North American novel - two sisters with mentally unstable mother

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North American novel - two sisters with mentally unstable mother

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aug 4, 2010, 3:58 am

For some reason, this book popped into my head recently and I'm hoping I haven't dreamt it all up!

- Fiction, set in the 20th century, but earlier than the 1990s, I think.
- North American, by a female author (Margaret Atwood came to mind and I wondered at first whether it was The Blind Assassin, but I don't think it was).
- Two young sisters have a mentally unstable mother, who buys them a puppy, but they only keep it for a day before it has to go back to the shop. The younger sister is distraught - the elder sister cares for the younger sister almost like a mother and has to assume a lot of responsibility.
- POTENTIAL SPOILER: I think that, fairly early on in the novel, the mother commits suicide.END OF POTENTIAL SPOILER
- Seemingly unfeeling grandmother (mother-in-law to mentally unstable mother).

I'm afraid that's all I remember...

aug 4, 2010, 4:12 am

OK. Writing that has clearly jogged my memory. I think it's In Her Shoes by Jennifer Weiner.