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Deadball Stars of the National League: The Society for American Baseball Research (Photographic Histories)

door Tom Simon

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781354,363 (4.13)Geen
This new volume is the first book establishing a relationship between Brassey's, Inc. and the premier research organization in all of sports, the Society for American Baseball Research. This initial release allows you to return to one of the most colorful, popular, important, and distinct periods of baseball history. With the Society for American Baseball Research to guide you, you'll learn about the stars, the regulars, and the people behind the scenes - who were all the leading lights of the senior circuit. Through them, follow the great game's opening decades as the original eight National League franchises combated the American League, only to strike up a partnership with it and start the World Series in 1903, launching the major leagues as we know them today. Lavishly illustrated, featuring photographs and autographs of every player or person profiled, Deadball Stars of the National League gives fans a unique window into the game of inside baseball, a time when the stolen base and the sacrifice were a manager's key weapons, when pitchers finished what they started, and when the baseball itself was a sodden, misshapen, tobaccostained menace. Edited by Tom Simon and written an… (meer)
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Loads of biographical info you won't find anywhere else. ( )
  JNSelko | Jun 25, 2008 |
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This new volume is the first book establishing a relationship between Brassey's, Inc. and the premier research organization in all of sports, the Society for American Baseball Research. This initial release allows you to return to one of the most colorful, popular, important, and distinct periods of baseball history. With the Society for American Baseball Research to guide you, you'll learn about the stars, the regulars, and the people behind the scenes - who were all the leading lights of the senior circuit. Through them, follow the great game's opening decades as the original eight National League franchises combated the American League, only to strike up a partnership with it and start the World Series in 1903, launching the major leagues as we know them today. Lavishly illustrated, featuring photographs and autographs of every player or person profiled, Deadball Stars of the National League gives fans a unique window into the game of inside baseball, a time when the stolen base and the sacrifice were a manager's key weapons, when pitchers finished what they started, and when the baseball itself was a sodden, misshapen, tobaccostained menace. Edited by Tom Simon and written an

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