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Angel in the Shadows

door Lisa Grace

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934300,828 (3.17)Geen
"Lisa Grace creates a supernatural world, where the heroine is 100 percent human - a brilliant alternative to the vampire novels. If this is her first novel - I can't wait to see what else she has in store for readers. A page-turner from start to finish." -Alexis Del Cid, CBS NEWS, KOIN-TV, Portland, Oregon "Lisa Grace is a talented and exciting author. Suspense drips off each page. I look forward to her next work." --Gretchen Helgeson, Book Reviewer, Phoenix, Arizona Fifteen-year-old Megan Laughlin has a gift; or what seems like a curse at times. Megan sees angels and demons. Megan knows her destiny is to protect her friends against dark angels who try to sway them into situations that can destroy their souls, their lives, and their eternity. At school, she recognizes Judas, anuber popular boy, as a demon hell-bent on destroying her and everyone she loves. As Judas spreads horrible rumors and overdoses two of her classmates at a rave, Megan realizes the enormity of his power. While classmates die, Megan, with the help of an angel, Johnny, and a team of friends will face the fight of their lives as they battle Judas. Megan thinks God hasn't given her any "special" powers, but discovers she has what she needs as she confronts Judas and his seemingly unconquerable power. Author Lisa Grace is a former children's musical theater director and is currently writing her second book in her Angel series. She is married, has a daughter and resides in Florida, Wisconsin and Tennessee. Look for excerpts of her novels on Publisher's website: http: //"… (meer)
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Toon 4 van 4
When I am asked 'what is the worst book you have ever read?' this one inevitably springs to mind.

This book was . . . full of errors. Grammatical errors, spelling errors, continuity errors.

The story itself felt sketchy to me - as though it was the seed of a story that had not quite been grown into the story it was trying to be. Also, the cliffhanger I read in other reviews that I would find at the end? It read less like a cliffhanger and more like this was only about one third of the actual novel.

For all that the book is about a great battle, on the spiritual plane and the mortal one, Megan, our main character, did not seem to really come up against and overcome - or be overcome by - any significant obstacles. When she could not accomplish something she tended not to even try, and some other event or person would come along and make it disappear.

Megan also did not wind up making many of her own decisions on large or small issues; she followed the instructions of the angels almost without question. Just as she accepted, from the very beginning, any and everything they told her, including the very fact that they were angels.

I will say - I am not a Christian. I occasionally read Christian fiction, for many of the same reasons I read other books out of my usual genres. (Curiosity is a big one, also I like to try to be well-read - I’m a writer, it’s important to me.) None of my problems with this book were explicitly because of it being a book of Christian fiction.

Among the many, many errors I came across (among the grammatical side of things: missing commas, missing full stops, missing quotation marks, sentences and paragraphs without spaces or breaks between them, misused words) were also some things that were perhaps not specifically errors.

For example, late in the book, when Max is mentioned hugging Megan and talking to her - I honestly had no idea to whom the book was referring. I had forgotten that this girl, who is the main character and supposedly quite dedicated to her family, had a younger brother. I almost had to page back to the beginning to reassure myself that I had been introduced to him before.

There were some heavy real-life issues tackled in the book, as I half expected from what I had read about it prior to beginning it - most of them were merely glossed over, even if they were focused on specifically as horrible things; serious issues that if included in a story like this really must be focused on more seriously.

The serious issues that were treated as serious issues were dealt with too quickly and too easily, sometimes in the wrong ways - and I'm thinking of an early case, a non-religious issue, when Megan (eventually) sought help from an adult for something she found out.

It was not only Megan's worries and uncertain way of dealing with the issue that bothered me - she's a fairly sheltered teenager, I would not expect her to handle things perfectly, I perhaps even expect missteps. An adult should do better, particularly one in such a position.

An argument made - whatever side of it I happen to come down on - that has actual facts to support the argument. Use those facts - do not lie about those facts, it only weakens the argument. (Included with straight-up lying in my book: leaving things out entirely, inflating or skewing statistics, formally or informally.)

Preaching. It is Christian fiction, I expect it to be Christian fiction - I have no false expectations of it to be like, say, a fantasy novel. However, I do not expect things to come the way that they did in this book. Megan's inner monologues often felt like lectures or sales pitches - and I'm not sure which is worse - directed at the reader.

Leaving aside the over-the-top feel of the almost precisely the same things directed to Megan's friends, family, and acquaintances - and when they do the same - I cannot believe that anyone actually thinks in those particular pathways. It felt forced and also a little bit like I was being attacked, even on points I might agree with Megan on, by about the second time she delivered such an inner monologue or stream of consciousness.

As I said, I am not a Christian. I have attended church, and have had a number of friends who are very passionate about their faith. I have only rarely come across people who treat ‘recruiting’ (this is a term used in the book) or ‘saving’ people in the way that every Christian we meet in this book seems to.

It came across as aggressive, a little bullying, and talked about the individual ‘saving’ whoever they had been speaking to - or, once or twice, failing to do so - again, my knowledge is based mainly on friends and long-ago days of attending church myself, but I don’t believe that is how it is supposed to work. Is the idea not that humans can lead each other to the knowledge, but only God/Jesus can ‘save’ anyone?

That was one of several issues that made me wonder about the Christians as I saw them depicted in this book, but I feel too uncertain in my own knowledge on most of these things to comment in an informed manner.

Honestly, I would probably not have finished this book at all if it had not been so short. I was curious (and concerned) about how Lisa Grace would handle the issues she had raised, and also about the cliffhanger I had read it ended with.

I've done my best to give a fair review that does not depend specifically on my views on any religious or controversial things in the book, but opinions are, of course, subjective.

