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Grill Master

door Fred Thompson

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Cooking & Food. Nonfiction. HTML:

The ultimate arsenal of back-to-basics recipes for the grill, featuring popular dishes that are delicious and easy-to-prepare.
Head outside, fire up the grill, and earn the title of Grill Master among your friends and family with this ultimate grilling companion. Over 100 back-to-basics recipes that will have you not only turning out everyone’s favorite grilled recipes, like thick porterhouse steaks rubbed with Italian herbs, smoky bacon-wrapped prawns, and garlicky lamb chops, but also tackling the holy trinity of barbecue: slow-smoked brisket, tender baby back ribs, and succulent pulled pork.
Thompson accompanies every recipe with a “Game Plan,” so you know exactly what to do when you step up to the grill. He also includes recommended side dishes—think creamy coleslaw, sticky-sweet baked beans, and buttery garlic bread—which are bundled together in the back of the book for easy access. Another section offers dozens of sauces, marinades, and rubs to mix and match for personalized grilled dishes.
Full-color photography and step-by-step primers on starting a fire, setting up a grill, direct- and indirect-heat grilling, smoking, and more give even the novice griller the confidence to light up the coals with abandon. With tried-and-true recipes and a no-nonsense attitude, Grill Master may be the last book you ever need on the subject.

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The ultimate arsenal of back-to-basics recipes for the grill
  jhawn | Jul 31, 2017 |
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Cooking & Food. Nonfiction. HTML:

The ultimate arsenal of back-to-basics recipes for the grill, featuring popular dishes that are delicious and easy-to-prepare.
Head outside, fire up the grill, and earn the title of Grill Master among your friends and family with this ultimate grilling companion. Over 100 back-to-basics recipes that will have you not only turning out everyone’s favorite grilled recipes, like thick porterhouse steaks rubbed with Italian herbs, smoky bacon-wrapped prawns, and garlicky lamb chops, but also tackling the holy trinity of barbecue: slow-smoked brisket, tender baby back ribs, and succulent pulled pork.
Thompson accompanies every recipe with a “Game Plan,” so you know exactly what to do when you step up to the grill. He also includes recommended side dishes—think creamy coleslaw, sticky-sweet baked beans, and buttery garlic bread—which are bundled together in the back of the book for easy access. Another section offers dozens of sauces, marinades, and rubs to mix and match for personalized grilled dishes.
Full-color photography and step-by-step primers on starting a fire, setting up a grill, direct- and indirect-heat grilling, smoking, and more give even the novice griller the confidence to light up the coals with abandon. With tried-and-true recipes and a no-nonsense attitude, Grill Master may be the last book you ever need on the subject.


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