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The Sacred Blacksmith, Volume 3

door Isao Miura, Isao Miura, Koutarou Yamada

Reeksen: The Sacred Blacksmith (Volume 3)

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For fans ofFull Metal AlchemistandFinal Fantasycomes an all new epic fantasy manga series! This manga is the third book in an ongoing series that features stunning artwork and color inserts in each volume. After the vicious demon attack at the Market's auction, life in Housman has finally returned to normal. However, when an imperious girl named Charlotte E. Firobisher shows up and starts making unreasonable demands of master blacksmith Luke Ainsworth, things take a dark turn. Charlotte's true purpose and the nature of her three companions are shrouded in mystery. Cecily Campbell will have to hold her own against three Demon Blade-wielders in order to save Luke and Aria from certain doom. But is she up to the task?… (meer)
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This is the third volume in the Sacred Blacksmith series. I found this volume to be pretty boring, again with a lot of focus on how huge Cecily's breasts are (I am really not sure why that has to play such a big role in these fight scenes).

This book introduces us to Charlotte E. Firobisher, who demands that Cecily give her Aria (a Demon Blade). When Cecily refuses Charlotte commands her three guards (who all wield demon blades) to attack Cecily.

Cecily again is pretty lame in the ensuing fight and Luke has to step in to save her....again. The plot creeps forward just a small amount and Cecily shows absolutely no character growth.

The illustration is decent and I like some of the characters. But mostly I thought this was boring and I continue to dislike that Cecily is defined mainly by her breast size. In fact a couple of the other women who are wielding demon-blades seem to hate her explicitly for her big weird.

Overall this is an okay fantasy manga, but not great. I don’t enjoy how much Cecily’s breast size drives the story and how lame Cecily is as a character. On top of that this volume was just plain boring. I think I am done with this series and wouldn’t recommend. If you are looking for a good fantasy manga series check out Claymore or Beserk. ( )
  krau0098 | Jul 24, 2016 |
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AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Miura, IsaoAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Miura, Isaoprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Yamada, Koutarouprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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For fans ofFull Metal AlchemistandFinal Fantasycomes an all new epic fantasy manga series! This manga is the third book in an ongoing series that features stunning artwork and color inserts in each volume. After the vicious demon attack at the Market's auction, life in Housman has finally returned to normal. However, when an imperious girl named Charlotte E. Firobisher shows up and starts making unreasonable demands of master blacksmith Luke Ainsworth, things take a dark turn. Charlotte's true purpose and the nature of her three companions are shrouded in mystery. Cecily Campbell will have to hold her own against three Demon Blade-wielders in order to save Luke and Aria from certain doom. But is she up to the task?

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