CN as seen in Science Fiction, films etc.

DiscussieHardboiled / Noir Crime Fiction

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CN as seen in Science Fiction, films etc.

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aug 25, 2009, 9:49 am

Dear group,

I have just joined you, thus I can now post a message.

I do love the classics of CN and am just learning more about some of them. I also love SF (Science Fiction - never Sci-Fi, that is the description given to B-Grade movies made in the '40's and '50's) Umm?

Oh dear. Well any way, how many SF movies do you like that have a strong Cinema Noir aspect, and vica versa. How many CN movies do you think have been influenced by SF, sorry SCI-FI.

Yours, Guido.

Bewerkt: aug 25, 2009, 2:27 pm

Definitely Blade Runner.

mrt 6, 2010, 8:56 pm

Hardware is a good one!

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