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Lightworker: Understand Your Sacred Role as Healer, Guide, and Being of Light

door Sahvanna Arienta

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Are you a Lightworker? It is the Lightworkers' mission to lend their light energy to a planet heavy with fear and negativity. But Lightworkers aren't all well known spiritual gurus. They are musicians and artists, shopkeepers, accountants, stay-at-home moms, and people you pass on the street. They share their gifts by speaking out for those who have no voice and they create glorious works of art that beautify our planet or write music that elevates our spirits. Many have forgotten their divine purpose; they live among us unaware of who they really are. Although it's not always obvious who these Lightworkers are, nor is it easy to recognize or understand their special qualities, one thing is certain: the Earth is more in need of them than ever before. Lightworker will help you discover: The true origin of your soul and what your unique gifts are How anxiety, depression, or addiction can be symptomatic of the Lightworker's highly acute nature Understand your sensitivities and recognize them as extrasensory perceptions How to use these qualities as healing gifts Lightworker will change the way you view your life, your challenges, and your own place in the world. Lightworker will change the way you view your life, your challenges, and your own place in the world.… (meer)
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Understanding Your Sacred Role
As Healer, Guide, and Being of Light
by Sahvanna Arienta

Oh Thank God For This Book. This miraculous 253 page messenger has saved my life in a trillion ways. It is written just for people like me, who are messengers of the light. It got my attention right from hello, and proceeded to tell me everything I needed to know about me. The real stuff that I kinda knew, but still needed confirmation on. Things like why I felt psychic, but was more interested in guidance than predicting.

I also learned more about the gifts of lightworkers, and the seven levels of connection. I now understand why being in a cluttered environment is so unhealthy for me, and how to go about de-cluttering. Another area that I got help in was why I am here. It just made so much sense. I would recommend this glorious ray of sunshine to anyone who knows they are a lightworker, suspects they may be a lightworker, or just feel different and curious. This channeled prize has definitely made it to the top of my spiritual toolbox. Thank you for saving my life and the life of millions.

Love & Light,

Riki Frahmann ( )
  biunicorn | Mar 31, 2012 |
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Are you a Lightworker? It is the Lightworkers' mission to lend their light energy to a planet heavy with fear and negativity. But Lightworkers aren't all well known spiritual gurus. They are musicians and artists, shopkeepers, accountants, stay-at-home moms, and people you pass on the street. They share their gifts by speaking out for those who have no voice and they create glorious works of art that beautify our planet or write music that elevates our spirits. Many have forgotten their divine purpose; they live among us unaware of who they really are. Although it's not always obvious who these Lightworkers are, nor is it easy to recognize or understand their special qualities, one thing is certain: the Earth is more in need of them than ever before. Lightworker will help you discover: The true origin of your soul and what your unique gifts are How anxiety, depression, or addiction can be symptomatic of the Lightworker's highly acute nature Understand your sensitivities and recognize them as extrasensory perceptions How to use these qualities as healing gifts Lightworker will change the way you view your life, your challenges, and your own place in the world. Lightworker will change the way you view your life, your challenges, and your own place in the world.

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