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Alys, Always (2012)

door Harriet Lane

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3162385,878 (3.45)49
Comforting a dying car crash victim before being invited to meet the woman's privileged family, Frances is transformed through her friendships with two family members from an unknown editor to a sought-after figure in literary society.
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1-5 van 23 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Lovely, haunting, story. Well written and a bit devious in the authors presentation of the main character. It sucked me in and I will not forget this story. Bravo. ( )
  Carmentalie | Jun 4, 2022 |
Such a slow plodding book without any real twist or plot ( )
  karenshann | Dec 31, 2019 |
I felt absolute nothing the whole time I was reading this book. ( )
  rowls100 | Jul 25, 2019 |
During a night drive back to London, after a visit to her parents, Frances comes across a car crash and after calling for an ambulance, sits and talks to the trapped and injured driver, Alys, who dies before help can arrive. The aftermath of this leads Frances, a newspaper literary sub-editor, to become involve with the family of the driver. Her interest is piqued when she discovers that Alys’ husband is Laurence Kyte, a well-known author. What follows is an absorbing and fascinating psychological tale as Frances takes the opportunity to inveigle her way into the affections of the family and to use this connection to advance her career. Lane’s wonderful writing charts Frances’ blossoming from being unmemorable to moving to centre stage as her confidence increases and her plans successfully unfold.
  camharlow2 | Mar 15, 2019 |
I'd been looking forward to reading this one for a while because the summary pulled me in. I must say that I didn't enjoy this one as much as I'd thought I would. Frances, our narrator, ingratiates herself to the family of Alys (of the title), a woman she comes upon by chance after a car accident that proves fatal. Frances was privy to the final words of Alys & when meeting the woman's greiving family, she chooses to embellish them & ultimately uses that connection as her in to their world. I don't know if Frances was a narcissist, social climber or some other sort of obsessive but I did come to regard her as an unreliable narrator because she gave such self-serving a view of virtually everything and was also hyper-obsessed with how others saw her & painted herself almost like a martyr being put upon by her boring and staid life and everyone who peopled it, except the Kytes. I didn't buy the relationship that happens in the final act but I honestly didn't feel annoyed that Frances manipulated her way in successfully. I didn't know if she really truly cared about the Kytes outside a means of escaping her own drudge of a life but the Kytes were never rendered so deeply that I cared much ultimately. This one was just ok for me but it was short & it's one more I've finally got round to on my "To Read" list, so I'm still pleased. It's not a bad book for a weekend or over the week during lunch. ( )
  anissaannalise | Feb 28, 2018 |
1-5 van 23 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Written in the present tense, Lane’s breezy, lacerating first novel is less a cynical exercise than a deeply nostalgic one, a kind of blowing on the ember of the days when authors mattered enough to the culture to be valued as superficially as movie stars.
Alys, Always is not flawless; the ending is not quite believable (and yet, so surely is the character of Frances drawn that for some it will be entirely so) and Lane’s symbols at times groan, so freighted are they (the windows in Hampstead, where Alys’s family live, “are always cleaner – more reflective, more transparent – than the windows in my part of town”). Still, it’s a well-written story told with verve, so much so that Frances, unlikable as she is, becomes perversely compelling: You keep turning the pages, certainly – perhaps more absorbedly than you’d like to admit.
Harriet Lane's brilliant first novel is about a newspaper subeditor on the book pages, an "invisible production drone, always out in the slips, waiting to save people from their own mistakes"....t is a novel that will unsettle and make your heart dip, long after you have put it aside.
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A violet bed is budding near,
Wherein a lark has made her nest:
And the good they are, but not the best;
And dear they are, but not so dear.

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Comforting a dying car crash victim before being invited to meet the woman's privileged family, Frances is transformed through her friendships with two family members from an unknown editor to a sought-after figure in literary society.

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Gemiddelde: (3.45)
1 2
2 12
2.5 3
3 25
3.5 16
4 43
4.5 3
5 6

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