Hot To Meditate...?


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Hot To Meditate...?

Dit onderwerp is gemarkeerd als "slapend"—het laatste bericht is van meer dan 90 dagen geleden. Je kan het activeren door een een bericht toe te voegen.

aug 3, 2006, 1:57 am

...was how someone misread the title of How to Meditate : a practical guide by Kathleen McDonald. (It was a happy mistake.)

Are there any books on Vajrayana, or non-Vajrayana Buddhism come to that, which make you feel hot to meditate?

The book that initially got me interested in Tibetan Buddhism was Open Secrets : a Western guide to Tibetan Buddhism by Walt Anderson. I gave my copy away a long time ago, but I remember thinking it was very exciting at the time. Dream yoga and Gestalt! Nowadays I prefer my Vajrayana straight up, but at the time it was just the thing to pique my curiosity.

Nowadays I find it very hard to pick favourites, since these lovely books are oranges-and-apples (or various kinds of nectar when seen in the right light ;-) ... but I do find it very bracing to read anything by the Ven. Tenzin Palmo. She embodies a remarkable blend of intelligence, compassion, and a brisk, no-nonsense devotion.

aug 3, 2006, 2:22 am

I actually came to Vajrayana via the Kalachakra ... while I'd studied Budhism in college, I'd not had much awareness of the Tibetan form until friends convinced me to attend the Madison initiation in 1981. In the years that followed (including two more Kalachakras and two Avalokitesvaras) I read quite a bit, although my actual meditation practice was minimal at best.

I have, however, frequently recommended the Kalachakra visualizations as a way to train the mind for Shamanic work, as if one can even BEGIN to do the rapid-fire high-detail visualizations needed for the Kalachakra Initiation, doing basic Shamanic journeying is a breeze!