Richard Morenus

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Richard Morenus

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jun 11, 2008, 1:52 pm

Hello, I am from Germany. I am looking for the Author Richard Morenus. I have his book Alaska Slim in a German Translation. Earlier I thought, it was a pseudonym for Jack London, but learned, that the both had nothing to do with each other. I found the name Frith Steuben, and he must have been the one, who translated Morenus "Alaska Slim" into German. But who was Richard Morenus. I cannot find any informations about him. Does anyone know, what an author this was, does anyone know a biography? Any informations? Thanks, for answering. /K. Gierke

jun 11, 2008, 2:03 pm

Here's an article about him and his environmental activities in Alaska -

jun 12, 2008, 2:44 pm

Thank you fleela. This must be a descendant of the R. Morenus I am looking for. As it seems, Alaska Slim was a true person, and helped to make a way for the Alaska highway to the U.S That was in the 1930's. But maybe I can use the link to ask there. Thank you. /K. Gierke

jun 10, 2012, 8:44 pm

These are old postings, but I just found this site. Our family knew Richard Morenus in his later years when he was living in Chicago. He and Nora had a wonderful apartment that looked out on Lake Michigan. After a career in the advertising field, he went to remote Canada (as told in Crazy White Man) and spent 6 years in the wilderness. When he came back from that adventure, he married Nora and became an author. Later on, he became a Christian Science practitioner. He was a wonderful man and was very good with children even though he and Nora never had any children. I believe that Wikipedia has a short biography of him that provides further details.

jun 10, 2012, 8:47 pm

I just added an About link to his name so maybe someone reading his books will come here and respond.

Best wishes,


jun 11, 2012, 9:15 am

Welcome wendyrose. It seems you're getting around well to have dug up an old topic. Nice personal information about Morenus.
I hope you stick around and start filling your empty shelves.

feb 8, 2013, 3:28 pm

My cousin, Evangeline Annette Danke (known professionally as Nan Dorland) married Richard Cable Morenus, as his fifth wife, in 1936. They were together in 1940 living in NYC, but divorced prior to her second marriage in 1950. Here's more about Richard's family from my website:

feb 8, 2013, 5:04 pm

Thanks, mwbeerman! I filled in some information on his author page based on your ancestry link. Feel free to add more.
