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Sanctum (2012)

door Sarah Fine

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3362380,143 (3.69)Geen
"My plan: Get into the city. Get Nadia. Find a way out. Simple."A week ago, seventeen-year-old Lela Santos's best friend, Nadia, killed herself. Today, thanks to a farewell ritual gone awry, Lela is standing in paradise, looking upon a vast gated city in the distance--hell. No one willingly walks through the Suicide Gates, into a place smothered in darkness and infested with depraved creatures. But Lela isn't just anyone--she's determined to save her best friend's soul, even if it means sacrificing her eternal afterlife.As Lela struggles to find Nadia, she's captured by the Guards, enormous, not-quite-human creatures that patrol the dark city's endless streets. Their all-too human leader, Malachi, is unlike them in every way except one: his deadly efficiency. When he meets Lela, Malachi forms his own plan: get her out of the city, even if it means she must leave Nadia behind. Malachi knows something Lela doesn't--the dark city isn't the worst place Lela could end up, and he will stop at nothing to keep her from that fate.Sanctum is Sarah Fine's first novel.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorkatri_kr, NovaRen47, Rellwood_74, michelleHaigh
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1-5 van 22 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Very looking forward to start the next one :) ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
Very looking forward to start the next one :) ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
Look I hated this book. Not because it was bad, it wasn't. It was one of the most intricate and imaginative plots I've ever read. Not because I didn't finish it, because I flew through the pages. But - it was just straight up depressing. Kind of like If I Stay by Gayle Forman - great but just makes you feel too sad.

Sarah Fine is an amazing writer. The quality of writing is incredible. But I can't read anymore of this series. I'm easily depressed as it is - I try not to make it worse if I don't have to.

If you're not easily triggered give this a shot. And if you are - then read her other stuff. Start with Reliquary for instance. Just as incredible - but happy. ( )
  funstm | Jun 15, 2023 |
Really interesting premise, with a promising beginning. Unfortunately, the plot is overwhelmed by an unconvincing insta-love story. The writing is technically good and I only noticed one editing dealie (flare instead of flair, as in for the dramatic). Lela is a great main character who is neither too perfect nor annoyingly self-absorbed. Sometimes, her fighting ability struck me as a little too much, especially for a 17 year-old with zero formal training, but okay, I'll let it pass. I did like her character arc, especially towards the end, where her desire to help Nadia is shown in a different light. I wasn't in love with the ending though. It didn't seem to fit with the mechanics of the world the characters lived in and struck me as a bit deus ex machina.

As ever, I'm not really a fan of using rape as a character developer and while it wasn't used insultingly in this story, I don't know that it was a valuable addition. Lela's mistrust of people and dislike of being touched could have been explained by something else (like I don't know, growing up in less-than-stellar foster homes, and being naturally inclined to solitude) and later, felt like a way to show just how awesome Malachi is. Malachi is totally swoonable, though.

Overall, I liked it enough to want to read the next book. ( )
  wonderlande | Jan 1, 2023 |
Rating: 4.5/5

The mother of all sweet tension... I loved it! ( )
  Ash600 | Mar 19, 2021 |
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On my first day at Warwick High School, if you'd told me I would go to hell for any of the students, let alone Warwick's queen bee, I would have laughed.
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"My plan: Get into the city. Get Nadia. Find a way out. Simple."A week ago, seventeen-year-old Lela Santos's best friend, Nadia, killed herself. Today, thanks to a farewell ritual gone awry, Lela is standing in paradise, looking upon a vast gated city in the distance--hell. No one willingly walks through the Suicide Gates, into a place smothered in darkness and infested with depraved creatures. But Lela isn't just anyone--she's determined to save her best friend's soul, even if it means sacrificing her eternal afterlife.As Lela struggles to find Nadia, she's captured by the Guards, enormous, not-quite-human creatures that patrol the dark city's endless streets. Their all-too human leader, Malachi, is unlike them in every way except one: his deadly efficiency. When he meets Lela, Malachi forms his own plan: get her out of the city, even if it means she must leave Nadia behind. Malachi knows something Lela doesn't--the dark city isn't the worst place Lela could end up, and he will stop at nothing to keep her from that fate.Sanctum is Sarah Fine's first novel.

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Sarah Fine is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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Gemiddelde: (3.69)
1 5
2 8
2.5 3
3 19
3.5 1
4 28
4.5 3
5 25


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