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The Saint (Kindle Single)

door Oliver Broudy

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Toon 2 van 2
Interesting... kind of a very long-form article, a little more personal than you'd find in NYRB or the New Yorker or Atlantic, but topical and on-topic both. An interesting niche, and I wouldn't mind seeing more of the same. The story was interesting, it was well-written and decently edited -- none of the self-pubbing cliches apply here, other than the fact the it occupied an odd literary category and probably couldn't have found a home as a periodical article or part of a book of essays, due to its length.

More later on the blog, I think. But I'm glad I bit on this one. ( )
  lisapeet | Mar 30, 2013 |
This piece is an awesome example of a Kindle Single...short enough so the author is able to get to the point without feeling a need to add extra embellishments, but long enough to tell describe the fascinating mental & physical journey of both a journalist and a multi-millionaire. Although the title may lead one to believe otherwise, the message of this work is not necessarily religious. While dealing with many of the premises of Buddhism & Jainism, the themes, which include passive resistance, freedom, search for self and happiness in an often isolating world, are universal.

In this mini-memoir, Oliver Broudy becomes fascinated with James Otis, a wealthy collector of Gandhi-related memorabilia who goes on a quest of redemption after selling Gandhi relics to an auction house for an exorbitant monetary sum. Broudy, who is also trying to come to grips with his own mixed feelings about New York life, accompanies the millionaire in his travels to India, with plans to fuel the Tibetan rebels through both non-violent resistance & monetary assistance. Throughout this journey, Broudy is thoroughly honest about his mixed feelings toward James and tries to come up with a contemporary definition of Sainthood, while attempting to discern that fine line between saintliness and selfishness.

Really enjoyed it! ( )
  KindleKapers | Apr 27, 2011 |
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