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Ruined by Rumor

door Alyssa Everett

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418628,028 (3.39)6
Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

After waiting five years for her fiancé to return from the war and marry her, Roxana Langley has been jilted! She may have longed for excitement, but this was not what she had in mind...

Who could possibly throw over a woman as beautiful and vivacious as Roxana? Certainly not Alex Winslow, the Earl of Ayersley, who has spent years trying in vain to forget his unrequited love. When he learns she's been abandoned by her cad of a fiancé, he finds himself offering a shoulder for her to cry on. Comfort soon turns into a passionate kiss--and scandal when they are caught in an embrace.

Only one thing will save Roxana from certain ruination: marriage to the earl. The match may save her reputation, but responsible, tongue-tied Ayersley is a far cry from her dashing former fiancé. She's convinced Ayersley is merely doing his duty...while he's sure Roxana is still in love with another man. Are they trading one disaster for another?

92,000 words

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1-5 van 8 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I liked this book but it was one of those where the hero and heroine were constantly misunderstanding each other. If only the hero had ever let the heroine finish a sentence much trauma could have been avoided. ( )
  Luziadovalongo | Jul 14, 2022 |
I really love books with a bunch of social maneuvering, manipulation, marriage-of-convenience, awkward, shy, stuffy heroes who have been pining for the breezy, lovable heroine for all his adult life.

It was a winner, and that's all I got for today. Super cute, satisfying read ( )
  samnreader | Jun 27, 2020 |
This was another awesome read and I’m happy to recommend it to you. The romance, as in all of Ms. Everett’s, is slow-building but oh so sweet.

This trope, marriage of convenience, has been done to death, but in this author’s hands, with a beta hero, ... thanks for jumping to b2b to finish my review....

Melanie for b2b ( )
  bookworm2bookworm | Mar 30, 2017 |
No time to write a full review just now, but let me say, "Read this book." ( )
  LadyWesley | Sep 25, 2013 |
I almost want to give it a 4 but... I just didn't like the heroine all that much. Cute but not great. Worth reading? If you are a fan of historical romance. ( )
  tivonut | Jul 25, 2013 |
1-5 van 8 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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Alyssa Everettprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Landor, RosalynVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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Fiction. Romance. Historical Fiction. HTML:

After waiting five years for her fiancé to return from the war and marry her, Roxana Langley has been jilted! She may have longed for excitement, but this was not what she had in mind...

Who could possibly throw over a woman as beautiful and vivacious as Roxana? Certainly not Alex Winslow, the Earl of Ayersley, who has spent years trying in vain to forget his unrequited love. When he learns she's been abandoned by her cad of a fiancé, he finds himself offering a shoulder for her to cry on. Comfort soon turns into a passionate kiss--and scandal when they are caught in an embrace.

Only one thing will save Roxana from certain ruination: marriage to the earl. The match may save her reputation, but responsible, tongue-tied Ayersley is a far cry from her dashing former fiancé. She's convinced Ayersley is merely doing his duty...while he's sure Roxana is still in love with another man. Are they trading one disaster for another?

92,000 words


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