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Budget Living Home Cheap Home: A Room-by-Room Guide to Great Decorating

door Editors of Budget Living

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942297,778 (3.53)Geen
Spend smart, live rich. When it comes to decorating with sophistication and flair, great style doesn't have to come with a big price tag. The editors of Budget Livingmagazine, the leading experts on living large and spending small, give readers the lowdown on design and show how to transform a home into a haven----without breaking the bank. From tiny studios to sprawling houses, this innovative do-it-yourself guide will inspire readers to add color, wit, and chic style to every room in the home. From floor plans and storage opportunities to quirky finishing details and small-scale projects, this book teaches you everything you need to know, including: € How to use color to energize and unify your home € Where to find distinctive pieces that bring panache to any room € What you can do yourself-and when to defer to the experts € How planning ahead and thinking creatively can save you thousands of dollars € Why sometimes the smartest thing you can do is splurge on something you really love… (meer)
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I really miss Budget Living! They had the coolest ideas in that magazine. One of the things that they stress is the idea that you can take mass produced items from Ikea and Target and the like, and make them your own by mixing them up with more unusual things and using them in unexpected ways.
  Lindsayg | Feb 7, 2010 |
This book is essentially a rehash of material that was featured in Budget Living. I read the magazine and bought the book both, so I felt cheated. If you didn't read the magazine, it's probably an okay book. ( )
  schmootc | Dec 23, 2006 |
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Spend smart, live rich. When it comes to decorating with sophistication and flair, great style doesn't have to come with a big price tag. The editors of Budget Livingmagazine, the leading experts on living large and spending small, give readers the lowdown on design and show how to transform a home into a haven----without breaking the bank. From tiny studios to sprawling houses, this innovative do-it-yourself guide will inspire readers to add color, wit, and chic style to every room in the home. From floor plans and storage opportunities to quirky finishing details and small-scale projects, this book teaches you everything you need to know, including: € How to use color to energize and unify your home € Where to find distinctive pieces that bring panache to any room € What you can do yourself-and when to defer to the experts € How planning ahead and thinking creatively can save you thousands of dollars € Why sometimes the smartest thing you can do is splurge on something you really love

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