Knitting and reading?


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Knitting and reading?

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jul 28, 2008, 10:35 am

What are you knitting?
What are you reading?

Do you knit and read at the same time?
How about audio books?

I'm working on a pair of stockings for a contest at my yarn shop.
I'm reading The Faceless Fiend and just finished an ARC of Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book

Sometimes I knit and read at the same time, but I like to listen to podcasts (This American Life, RadioLab), and I just finished listening to M is for Magic

jul 30, 2008, 7:03 pm

If I could figure out how to knit and read, my like would be a lot easier. I do listen to audio books, but the variety at my library isn't as good as the real book section. I'm reading A Case of Exploding Mangoes right now. I'm knitting monkey socks, well I've finished one, still have to start the second, and am about half a square into a log cabin afghan, but I've read TONS.

aug 8, 2008, 2:38 pm

I'm working on my last training swatch before the Ravelympics (calisthenics?). And I'm reading A Monarchy Transformed: Britain, 1603-1714.

I haven't yet figured out how to read while knitting, but if my tastes were more towards fiction (rather than history), I might knit while listening to audiobooks. As it is, I learned to spin -- in front of the TV. (Watching the most recent Ken Burns documentary, in fact.)

aug 8, 2008, 11:54 pm

I can read my computer screen while knitting something simple. My Ravelympics project is a felted cat bed and it seems to be mostly stockinette, so I just have to watch to make sure get both of the double-stranded stitches. I'm a bit disappointed that it's going much faster than I expected. I may have to do a second one.

Reading a printed-paper book is a lot harder, somehow, than a computer screen.

I use audiobooks from on my PDA in the car, but I think I could do that and knit if I wanted to.

Wasn't the Ken Burns documentary great?

aug 9, 2008, 10:42 am

I thought so. (And good to spin to as well.)

aug 25, 2008, 11:23 pm

I can't read and crochet at the same time. I crochet and watch TV but not read. I'm not yet into audiobooks. I admit I haven't really tried them but it just doesn't seem the same to me.

jun 15, 2010, 7:39 pm

I'm knitting baby sweaters at the moment. They're lots of fun. Sometimes I read, it's kinda hard to keep the pages open though.

jul 20, 2010, 5:10 pm

I used to be able to knit and read at the same time. I think I'll have to try it again. But I'm into knitting socks - and doing colorwork right now - so I don't know how successful I'll be. I do watch TV at the same time but I listen more than watch.

okt 26, 2010, 1:37 pm

I so need to learn to listen to books. I know so many people who do and they love it. When I try my mind wanders off in all directions. I listen to tv and knit. I can't figure out what the difference is.

aug 28, 2011, 7:21 pm

I don't knit and read at the same time. I suppose I could try...
I LOVE to listen to books while I knit or sew. Sometimes I get focused on what I'm working on and have to go back in the story a bit, but I don't mind.

I just read Yarn Harlot and here are some of my favorite things from it:

Thoroughly comforting and totally entertaining. Perfect for my post-root canal mood (read cranky, irritable and a little sore, but still downing Advil and resisting the Vicodin)

My favorite was the list of 10 ways that parenting and knitting are alike (especially 1, 2, 5 and 7. I know nothing about 3, but I believe it):

1. You have to work on something for a really long time before you know if it's going to be okay.
2. They both involve an act of creation involving common materials, easily found around the home.
3. Both knitting and parenting are more pleasant if you have the occasional glass of wine, but go right down the drain if you start up with a lot of tequila or shooters.
4. With either one, you can start with all the right materials, use all the best reference books available, really apply yourself and still get completely unexpected results.
5. No matter whether you decided to become a parent of a knitter, you are still going to end up with something you have to hand wash.
6. Parents and knitters both have to learn new things all the time, mostly so they can give someone else something.
7. Both activities are about tension. In knitting, the knitter has control of the amount of tension on the object in progress. In parenting, the opposite is true.
8. No matter how much time you spend at knitting or parenting, you are still going to wish you could spend all your time at it. Which is odd, since both activities are occasionally frustrating enough that you want to gnaw your own arm off.
9. Knitting and parenting are both about endurance. Most of the time it's just mundane repetitive labor, until one day, you realize you're actually making something sort of neat.
10.One day, you will wake up and realize that you are spending hours and hours working at something that is costing you a fortune, won't ever pay the bills, creates laundry and clutters up your house,and won't ever really be finished...and the only thing you will think about is that you can't wait to get home and do more.

and this:

Knitting is like a marriage and you don't just trash the whole thing because there are bad moments.

nov 4, 2011, 12:44 pm

That's great nittnut!

jul 27, 2019, 3:58 pm

I love to knit/crochet and listen to audiobooks