June Calendar CAT

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June Calendar CAT

Bewerkt: mei 16, 9:29 am

June is a wonderful month in the Northern hemisphere if you like to be outdoors.The days are long, the sun is warm, and the strawberries are at their best (at least in my neck of the woods). The month is named for the Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter, and patroness of matrimony.
Authors born in June can be found here: http://librarybooklists.org/literarybirths/bjune.htm
Notable days in the calendar are: World Environment Day (5), Bloomsday celebrating James Joyce (16), Midsummer (21)
One of the more unusual days is celebrated in Iceland on the first Sunday in June: Sjómannadagurinn, i.e. Seaman’s day. The International IMO Day of the Seafarer is on 25 June. The world observes World Oceans Day on 8 June, World Refugee Day on 20 June, International Asteroid Day on 30 June.

June is also Aquarium Month, Black Music Month, as well as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month.
The Zodiac signs of June are Gemini and Cancer.
The flower of the month is the rose.
June birthstones are pearl and alexandrite.

Have fun choosing your book(s)! Here’s the link to the Wiki: https://wiki.librarything.com/index.php/2024_CalendarCAT#June:_Hosting:_MissWats...

mei 14, 10:54 am

I've been meaning to read Compass Rose by John Casey for ages, so I'll be picking that book to go along with the rose being the flower of the month!

mei 14, 11:48 am

I think I till try to get to Apothecary Rose by Candace Rob in honor of the flower of the month.

mei 14, 12:45 pm

As June 4th is the Finnish Flag Day, I will be reading Snow Angels by James Thompson which is set in Finland.

mei 14, 7:02 pm

I'll be reading Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev for Father's Day and for my son, born on Midsummer's Day.

mei 15, 4:06 am

mei 15, 9:12 am

First month of winter for me, so I plan to read Snow: The Biography.

mei 15, 4:51 pm

I think I’m going to read Father and Son.

mei 22, 5:42 am

June 2nd is Italy’s national day, so I plan to read Natalia Ginzburg’s All Our Yesterdays.