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More Last-Minute Knitted Gifts

door Joelle Hoverson

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Crafts. Nonfiction. HTML:

When STC Craft published Joelle Hoverson's Last-Minute Knitted Gifts in 2004, the response was over­whelming and today there are nearly 100,000 copies of this classic in print. Six years later, Hoverson is full of fresh, new ideas for beautiful gifts. So STC proudly presents More Last-Minute Knitted Gifts: an elegant collection of 30 projects organized according to the time it takes to complete them, from less than two hours to more than eight. Among the projects featured are sachets, bracelets, ornaments, mittens, gloves, hats, sweaters, baby blankets, and throws. Understanding that knitters today love to personalize their projects but also need guidance along the way, Hoverson showcases many of the projects in several colors and yarn weights, and with optional embellishments and creative ideas for gift-wrapping.

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A wide selection of knit gifts, categorized by the time it takes to knit them. (Obviously YMMV depending upon your skill.) The author keeps it simple by providing patterns that, for the most part, don't need finishing, but for those that do she provides an appendix. The gifts are jazzed up by using a variety of fibers, textures, and colors. Gorgeous photos. (Provided by publisher) ( )
  tldegray | Sep 21, 2018 |
This is a nice addition to your knitted books library. There's a variety of projects & skill levels, though the 2 hours or less category was my least favorite and a little lacking in originality (this is very hard to do, admittedly! Coming up with something to knit in that amount of time is not easy. Personally, I would have preferred more original patterns with maybe a five hours or less time frame). The projects in the last chapter I definitely wouldn't consider last minute gifts, and considering I've never even knit my own husband a sweater, I don't really consider a men's knitted vest a last minute knitted gift idea, but everyone is different, and I appreciate the variety of projects and ideas!

The book is well photographed and well laid out, patterns are easy to follow, read, and understand.

My only real complaint about the book - and why I'm giving it four stars and not five - is that the patterns, for the most part, are just very simple, like ribbed hats for the family. There are a million ribbed hat patterns already; I understand, it makes for a very fast, easy gift, and the ribbing makes it easy to "guess" a size for your intended giftee, but couldn't we have mixed it up a bit? Done broken rib? just as fast, just as easy for fitting, just as easy to design in multiple sizes (and at least there's half a million patterns out there, instead of a full million!)


I received a free copy of this book from netgalley in exchange for my honest opinion & was not paid to write this review. ( )
  anastaciaknits | Oct 29, 2016 |
We all have aunties who knit ghastly stuff out of dime store yarn that looks awful and feels awful and we want no part of it.

One of the main problems with knitting is that the most intricate projects that take ages to complete, if rendered in cheap materials, look trashy. Choosing the best yarn for the project is probably more important than choosing the color.

The designs in this book were prepared by Joelle Hoverson, a woman who has free access to the most exquisite commercial yarns in the universe, and she uses them in these projects to create items that look great. But I hang out where polyester yarns are the norm and I know that some of these designs are risky. If you don't want to spend money on good yarn (not necessarily the yarns that Ms Hoverson uses for the samples, but still good yarn) then you won't get the results she does.

There are 30 patterns in this book and some of them are for babies and young children. There are two patterns for fingerless gloves (do people wear fingerless gloves?) and a few blankets. I wonder, a bit, how many of these gifts I would want to receive. Look at the front and back of the book where a few of the gifts are displayed.

I received a review copy of "More Last-Minute Knitted Gifts" by Joelle Hoverson (Open Road Integrated Media) though It was originally published in 2010 by Stewart, Tabori and Chang (ABRAMS). The Kindle edition was released in 2011 by STC Craft | Melanie Falick Books. ( )
  Dokfintong | Oct 30, 2015 |
Some really cute projects - some seemed to be just filler. But I flagged more then 8 so that is a winner. Of the few I flagged they are quick clever projects. ( )
  dms02 | Feb 27, 2014 |
Another great collection of 2 to 8 hour+ projects for those in between times. ( )
  justicefortibet | Sep 12, 2012 |
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AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Joelle Hoversonprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Williams, AnnaFotograafSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Crafts. Nonfiction. HTML:

When STC Craft published Joelle Hoverson's Last-Minute Knitted Gifts in 2004, the response was over­whelming and today there are nearly 100,000 copies of this classic in print. Six years later, Hoverson is full of fresh, new ideas for beautiful gifts. So STC proudly presents More Last-Minute Knitted Gifts: an elegant collection of 30 projects organized according to the time it takes to complete them, from less than two hours to more than eight. Among the projects featured are sachets, bracelets, ornaments, mittens, gloves, hats, sweaters, baby blankets, and throws. Understanding that knitters today love to personalize their projects but also need guidance along the way, Hoverson showcases many of the projects in several colors and yarn weights, and with optional embellishments and creative ideas for gift-wrapping.


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