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It's My Room!

door Robert Munsch

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931300,828 (3.83)Geen
Matthew is thrilled when he finally gets his own bedroom, but then all Mom's relatives come to stay. How can he get his room back?
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Jake's Review: This was a funny story about a kid who finally gets his own room and than his mom makes him share it with his relatives (parent's are always changing their minds). I didn't like it as much as David's Father or some of his other stories, but it was still ok. The pictures are the best part of the book. They are really funny -- I think even Jesse would like to look at the pictures - if we could maybe sit on him or something so he stays still.

Jake's Rating: 8/10

Mom's Review: One of my favorite things about Munsch's books (Well, the ones with Martchenko) is the sheer delight at looking at every little detail in the illustrations. They are so much fun and you see something new every-time you look at them. This is a another fun Munsch book that would be perfect for story-time, especially with an enthusiastic Teacher/Librarian/Parent. Actually I find I enjoy Munsch books more when I read them aloud with some creative voices. I also recommend you listen to the author read his books aloud, as he is truly gifted storyteller. I found the beginning of the story a little flat, but it did pick up 4 pages in and than I really enjoyed it. The end also made me giggle out loud. Not his best, but still a fun story that hopefully one day Jesse will let me read aloud to him. Oh yeah, and I also loved the line about the mailman -- that was awesome.
Mom's Rating: 8.5/10 ( )
  mountie9 | Feb 6, 2012 |
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Matthew is thrilled when he finally gets his own bedroom, but then all Mom's relatives come to stay. How can he get his room back?

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