Found: YA About a Boy Whose Sister Dies?

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Found: YA About a Boy Whose Sister Dies?

Bewerkt: mei 12, 5:03 am

This is a very vague memory of mine but it has stuck with me for many years. I read the book when I was in elementary school in the 2000s. It follows a young boy whose sister dies (I can't recall if younger or older but I'm pretty sure she was younger).

I remember a treehouse? And towards the end of the story the boy and his friend release a balloon up to heaven for his sister? I vaguely recall stuff about the underworld? It's so vague but it's bothering me I can't remember this book.

It was in English, Fiction, and I read it in the United States. I recall the cover being black, but that's all I know.

Any help is much appreciated!

mei 12, 5:36 am

After some extensive research, I found the book. It's 'Wenny Has Wings' by Janet Lee Carey.

mei 12, 12:22 pm

Thank you for letting us know you found it.

Touchstone: Wenny has Wings by Janet Lee Carey.