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HarperCollins Concise Atlas of The Bible (1991)

door James B. Pritchard, L. Michael White

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2742100,519 (4)Geen
From the earliest evidence of mankind in Palestine to the rise of the Christian Church, The Times Concise Atlas of the Bible places the whole of biblical history in its geographical context. Drawing on the work of an international team of 50 archaeologists, linguists, historians and theologians and illustrated with over 250 maps, site reconstructions and colour photographs, its comprehensive coverage and authoritative accompanying text make it a suitable companion to the Bible and biblical studies.… (meer)
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I'm not a great fan of the type of map that substitutes hatching for actual representation of what the mapper considers less important terrain, but the Harper atlas is of a well enough known area to get by with it. But I would have liked about two more maps or illustration of Jerusalem. A useful book given the price constraints. ( )
  DinadansFriend | Oct 15, 2013 |
A very useful reference, especially for Hebrew Bible studies but good for the New Testament as well. ( )
  auntieknickers | Feb 4, 2008 |
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Pritchard, James B.primaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
White, L. Michaelprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
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From the earliest evidence of mankind in Palestine to the rise of the Christian Church, The Times Concise Atlas of the Bible places the whole of biblical history in its geographical context. Drawing on the work of an international team of 50 archaeologists, linguists, historians and theologians and illustrated with over 250 maps, site reconstructions and colour photographs, its comprehensive coverage and authoritative accompanying text make it a suitable companion to the Bible and biblical studies.

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