to go back in time after everything that happened in NE. I did a reread before System Collapse came out and read them in chronological order and much preferred it.

mei 12, 9:50 pm

>1 Bookmarque: I agree with Alexandra and recommend chronological order. Publishing order skips around with events and could be confusing.

mei 17, 10:58 am

Thanks for the help. I've got a Peter Clines book going at the moment, but will head back into Murderbot after that and it will be F.T. At about 4 1/2 hours, it won't take me long to get through.

mei 17, 5:59 pm

I agree with chronological order. Martha Wells has commented that she wrote Fugitive Telemetry to make a better transition of inter-relations between the characters leading into Network Effect.

mei 18, 12:54 pm

I listen to MurderBot on audiobook and enjoy them out of chronological sequence. My listening mostly is early morning walking Luna, my Labradoodle. I started pre-dawn listening back in 1991 when audiobooks were on cassette. MurderBots are some of the best on audio.

mei 20, 3:40 pm

Ok, so I just listened to F.T. today and that was kind of fun - a murder mystery for a change. That's what I thought these books were about when I only knew the title character's name, not its role - that it was a robot detective. How fun that at least one of the books lets it become that. And I just read a bit about Network Effect and, yay, ART's back! Am going to get going on that one next.