Oh, and in that vein. . . This is honestly one of the worst books I have ever suffered myself to read in its entirety. ( )
  Kalira | May 12, 2024 |
As this was Christian YA, I went in expecting to eyeroll a lot more than I actually did. Sure, it has some of the dorkiness and standard tropes that one would expect from Christian YA, but I found it to be a surprisingly good read, with less of the judgemental crap than I expected. There is no homophobia in it and less of the celibacy-pushing than I would expect. While it's pretty clear the main character Megan, and probably the author, are pro-lifers, the point is not overly belabored.

Pros: there's cool and/or cute angels, sin, drugs, the possibility of illicit sex, a pure chick main character, lolarious srs!christianity, and high school drama. What more can you ask for? ( )
  broccolima | Jan 26, 2014 |
Fifteen-year-old Megan Laughlin has a gift--or what seems like a curse at times. Megan sees angels and demons.

Megan knows her destiny is to protect her friends against dark angels who try to sway them into situations that can destroy their lives, their souls, and their eternity.

At school, she recognizes Judas, an über popular boy, as an evil angel hell-bent on destroying her and everyone she loves. As Judas spreads horrible rumors and overdoses two of her classmates at a rave, Megan realizes the enormity of his power. While classmates die, Megan, with the help of an angel, Johnny, and a team of friends will face the fight of their lives as they battle Judas.

Megan thinks God hasn't given her any "special" powers, but discovers she has what she needs as she confronts Judas and his seemingly unconquerable power.

I wasn't a big fan of the cover. I thought the cover model had a big nose and I have no idea who the angel was suppose to be from the book because I don't remember an angel that fit the description in the book. It isn't a terrible looking but it wasn't eye popping cool or gorgeous. It was just not for me. Also please remember this is just my opinion and you may think it is the prettiest cover you have ever seen . Its all on personal opinion

Different from what I normally read.. I usually settle for just YA romances and leave it in the contemporary and historical.. Also, every now and then I will settle for a good dystopian which I usually have trouble getting into for some reason. That is why I am very picky when ever I am asked to review it.
The point of view was of a girl. Thank goodness. I always seem to have a problem getting into a mans head even if it is written for me. There is not telling what they keep in it. The persons head we are in ,Megan, really does a good job on description. She was also an interesting character herself.
So the start of the book was slow if you asked me. Reading from the beginning I just couldn't grasp the book. Yes I a Christian. Yes I do go to church every Sunday. Yes I love God more than anyone. This book at one point when a boy calls Megan to the hospital after an accident with an evil angel and a drug overdose. He was a Christian but he almost fell in hell. It was scary.It was really scary...
There was a good angel and a bad angel at a school. Jude/Judah/Damian/what-ever-else is the bad one that really had me creeped out on Monday night when I finished it. He was the super popular boy that was killing off or more like helping them kill themselves. He would influence them because he was the popular new boy to do Drug Over Dose or as he did with a Goth boy in the beginning. His goal is to get as many people in hell as possible.
The authors writing is also distinctive and addicting at points especially toward the end. Mandy pregnant, you know I saw that coming.Though I did predict her being pregnant, I didn't see the ending of the book. I mean it was a good ending and it made me want to move onto the next book right that moment. I would have to if it had not been 1 in the morning and I kept falling asleep. I will soon have that review up following this one in a few days. Right now I have to get some other books to review out of the way and one I really want to buy and I will feature on So Want Saturday.
So my rating is 4 E-readers ( )
  cwyant3497 | Dec 30, 2011 |
I loved stories of heaven and hell. Good vs. Evil. So when this book came upon my lap, I knew I wanted to read it right away. This book started off slow for me, and it slowly picked up the pace of the book.

What I like most about this book is the plot. I loved reading about the war raging and growing on earth's plane. Megan has been gifted by God and knows that she must do everything in her power to fight. I loved that Megan didn't depend on any super powers but merely her faith in God. Megan faith is strong and the hope that she gives the reader raises faith in them as well. One thing I didn't like is that Megan felt to mature. She is after all a 15 year old.

The plot line of this book is slow and little predictable. I kept waiting for something more to pop up at me. While I enjoyed the angels, faith, and God, this book did grab my attention as I wanted it to.

Overall, this book is a good book. It has great morals in it, lots of faith and truth about a war that is going on even now. If you want a book with real biblical truth, then this book is for you. ( )
  Bookswithbite | Dec 12, 2011 |
Toon 4 van 4
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"Lisa Grace creates a supernatural world, where the heroine is 100 percent human - a brilliant alternative to the vampire novels. If this is her first novel - I can't wait to see what else she has in store for readers. A page-turner from start to finish." -Alexis Del Cid, CBS NEWS, KOIN-TV, Portland, Oregon "Lisa Grace is a talented and exciting author. Suspense drips off each page. I look forward to her next work." --Gretchen Helgeson, Book Reviewer, Phoenix, Arizona Fifteen-year-old Megan Laughlin has a gift; or what seems like a curse at times. Megan sees angels and demons. Megan knows her destiny is to protect her friends against dark angels who try to sway them into situations that can destroy their souls, their lives, and their eternity. At school, she recognizes Judas, anuber popular boy, as a demon hell-bent on destroying her and everyone she loves. As Judas spreads horrible rumors and overdoses two of her classmates at a rave, Megan realizes the enormity of his power. While classmates die, Megan, with the help of an angel, Johnny, and a team of friends will face the fight of their lives as they battle Judas. Megan thinks God hasn't given her any "special" powers, but discovers she has what she needs as she confronts Judas and his seemingly unconquerable power. Author Lisa Grace is a former children's musical theater director and is currently writing her second book in her Angel series. She is married, has a daughter and resides in Florida, Wisconsin and Tennessee. Look for excerpts of her novels on Publisher's website: http: //"

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