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Flood Plains

door Mark Wheaton

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1711,280,308 (3.71)Geen
For New Orleans native Big Time, one devastating hurricane was enough to last him. But when a Category 5 monster barrels across Houston, Texas, he and a disparate group of factory workers accept hazard pay to keep their line up and running on the north side of the city. Yet what hides within the storm is far worse than any Gulf 'cane, a ghostly apocalyptic event capable of wiping out millions. As the monstrosity slaughters its way across the city, the survivors face a nearly insurmountable test of faith, endurance, and their own humanity as they attempt to destroy the beast before it lays waste to all mankind.… (meer)
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This book has several things going for it. (1) Good characters. Survivors of Katrina facing down another hurricane with a new supernatural element works well. They are complex and you care about them. (2) An interesting monster. This is a monster romp with clearly the biggest monster in the history of monster romps. Interesting concept also. (3) Well written. Even with the Wheaton books that I do not like he has a high degree of skill with narration and dialogue which is no surprise since he is successful scriptwriter. No exception here. This novel, which I did like, moves at a brisk pace smoothly toward the finale. Well done and enjoyable. It would be a good one to take to the beach..... ( )
  ChrisMcCaffrey | Apr 6, 2021 |
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For New Orleans native Big Time, one devastating hurricane was enough to last him. But when a Category 5 monster barrels across Houston, Texas, he and a disparate group of factory workers accept hazard pay to keep their line up and running on the north side of the city. Yet what hides within the storm is far worse than any Gulf 'cane, a ghostly apocalyptic event capable of wiping out millions. As the monstrosity slaughters its way across the city, the survivors face a nearly insurmountable test of faith, endurance, and their own humanity as they attempt to destroy the beast before it lays waste to all mankind.

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Gemiddelde: (3.71)
2.5 1
3 1
3.5 1
4 3
5 1

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