searching for a book

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searching for a book

mei 14, 2:52 pm

Searching for the title to a novel I read in the 1990's. Modern setting, not historical. Plot was about a woman whose family rather takes her for granted, she is living in New York city. She was having an affair through the course of the plot with a painter working on her portrait. In the last section of the book, she finally sees the portrait and is swept away emotionally by the content. She has been painted with a gorgeous selection of animals standing around and with her. He, the painter, has truly seen who she is. Author was a woman, as I can best remember.

mei 14, 3:11 pm

>1 MaryClay13: Hi! I'm afraid I don't know the name of the book, but you're more likely to connect with someone who might if you give your thread a descriptive title. You can request a title change at (Please don't start a duplicate thread.) Also be sure to check out our tips for posting. Good luck!

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