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An Ill Wind Blows

door Lori R. Lopez

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This illustrated print edition of AN ILL WIND BLOWS features odd and vivid artwork by the author. The unique adventure depicts one night when an ordinary person lacking confidence must battle a wicked wind. The stakes are high as she, along with friends and foes, travels through a magical storm world that culminates in a ghost town populated by more than just spirits. This is a story that keeps delivering action and fun throughout. It is more than a single tale in a single genre. The book blends Humor, Horror, and Fantasy.From the time the characters are sucked into the storm, the reader is transported with them on a strange chaotic trek. Meezly finds herself tangled in a web of chills and intrigue as she attempts to search for a mysterious gem called The Cursed Eye, which her missing father entrusted her to safeguard. The stone was used by a Sumerian king to transform an evil jinn from a wind spirit to a vainglorious force.This fable is as imaginative and unconventional in style as it is in plot. A vulnerable individual struggling to overcome debilitating losses, Meezly stumbles through a gauntlet of thirteen macabre tribulations down a forest highway. Twists and madness abound during her eclectic hectic journey of the soul. It is a lighthearted yet touching trek that readers will want to take again. Facing fears and the power of friendship are important themes. Chapters alternate from First Person to multiple Third Person perspectives. The supporting characters, a mixed and quirky bunch of allies or villains, each have their own insightful stories.WINNER of the Vicious Spirits Novel Writing Month Book Contest 2011; received HONORABLE MENTION in Young Adult from the 2013 Halloween Book Festival.… (meer)
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Reminiscent of the cyclone in the land of Oz, An Ill Wind Blows takes you a step higher, as if on steroids... As the ghoulishly dark cover suggests, this is no children's story but rather, it is dedicated to the child in all of us.

Recounted by Arletta Trimble, the story sweeps us into a whirlwind of whimsy, mixing up fantasy and reality, creating quirky characters such as zombie piranhas, ghosts, an alien, a witch, an axe-wielding elf, mad stalkers, a root monster, and a the ill wind itself, and bringing them to life in the most delightful, fun ways. Here is how Arletta introduces herself: "It isn't that I'm Snoopy like some people think. I'm just naturally curious. Which tends to make me prone to an abundance of problems, because following your nose can be a dangerous proposition."

I found it fascinating that the story was written in response to a challenge to draft a novel in thirty days, for which the author, Lori R. Lopez, won the Vicious Novel Writing Month award. The frenzy with which she conjured things up lends itself to the theme of the book, and makes An Ill Wind Blows a dynamic read.

Five Stars. ( )
1 stem Uvi_Poznansky | Aug 31, 2013 |
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This illustrated print edition of AN ILL WIND BLOWS features odd and vivid artwork by the author. The unique adventure depicts one night when an ordinary person lacking confidence must battle a wicked wind. The stakes are high as she, along with friends and foes, travels through a magical storm world that culminates in a ghost town populated by more than just spirits. This is a story that keeps delivering action and fun throughout. It is more than a single tale in a single genre. The book blends Humor, Horror, and Fantasy.From the time the characters are sucked into the storm, the reader is transported with them on a strange chaotic trek. Meezly finds herself tangled in a web of chills and intrigue as she attempts to search for a mysterious gem called The Cursed Eye, which her missing father entrusted her to safeguard. The stone was used by a Sumerian king to transform an evil jinn from a wind spirit to a vainglorious force.This fable is as imaginative and unconventional in style as it is in plot. A vulnerable individual struggling to overcome debilitating losses, Meezly stumbles through a gauntlet of thirteen macabre tribulations down a forest highway. Twists and madness abound during her eclectic hectic journey of the soul. It is a lighthearted yet touching trek that readers will want to take again. Facing fears and the power of friendship are important themes. Chapters alternate from First Person to multiple Third Person perspectives. The supporting characters, a mixed and quirky bunch of allies or villains, each have their own insightful stories.WINNER of the Vicious Spirits Novel Writing Month Book Contest 2011; received HONORABLE MENTION in Young Adult from the 2013 Halloween Book Festival.

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Lori R. Lopez is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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