An Affair to Remember

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An Affair to Remember

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aug 7, 2006, 1:47 pm

I picked up Fforde's The Eyre Affair at the Chicago Tribune Printer's Row Book Fair in early June, simply because it dealt with one of my favorite characters, Miss Eyre. I really enjoyed the book, the fact that it dealt with time travel, great literary characters, and a strange type of utopian society...a bit of everything, really.

Then when I was at my favorite bookstore recently, I saw that there was another book involving Thursday Next. And entire series about her--it was great. So now I just need to figure out which one came first.

Anywho, glad to find a group that mentions Next specifically. Looking forward to more nerdiness. :) -MissLizzy

aug 7, 2006, 1:59 pm

The Eyre Affair came first followed by Lost in a Good Book, The Well of Lost Plots, and Something Rotten

I think the next Thursday Next book is due out sometime in 2007.

Jasper Fforde has also written a Nursery Crimes series.

sep 5, 2006, 10:37 pm

There'll be another Thursday Next book? I'm so glad! I'm listening to The Big Over Easy, and while it's fine, I really prefer the Thursday Next books.

Bewerkt: sep 6, 2006, 2:30 am

According to his website, it's suppose to be out in July 2007. I'm another who prefers the Thursday Next books, so I'm looking forward to it .

And for anyone who hasn't seen it, BoPeep has started a group for Jasper Fforde fans called Lost In A Good Book.

sep 6, 2006, 7:46 am

thanks sqdancer!

sep 25, 2006, 4:03 pm

I got curious too, since I thought Something Rotten was the end of the series - but from Jasper Fforde's FAQ:

What is your next published book?

The fifth in the Thursday Next series. Yes, she's back. Facing possibly the greatest danger to the bookworld since the abolition of the Net Book Agreement. And a few grammersites. And the replacement Miss Havisham. And Friday. And Jane Austen. And the end of the world (again). Thursday Next: First Among Sequels will hit the bookshops in July 2007.

Is that really going to be the title of the next Next?

No. We ran it past marketing and they said it might put people off who were new to the series. So I'm calling it War of the Words instead. At least, that's what we've put in the back of The Fourth Bear, so it's semi-official.

sep 28, 2006, 2:15 am

Hmm my message seems to have bggone astray lets try again.

I understand the next Thursday Next book will take place at a point within the existing chronology.