A Locker-Library of Banned Books

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A Locker-Library of Banned Books

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mei 23, 2009, 11:24 pm

A friend posted a link to this question over on Twitter. I enjoyed reading about it, and thought some of you might, too:


I wish I did something that cool when I was in school. :)

mei 23, 2009, 11:58 pm

talk about heroism... that is one amazing young lady!

i was just reading an article from back home, in Tennessee, that a few students in Knoxville and Nashville have taken their school districts to court, backed by the ACLU, because websites that provided counseling and peer resources for gay students were being blocked from school computers, but anti-gay sites weren't. between those kids and this girl, my hope for their generation has been greatly improved.

someone should give that girl a lifetime membership to LT!

mei 25, 2009, 3:42 pm

I was so excited to read this - I also first heard about it on Twitter. How freaking cool!

Bewerkt: mei 31, 2009, 12:07 pm

Why in the name of Zarathustra, Yehovah, Wakan Takan and the big-bellied Budda, is the Koran banned from this school?

I mean I could see Canterbury Tales as no one wants to read about flatulence and randiness (especially normal teenagers) but the Quran???

I'm usually a quiet curmugeon, but I would rage holy hell with that school board. If this story is true, yikes!

Bewerkt: mei 31, 2009, 12:29 pm

>4 Sandydog1: In her message, she says I go to a private school that is rather strict. and later - Most of the books were banned because they contained information that opposed Catholisism.

So there's no school board to go to - it's the church board that you'd have to ask to reinstate the books. It also explains the less-conventional school bannings of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, books related to vampires, the His Dark Materials Trilogy, and books about witches.

mei 31, 2009, 8:28 pm

Lord of the Flies and The Bridge to Terabithia were two that puzzled me, but it's been a while since I've read either of them. Alternately, whatever got them banned might've registered to me as so minor that I didn't even take notice.

mei 31, 2009, 8:48 pm

Lord of the Flies calls into question how civilized people are at heart. I can see some fundamentalist religions not appreciating the boys reverting to animalistic behavior

mei 31, 2009, 9:25 pm

I think Bridge to Terabithia is a few things - in the context of religion, I'd guess the ability to create your own world is sort of reserved for gods and not children. It could also be perceived as a form of witchcraft.

jun 19, 2009, 2:44 am

Aha, I see. Thank you both!

I'm going to have to reread both books, now.

jun 21, 2009, 12:16 am

I can not recall now who it was but I remember that one college had a required reading list for freshmen that had to done before they showed up for the first day of school, and all the books were from the Banned Books list. What a delightful idea.

jul 31, 2010, 12:30 pm

This kid is awesome! I only encountered "banned/censored" books one time when I was a kid. I grew up in a tiny town in Tennessee, where theoretically many books were forbidden in the school system, but in actuality, reading was such a low priority in the schools that they never really came up. I had a copy of one of Nietzsche's books and was reading it at school during study hall. One of the teachers, who had apparently actually gone to college went bullsh**...lol. They did not like that book in their christian town.