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When Dreams Cross

door Terri Blackstock

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308188,358 (3.45)Geen
Justin Pierce's brainchild, Khaki Kangaroo, is exactly the cartoon theme Andi Sherman needs for her world-class amusement park, Promised Land. In turn, Andi's park is the opportunity that can rocket Justin from obscurity to success. For both of them, spreading the Gospel through their creation is their passion--a shared dream that could cement a powerful partnership. If their shared past hadn't already driven them apart. Now, with construction of the park in its final phase, what begins as an uneasy alliance between the successful businesswoman and the talented animator enters a baptism of fire. Disaster stalks Promised Land--and only by burying their pride can Justin and Andi save everything they've work for from destruction. When Dreams Cross is part of the Second Chances series by award-winning suspense novelist Terri Blackstock. Combining fast-paced reading with realistic characters and situations, Second Chances takes readers to where the conflict between good and evil becomes the proving grounds of faith.… (meer)
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  WBCLIB | Jul 13, 2023 |
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Justin Pierce's brainchild, Khaki Kangaroo, is exactly the cartoon theme Andi Sherman needs for her world-class amusement park, Promised Land. In turn, Andi's park is the opportunity that can rocket Justin from obscurity to success. For both of them, spreading the Gospel through their creation is their passion--a shared dream that could cement a powerful partnership. If their shared past hadn't already driven them apart. Now, with construction of the park in its final phase, what begins as an uneasy alliance between the successful businesswoman and the talented animator enters a baptism of fire. Disaster stalks Promised Land--and only by burying their pride can Justin and Andi save everything they've work for from destruction. When Dreams Cross is part of the Second Chances series by award-winning suspense novelist Terri Blackstock. Combining fast-paced reading with realistic characters and situations, Second Chances takes readers to where the conflict between good and evil becomes the proving grounds of faith.

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