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Peas on Earth

door Todd H. Doodler

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292839,074 (3.33)Geen
Peas on Earthuses a simple play on words to portray the basic concepts of peace, harmony, getting along with all kinds of people, and being green in a manner that young kids will grasp. And it will resonate more as they grow older. Adult caregivers will chuckle over the peas/peace references while young children will relate to the important messages about our earth and those of us who live on it. The artwork is colorful, charming, and perfect for the board book crowd. And, as an added value, there is a simple pop-up at the end of the book.… (meer)
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This children's book, "Peas on Earth", is a cute book that uses a play on words. This book talks about peace and harmony and getting along with others. This book really does help kids understand how you can make a better world by creating "peas on Earth".

I love how the author used a simple play on words in this children's story. I think by using that play on words, it makes the meaning of the story more kid friendly. Children can relate to the important things being brought up in this book about the people on Earth and how we need to appreciate everyone on it. ( )
  mnorth2 | Oct 21, 2014 |
Cute and punny. ( )
  Sullywriter | Apr 3, 2013 |
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Peas on Earthuses a simple play on words to portray the basic concepts of peace, harmony, getting along with all kinds of people, and being green in a manner that young kids will grasp. And it will resonate more as they grow older. Adult caregivers will chuckle over the peas/peace references while young children will relate to the important messages about our earth and those of us who live on it. The artwork is colorful, charming, and perfect for the board book crowd. And, as an added value, there is a simple pop-up at the end of the book.

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Gemiddelde: (3.33)
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