Libby Fischer Hellmann, author of Doubleback (Nov 30-Dec 11)

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Libby Fischer Hellmann, author of Doubleback (Nov 30-Dec 11)

nov 30, 2009, 12:03 pm

Please welcome Libby Fischer Hellmann, author of Doubleback. Libby will be chatting on LibraryThing until December 11th.

nov 30, 2009, 12:20 pm

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nov 30, 2009, 4:42 pm

Hi Libby,

Nice to meet you! I enjoyed Doubleback, which was my first exposure to both of your prime characters. While in bits there seemed to be some unexplained tension that probably made sense if I had read all previous books, I like that I didn't feel lost or confused. Conversely, I recently read a Douglas Preston novel that was apparently the 9th in a series (I was not aware), and the main character seemed oddly detached, it was hard to identify.

Do you consciously give much consideration to the new reader who might inadvertently pick up in the middle of a series? I'll probably go back and read all of them from the start once I have space in my queue; but I was impressed by the way you pulled it off in Doubleback.

I'd also like to add that I loved the local flavor in the book. I'm a Chicago area native, and until earlier this year I worked at the hospital formerly known as Rush North Shore, and my best friends live in The Glen. I just had to show them how you characterized that subdivision! (and iit was spot-on).

Keep up the good work,

Jeff Vitous

nov 30, 2009, 6:01 pm

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dec 1, 2009, 5:18 pm

Hi Libby: I remember hearing you talk about your books at the Cozy Extravaganza at the Warren-Newport Library in Gurnee. (They seem to hold this in even-numbered years so it was probably fall of '08.)

Hope you're doing well.

dec 1, 2009, 5:43 pm

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dec 1, 2009, 6:27 pm

Libby, I read both cozy and what you'd call traditional. Only an occasional suspense, for a change of pace.

dec 1, 2009, 10:49 pm

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dec 2, 2009, 12:20 pm

Libby, I figure that the author had better know what she's talking about, had better get her facts straight.

At a mystery conference once, I met an author who, upon hearing I was from the Chicago area, said that she was planning to set her next book in an upscale Chicago suburb so she looked at a map and thought that Evergreen Park sounded like a nice ritzy suburb and was going to set it there. I was horrified!!

Now I'm sure that there are nice parts of Evergreen Park but I told her that it's not exactly Lake Forest or Highland Park. To me, this was just lazy. After all these years, I can't remember who it was but I remember thinking I'd never read one of her books, if that was she way she was going about it.

With LT and DorothyL, email and author's websites, it's easier than ever to communicate with authors and I have, when I thought they were inaccurate. I remember contacting Troy Soos (whose books I absolutely love), telling him that I didn't think that a character in one of his historical mysteries could've been eating pizza in NYC in the year he claimed. He immediately got back to me telling me when the first pizza parlor opened up there and a lot of other info. From then on, I felt assured that he was right when he offered historical detail. I knew he'd done his homework.

dec 2, 2009, 12:38 pm

I trust the authors that gives facts and adds some history to the stories. Danielle Steel does that very well, and I love her books for that and the romance. You see, I don't liars and if they don't have facts I won't read the book; that makes me distrust them. yeah, I understand that sometimes they don't mean too, and I can forgive it once or twice but if the whole book is like that, I just don't want to finish the book. You are an author that I can trust because you know what you are talking about and you have facts.


dec 2, 2009, 2:51 pm

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dec 10, 2009, 2:11 pm

Hi Libby,

Sorry it took so long to respond, a crash ate a long post I prepared a few days ago, and I never got back to it.

I'm still in the Chicago area, down in Berwyn. While I wasn't much concerned with the initial development of The Glen, a close friend got married on the former naval airbase there. The airbase had a golf course, which was redesigned for the fabulously-expensive The Glen Club. However, my golf game isn't good enough to appreciate the subtleties of a $165-per-round course vs. the $10-per round course that predated it.

I look forward to catching up on both of your series as soon as my reading queue permits it. Someday soon I need to stop using that new Stephen King book as a coffee table and actually read the thing. ;)

dec 10, 2009, 2:25 pm

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